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Anupama 10th February 2024 Written Episode Update: Emotional Reunion and Decisions.

Anupama 10th February 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

As Anupama cleans the glass wall with the wiper, she imagines Anuj standing. She gets emotional and cries, then imagines her mother there, hugging her and saying she missed her a lot. Her mother tells her that I came because you missed me and that life is full of ups and downs.

Her mother asks Anupama not to disrespect the gift of Kanha ji’s life. Anupama says she doesn’t want such a life. She says I ran from relations and came here, and then all the relations came before me. Despite running from Anuj, life brought her there. You told me I should chase my dream of America, she says, asking her to see where she is. She says she’s angry with herself for listening to Devika and coming here.

She says her Choti hates me very much, and Anuj wants to meet me. Her mother asks if you didn’t feel happy seeing Anuj. Anupama replied that I felt pleased, as all of my happiness was thanks to him. She explains that everything is complicated, so she doesn’t want to meet him. She says she has to meet him to end everything so he can move on with Shruti, and Choti stays happy with Shruti and Anuj.

Her mother asks if she wants this. Anupama says she wants Choti and Anuj to be happy, but their happiness lies with Shruti and not with me because I am their past and caused them a lot of pain. She states that Anuj and Choti are happy with Shruti and that Toshu, Kinjal and Pari will all be happy together. It is best for me to be alone; I do not want support and love from anyone.

Aadhya tells her she will feel suffocated if she doesn’t open one of her heart windows, saying life doesn’t work on conditions. She comes home and tells her it’s her birthday party. Aadhya hugs her and asks her to cut the cake. Shruti says they will cut it together. They cut the cake. Aadhya says this will be your last cake, as next year will be of Mrs. Shruti Anuj Kapadia.

Her excitement over opening the dance academy again after so many years is contagious. She cleans and decorates the place, but she tries to break a coconut that falls on Titu’s hands. He says Kavya told me about your new start, so I came to wish you luck. He asks Dimpy if she wants me to break the coconut. She nods her head, and he breaks the coconut. Her tears flow. He gives her a nameplate with Dimpy’s dance academy written on it.

Shruti makes Anuj taste the cake. Aadhya asks Anuj about it. Anuj says the first cake should be eaten after being cut. Shruti gives him a gift and says he will be with Shruti all day tomorrow. Anuj says he just joked and told Shruti that it would be an all-day date if we stayed together all day. He wonders how he will be able to meet Anupama after Shruti spoiled the surprise.

He hangs Dimpy’s nameplate with him. Titu assures Dimpy that he won’t enter and won’t cause her any further trouble since he knows she doesn’t need him. He turns to leave. She shouts Titu. Titu comes back. She thanks him for motivating and encouraging him to take this step. Titu asks her to do something and says she has talent as well. He says best wishes.

Anupama is enjoying tea at the restaurant when Yashdeep arrives. He asks her to sit and drink tea and tells her that you have to drink coffee with restlessness. Anupama asks if I’m doing it right. Yashdeep asked how I could comment on two people’s decisions. Anupama says my mind tells me I am doing right, but my heart worries that it might go wrong, as meeting him will not be easy. However, as you said, speaking to end this issue is crucial.


Anuj tells Shruti about a meeting. Shruti asks him to go. Anuj comes to a restaurant to meet Anupama.

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