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Anupama 14th March 2023 Written Episode Update

Anupama written update

Anuj and Anupama are in the kitchen preparing for Little Anu’s visits.  Anuj remembers Anupama letting Little Anu go and is visibly upset with the thought.  Anupama tries to convince Anuj that everything will be okay.

Ankush and Barkha are also helping with preparations. Barkha asks Anupama what if Maaya bargains and offers to stay here if they want Little Anu to stay.  Anupama replies she will agree and let Maaya stay. She will do anything for Anuj and Little Anupama’s happiness.

Anuj tells Ankush that Anupama is trying her best but he does not trust Maaya a bit.  He wished there was another option.  Ankush says if there was they would have definitely tried.  He talked to some top lawyers and everyone says that the child will stay with the biological mother.

Anupama tells Anuj that Little Anu called and mentioned that she wants to meet everyone when she comes.  Anuj replies that she had promised that she would convince Little Anu to stay back so then Little Anu can meet everyone after that.  Anupama says Little Anu said she wanted everyone when she came so Anuj asks her to call everyone.

The entire Shah and Kapadia family are eagerly waiting for Little Anu.  Samar asks Dimple if Anuj and Anupama’s fight is resolved.  She replies that they are talking to each other.  Anuj tries calling Maaya but her phone is switched off.  Vanraj wonders if it is her game plan to switch off the phone and just disappear.  Anuj wants to go to the airport to check out but everyone convinces him not to go.  He is adamant and just then Little Anu runs into the house.  Everyone is happy to see her.  Anuj and Anupama run towards her to hug her.  The three of them meeting is an emotional moment.

Maaya walks in and Anuj and everyone give her an angry look.  Anuj carries Little Anu and walks behind as if he is trying to keep her away from Maaya.  Anupama realizes that she has to handle the situation.  Maaya tells Anupama that she could not disrespect a mother’s request.

Little Anu tells everyone that she wanted to meet all of them before she left with Maaya.  She tells Hasmukh to take his medicines on time.  Leela not to get angry too often.  She also asks her if she can kiss Pari and tells Pari not to forget her.  And she will miss Kavya’s chocolate milkshake. 

Kavya takes Little Anu to show her the gifts they have bought for her.

Anuj asks Maaya why did she do this.  Why did she have to bring Little Anu into the picture?  He pleads with her not to take Little Anu away.

Maaya says she is not taking his daughter but is taking her daughter away.  She had a deal with Anupama that within 15 days if Little Anu wants to come with her Anupama will not stop her.  Barkha says she must have threatened Little Anu,

Hasmukh insists that a child requires family and urges Maaya to let Little Anu stay with Anuj, Anupama, Barkha and others. Pakhi asks Maaya why she left her daughter in an orphanage if she desired her return; it is Anupama who showed genuine motherly worry for Little Anu. Anuj argues that although keeping Little Anu in an orphanage may have been unavoidable, what she is doing presently is wrong. He tells Maaya that if she desires, she can stay here but should not take their daughter away. Maaya retorts saying he had consented to allow her to remain at his home for a month but refrained from talking when Anupama mooted the idea of expelling her and gave her only 1 day to stay. The Shahs once again implore Maaya not to take Little Anu away; yet, she refuses to listen to any emotional blackmail or modify her decision.

Anupama pleads with Maaya, stressing that she doesn’t intend to accuse her of anything. Maaya then accuses Anupama of never treating Little Anu like her daughter, implying that her other kids were always prioritized over Little Anu. She brings up the fifteen days leading up to their conversation during which Anupama had scarcely spent any time with her daughter even though a decision was required on the child’s living arrangements. In response, Anupama argues that Toshu needed her attention and thus she was helpless in this situation. Maaya then questions why Pakhi would taunt her for leaving Little Anu at an orphanage if it had been out of helplessness. Maaya concludes by accusing Anupama of not being able to do justice to her daughter.  Maaya puts the blame on Anupama for everything that has happened making her a bad mother. 


Anuj and Anupama bid Little Anu farewell and sent her off with Maaya.

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