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Faltu 26th May 2023 Written Update Faltu proves Aayan’s innocence

The episode continues as Kanika expresses her frustration towards Faltu regarding Ruhaan and Shanaya. She informs Faltu and the family that she and Tanu will be going to London after the auction, offering thanks and apologies if they made any mistakes. Dadi responds by saying that it’s good they won’t have to see their faces anymore. Faltu reveals that Ruhaan has already acquired the business and that he is taking care of Shanaya.

Back at home, everyone is worried about Ayaan’s situation. Janardhan informs them that they are trying their best to gather the evidence before the hearing. Faltu assures them that they are putting in their utmost effort. Savita, Ayaan’s mother, expresses her longing for her son’s return. Tanu, who has been observing the scene, feels a pang of guilt. Later, Harsh, a family member, suggests that once Ayaan is released, they should consider moving away from their current location. Kinshuk agrees, and Harsh mentions Suhana’s exam results, to which she reveals that she failed in two subjects due to the tension surrounding Ayaan’s situation. Tanu witnesses this and feels remorseful. The family disperses, and Tanu stops Faltu, offering her help and emphasizing that everyone has high hopes for her. Faltu asserts her determination to find the proof on her own. Unbeknownst to them, Sid overhears their conversation and ponders the whereabouts of the hidden papers.

In a separate scene, a group of men notices a parked car and proceeds to steal it. The next morning, Dadi laments the lack of evidence to save Ayaan, and Savita wonders how long he will have to stay in jail. Determined, they all decide to visit Ayaan. Faltu lights a diya (lamp) and prays for Ayaan’s well-being. Sid urges Tanu to hurry as they are running late. Kanika questions Tanu about Faltu’s knowledge of the files, warning her to prevent Faltu from accessing them. Tanu reassures Kanika that the files are safe and out of Faltu’s reach. However, Tanu receives a call, and the person on the other end informs her that the car has been stolen. Tanu becomes agitated, and Kanika is left in shock.

The family arrives at the court for Ayaan’s hearing. Ayaan’s lawyer, Ram, presents his defence, while Tanu’s lawyer tries to discredit Ayaan. Ram makes a request to the judge, asking for a brief recess outside the courtroom to present evidence that could prove Ayaan’s innocence. The judge agrees, and they all step outside. Ram’s car arrives, and Faltu hands over the files to him, causing worry for Kanika and Tanu. Ram reveals that Ayaan’s signatures were forged, supported by the report from a signature expert. Tanu defends herself, stating that she had sent Brij to the village, as he is loyal and wouldn’t betray them. Confused, the judge questions the purpose of this drama. Ram proceeds to unveil the evidence, including the car, which is registered under Kanika’s father-in-law’s name, proving her involvement. He urges the judge not to spare Kanika and Tanisha (Tanu). Sid, witnessing the unfolding events, realizes that it’s checkmate for Tanu and that her mother will face fraud charges, preventing her from leaving Mumbai. Faltu and Ayaan share a smile, relieved by the turn of events. They all return to the courtroom.

The judge declares Ayaan innocent, emphasizing that someone had forged his signatures and attempted to frame him in the fraud case. The court orders the police to find the real culprit while freeing Ayaan. A wave of relief washes over Ayaan and his family as they hear the verdict. Faltu expresses her gratitude to Matarani (divine mother) for helping them through this ordeal.


Faltu brings Ayaan back home, where they are warmly welcomed by Savita. Ayaan embraces his mother, relieved to be back with his family. Just then, Shanaya appears and asks why everyone looks worried. She reassures them that she will stay with them for a few days.


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