Jagriti 15th November 2024 Written Episode Update: Amol’s Sinister Plot and Jaggu’s Devotion


Jagriti 15th November 2024 Written Episode Update on worldofentertainment.in

The episode begins with Jaggu preparing for the battleground. Ballu questions Durjan about his silence and reminds him of their identities as Chitta, saying that their God and Goddess may be displeased with them. Durjan responds that it’s a matter of belief and devotion for her, and she may have sought Harish’s consent before undertaking this task. Bindi interjects, stating that she will not allow it to happen. She points out that the young girl cannot possibly observe a four-day fast for a mother who has put everyone’s lives in danger.

Amol reveals that his respect is at stake and displays his anklet. In a worried state, Harish visits Amol’s house, anticipating Jaggu’s arrival. He silently prays for her well-being. Without hesitation, Amol places the anklet on Gita’s foot, stating that although she could not be his wife, he will bid her farewell as his spouse, and their illicit relationship will remain intact—curious, Harish attempts to peek inside.

Bindi informs Jaggu that she has no intention of observing the fast, causing her to spill scalding water on herself accidentally. Seeing this, Jaggu quickly rushes to alleviate the pain by pouring cold water on her hand. Meanwhile, Amol announces to Gita that it is time for them to bid farewell, and he will take care of it personally. While cutting the oxygen pipe, Harish notices Amol’s presence and hopes for Gita’s speedy recovery. Confused by Amol’s actions, Jaggu asks him what he is doing there. Trying to look out for her friend’s well-being, Bindi advises her not to participate in the fast. At the same time, Jaggu recalls how she taught him the importance of selflessness and fasting for others, stating that she is also observing the fast for her mother’s well-being.

Amol states that he is simply inspecting the machine. Sapna approaches Gita and gently kisses her forehead, assuring her that she may be experiencing discomfort, but she has someone by her side. She mentions how she used to give Gita a hard time but now misses her. Amol assures them both that Gita will feel better if she rests, leading Sapna away from the area. As Harish enters, he wonders about Amol’s actions of cutting the pipe and what it could be for. Upon further examination, he notices the pipe is damaged, and Gita struggles to breathe. It dawns on him that Amol intended to harm Gita, and he questions the motives behind such an act.

Nanda explains to Jaggu that Bindi has always been there for her, even though she is not her biological mother. She reminds Jaggu that the woman who abandoned her is her birth mother. Kachori then hands Jaggu some leaves and asks her to grind them and apply them to Bindi Mausi’s hand. Jaggu follows the instructions and gently applies the leaves to Bindi’s hand. Bindi expresses her gratitude for everything she has learned from Jaggu and reassures her of her unwavering love. She also remembers how Jaggu taught her about her celestial mother and asks for a blessing to complete the fast. Overwhelmed with emotion, Bindi offers her heartfelt blessings to Jaggu.

Amol gently tells Sapna to hold back her tears as the nurse approaches with a lamb. He scolds the nurse for neglecting Sapna and reminds her that he had explicitly relieved her of Gita’s care so she could attend to Sapna. He expresses concern that if Sapna goes near Gita, she might catch an infection, and he doesn’t want her exposed to Gita’s current condition. The nurse informs Amol that the lamb has wandered off. Amol then sends Sapna with the nurse, reassuring her that he will care for Gita personally.

Tears welled in Harish’s eyes as one fell onto her cheek. He couldn’t shake the thought that her husband had violent intentions towards her. Suddenly, he heard Amol approaching and quickly took cover behind the curtain. Amol apologized for interrupting and inquired about her tears. As Amol bid farewell and reached for the wire, Harish was taken aback.

Kachori inquires about Jaggu’s meal choice, mentioning that she has prepared lauki but not dal bhaat. However, Jaggu declines and says she only eats sabzi to observe her fast. She emphasizes the importance of purity, cleanliness, and hygiene, not just for food but also for the heart. She also adds that they should consume grain they have personally dried and washed. Golu interjects, insisting that he won’t let Jaggu complete her fast. In response, Jaggu turns to Kachori and asks who will care for her. Without hesitation, Kachori replies with Sapna’s name.

According to Jaggu, she neglects self-care, and I express concern for my mother’s well-being. Kachori assures that Jhumri will provide the same level of care shown to her on a previous occasion. Amol then detaches the wire and prays for your soul to find peace, now that the case and witness are no longer present. Suddenly, Jhumri, like a bit of lamb, arrives and runs towards us, accidentally getting tangled in the oxygen pipe.

According to Sapna, you are causing harm to my mother. Upon arriving, the nurse suggested expressing our gratitude towards the lamb, as it helped us find the cut wire. Amol then requests her help fixing it. The nurse proceeds to assist Gita with wearing the oxygen pipe. Harish then departs from the scene. Suspecting an intruder, Amol calls for security. Meanwhile, Harish conceals himself. Amol suspects that Chitta may have been present at the scene. Meanwhile, Sapna is determined not to leave her mother unattended.

Jaggu requests Kachori to fetch some water in the Ganga jal pot, while reminding her to be mindful of any insects. Kachori follows through and heads off. Later, Harish arrives at the Ram temple with a promise to protect Gita from harm. As Kachori returns the water, she assures us that not a single drop of Ganga jal will spill. However, Golu intervenes under the pretence of helping and slyly adds a frog into the pot, tainting the purity of the puja.

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