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Jagriti Written 16th September 2024 Episode Update: The Struggles of the Chitta Community in Mokshgarh, Jharkhand


Jagriti 16th September 2024 Written Episode Update on

The Voiceover reveals that before India’s independence, there was a group known for their Guerrilla War tactics that had the British quaking in their boots. This community, the Chitta Community, has a proud history that has long been kept hidden. The brave warriors of this community fought alongside the Marathas against their enemies. However, the British were so intimidated by them that they labelled them as “born criminals” to maintain control. It was a common occurrence for the police record to be created before the birth certificate for newborns from this community. Despite the dismissal of British laws after independence, society’s perception of this community remained unchanged.

It was their religion rather than their profession, and they were prohibited by law, and their religion was taken from them. Their profession was forbidden, and their lives became more difficult. The Chitta community, he says, has accepted that they are born criminals and live with the black spot of being born criminals.

The village is shown. Bindi asks Harish why he brought small birds when he could have brought Teetar bater, which would have been cooked. Harish says the bird is international, and Datta will get a good price. As Datta is shown, he thanks Ballu for bringing the tiger skin and asks him to keep it safe. Harish brings the birds there. Datta laughs at Ballu and says he doesn’t know how much money bhaiyya ji will give us.

Datta tells them that they are sarkar. Rakha says if we sell it ourselves, then we will get much money. Datta tells us that we are getting less money because of the sarkar, but we are protected by them. He says the sarkar are on the lookout for these birds. Harish laughs at Ballu and calls him Chidi maar. He asks him not to be egoistic and says, “I have hunted deer and tiger, and I have given them to Datta.”

In response to Ballu’s question, Gita has fled holding someone’s hand, and Harish asks him not to mention her name. Datta asks them to stop fighting and says the two of you are paternal cousins. Harish gets sad and leaves. As he recalls, Gita took a photo with him and then told him she had to catch the bus. He says, “I have to talk to my parents, and our baby is about to be born, and my parents have to agree.” Facebook ends.

Gita is in the car and asks the driver to take her to Mokshgarh. He stops the car and says I don’t know what is your helplessness that you are coming here, but nobody dares to visit Chitta community, you must walk to it three kilometers away. Gita pays his money and says I dare to go there. She says don’t worry shona, I won’t let anything happen to you, your mother is a fighter, and you will be too. I’ll unite you with your father, she says.

After breaking Gita’s photo frame, her father turns to his wife and inquires about how Gita escaped. Her mother explains that she was feeling agitated so they took her to the hospital, but she is not aware of exactly how she fled. Expressing her concern, she adds that anything could have happened to her. Her father chimes in, suggesting that perhaps she went to see this Chitta person and remarks that it is true what they say about love being blind, selfish and troublesome. He continues by criticizing Gita for only caring about herself and not them as a family. His wife suggests calling their friend Kalikant, who has connections in Chitta Basti and happens to be the son of their close friend. She refers to him as the “bhagya vidhata” or destiny maker of the area.

Kalikant, a wealthy businessman and ruler, introduces himself and shares his view on the importance of Chittas in his empire. However, his thoughts are interrupted by his servant, who informs him that Avdesh Solanki wishes to speak with him. Kalikant answers the call and greets Solanki, questioning his sudden request for contact. Solanki explains that he is in a difficult situation because of Kalikant’s village. In a worried tone, he reveals that his pregnant daughter is carrying a Chitta – a Kalikant community member. Hearing this, Kalikant becomes enraged and warns Solanki of the potential consequences if their reputations are tarnished. He offers to handle the situation himself and sets off with a gun in hand.

Bindi and Harish tell him to forget about Gita. Just then, Bindi sees Gita coming and asks Harish to speak. Harish looks at her. He runs towards her. Gita is running and coming there. Harish holds her and says, “Our baby, ” as she is about to fall.” Gita accepts. Upon hearing that Harish was restless without her, Mangla tells Gita that she can’t leave now and that their marriage will be done.

Gita informs Harish that her father had held her captive and recalls witnessing his angry behaviour when she revealed the truth to him. She admits that he had wanted their baby to be aborted, but the doctor found a complication in her pregnancy that prevented it. Harish suggests leaving the Chitta community to protect their child from its negative influence. Gita expresses the need for a change in mindset among the community’s people and believes their child will help achieve this. As they agree, Harish places an anklet on Gita’s foot only to hear a sudden gunshot, causing them both to turn around.

Datta asks Kaliant if he has forgotten his value, and says the dog tried to snatch the roti from him. Sarkar asks why you’re angry, Sarkar. Kaliant orders his men to search every hut for Harish. Mangla and others are shocked. His men enter houses and break things and beat up people. Harish’s anklet falls from his hand when the men take him out. Gita emerges and asks them to leave.

Upon observing her stomach, Kalikant immediately points out to Datta that Harish has committed a grave wrongdoing. He proceeds to ask if Datta is aware of the identity of the girl. To this, Datta responds that she is Harish’s future wife. Displeased, Kalikant urges him to remain silent and criticizes the fact that they have defiled Mohan bhog, which is meant for God. He then identifies the girl as the daughter of a prominent Delhi builder and his dear friend, accusing them of kidnapping her. However, Datta refutes this by stating that Gita is an orphan whom Harish had discovered in a river. Furthermore, she herself had disclosed her orphan status.

According to Gita, the Chitta community will face consequences because of my dishonesty. Harish is attacked by Kalikant’s men, prompting him to rescue Gita from the scene. In the midst of chaos, Gita calls out for Harish and he attempts to stop Kalikant from harming her. However, Kalikant retaliates by assaulting him for showing interest in Gita. Witnessing this, Datta intervenes and reminds Kalikant that innocent people should not suffer for one person’s mistake. he urges him to spare Harish and emphasizes their loyalty towards him. Taking matters into his own hands, Harish grabs a bike and tells Gita to join him. As they flee, Harish pushes Kalikant away and escapes with Gita.

Seeing his nephew gone, Kalikant continues to shoot at the bike. Harish’s bike gets punctured, and he stops the bike. He asks Gita if she trusts him. She answers yes. He jumps in the valley holding her, and walks through the jungle. Datta tells Kalikant he will catch them and will surrender to him. Kalikant says the Chitta community will disappear if I don’t find them.

As Gita becomes tired, she prays to Ram ji. She tells Harish that she wants to bring jagriti to the Chitta community, but we have to leave. Harish says we will raise our child wonderfully. She says our child will change the community. She feels labor pains. A hut is seen by him and he takes her.

In response to Avdesh Solanki’s question, Kalikant tells him that Gita fled like she fled from your sight. Harish helps Gita deliver the baby. He says she is alive because she is your daughter and if she were mine, she would have died. As he holds the baby in her hands, he asks Gita to go see Jagriti, their daughter.


Datta’s wife asks him why he sent Jagriti to the jungle for hunting. He praises her.

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