Jhanak 12th May 2024 Written Episode Update: Anirudh Stands by Jhanak

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Jhanak 12th May 2024 Episode Update on worldofentertainment.in

Appu says not to say shameless to Jhanak; you are all shameless. Shubh and Bablu argue. Bablu defends Jhanak. Appu says Anirudh is applying medicine to Jhanak’s foot, and they are creating a scene. She tells Jhanak not to worry, and her pain will disappear. She gives tea to Bablu and Choton. Anirudh asks when I refused, I also want it, please give it to me. Tanuja asks why you tied the bandage in her room at night.

Anirudh says I got her home, isn’t it not my responsibility? I avoided applying medicine in the morning. Nobody would have done it if I hadn’t. Jhanak doesn’t remember it, and if something happens to her, we are responsible, I asked her to come with me to take the injection, I have to answer everyone here. Jhanak is told to prepare.

Bipasha says I can’t tolerate it anymore, and if Arshi finds out, she will break up with him. I am going at 10 am. I didn’t ask him to come to my room, he came by his wish and did the aid, so I have to do what he says, I cannot refuse his orders. Shubh says oh really, tell me what all you can’t refuse. Everyone is shocked.

Jhanak says insult me because I got habitual; at least don’t insult your son; Sir Ji deserves it. Shubh says stop the nonsense; you are….. Jhanak says enough. You are saying such a cheap thing. You are a big man, successful. You want to insult me. Why are you insulting your son? Anirudh says to relax, that my intention was not wrong, and that I’m okay with that. Bipasha says fine. Tell Arshi what happened.

She calls me and gives me information about her meetings, why should I clarify, I just treated a family member, he asks. As Bipasha asks, when did Jhanak become a family member? Anirudh says she’ll be a member of this family until she’s here and will still be part of it when she leaves. Bipasha says she’s just a maid. His statement is that I brought her here as a guest, you made her a maid, I won’t accept dad’s decisions now, I’ll do it my way.

He reassures Dadi that Jhanak can go to the kitchen, regardless of what Bipasha or anyone else may say. Dadi responds by advising him not to concern himself with such matters. He acknowledges this but expresses his worry about potentially incorrect decisions being made and Jhanak being humiliated. Bipasha comments on his apparent change in attitude towards Jhanak overnight, suggesting that he has developed feelings for her despite being engaged to Arshi. Jhanak interjects, asking them to stop their indecent discussions. Tanuja remarks that their reputation is at stake due to these accusations. Bipasha threatens to inform Arshi about the situation and send her a photo as proof, questioning his loyalty towards her. He reacts by asking for clarification on her statement.

She says you are prepared to deceive Arshi for a cheap and repulsive female. Jhanak queries, “What can I do to earn your respect?” Says Bipasha, “Jhanak, shut up.” Jhanak adds, “Since I’ve come here, I’m tolerating your attitude; you can tolerate some of mine.” Choton declares it incredible. You’re right, Jhanak—Bipasha has made me say this. Dadi puts an end to him. Does it make sense for a girl to be with a guy who is getting married in two days? She asks Jhanak. Jhanak states that he didn’t call him and came at his initiative. He says everyone is free to think as they please; it doesn’t matter what they believe. He claims that I was hurt and that you don’t want to know about me. I had a high fever, and Sir Ji came to my room. He claimed that I could have died if the infection spread and that a police case could be made against you all. You are showing him to be a fool by doing what he did, though.

I should have talked to you, Babu says. Anjana and Choton were the only ones who knew about my wound, Jhanak says. Tanuja asks what you are saying. Bipasha says she always does drama and confuses everyone. One day, she will ruin the life of her sister. She feels I should not attend the marriage of Anirudh and Arshi.

Tanuja asks what’s wrong, and he says I don’t want to fix my mistakes. He says it’s alright, I’ll talk to Arshi. Bipasha says go to hell. Bipasha leaves. Anirudh asks Jhanak to serve breakfast and then come to take the injection. Jhanak says I’ll go alone. He says I’ll bring you with me, and everyone will have another chance.

Shubh says I can’t believe this. Anirudh says you don’t know me, don’t believe those who keep thinking about me, I and Jhanak don’t deserve this, he says. Choton says I will also come along, let them believe and do what they want, let you do your work, get ready.

Bipasha lost, Anirudh and Jhanak won, and Appu says I had fun. Shubh and Tanuja scold Appu. Bipasha calls Arshi. Arshi says I’m coming to your house. Bipasha tells her everything. Arshi is shocked. Bipasha says we caught him red-handed. Lal and I broke their moment. She says yes, he was applying medicine to her foot. Arshi asks if this is true.

Bipasha replies, why would I lie? Anirudh does not know Jhanak is trapping him, and I know you want to cancel the marriage. Mom’s right. I chose Anirudh and made a mistake. There’s still time, and the marriage hasn’t taken place. A doctor sees Anirudh and Jhanak. Jhanak says she is afraid of injections. She gets scared.

As Anirudh says, you didn’t want to come. Jhanak explains that Mum used to give me chocolates and food. He says I’ve come along and there’s nothing bad that will happen to you, you’ll give exams in a few days, then you’ll go to Mumbai. When you talk about leaving, he gets sad and thinks my heart gets sad. I don’t know why, but it’s the truth. He says you won’t stop me now, and you’ll let me go happily, right?


Arshi angrily breaks the marriage. Shrishti arrives. Arshi tells her everything. Shrishti says to file a police complaint against Anirudh.

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