Mangal Lakshmi 17th April 2024 Written Episode Update: Jiya Calls Off Engagement

Mangal Lakshmi

Mangal Lakshmi 17th April 2024 Written Episode Update on

Gayatri greets Karthik’s friends, expressing regret for not being able to invite more people. Karthik asked if anyone else was asked, to which she explained that there wasn’t enough time due to the last-minute arrangements. However, he notices that Kusum and her family are missing as well. Gayatri assured him they would arrive soon and offered to call them. Karthik also mentions Jiya’s absence, but Prema intervenes and informs him that she is getting ready and will be here shortly. Sanjana observes Karthik’s excitement, and he expresses his happiness about the engagement.

As Adit arrives home, he notices Karthik’s picture with Jiya and remarks that Karthik is marrying the girl of his choice. He then compares Jiya’s modern and educated demeanor and his marriage to an uneducated partner. Later, as Karthik turns off the lights, he confronts Jiya about her lack of communication. He soon turns back on the lights and surprises her by sprinkling petals, only to discover that she is dressed in her nightwear. This discovery shocks Karthik, causing Sanjana to question why Jiya is in such attire. Puzzled by the situation, Karthik asks what this means, while Gayatri points out that he didn’t even bother to dress up. In response, Jiya claims she is ready as Prema joins in questioning the strange ambiance.

Gayatri says we need to do the engagement. You can change. Jiya says I’ve changed. Karthik says she’s always playing a prank. Not today, get ready. Sanjana says he is so excited to see you. Karthik says Jiya, get ready. She says Karthik, I’m not joking. The room is stunned. She says this isn’t a prank. I’ll be the same way. I don’t want to marry you. She says she won’t get engaged. Karthik says at least talk to me. Come with me. He takes her upstairs.

In response to Kartik’s question, Jiya says, “Have I done anything?” I talked to Maa and agreed to the engagement today. But what happened to you? We didn’t even get to invite everyone. Please don’t make fun of me today. She says you always say I asked you to marry me, propose to me, talk to your mom, and get engaged soon. You didn’t do anything. You’re marrying me only because I’m after you. I’m not you. He says you’re getting me wrong.

She says you make me feel like your work and your mom are only important to you. I am nothing. I must force you to do things for me because I am no one. Karthik says I love you. She says then choose between music or your mom for me. He asks what’s going on. She asks if you’ll leave either of them. She says I can’t leave either of them. I’m nothing to you. Prema slaps Jiya.

Adit asks Kusum if she knows Gayat… She says nobody will talk about Gayatri. I asked why she didn’t tell me what happened. Kusum says it’s her life. In her house, she can do whatever she wants. She says I’m going to sleep. Adit says I don’t understand.

Prema informs me that you are canceling your engagement with Karthik. What is the reason for this? Jiya explains that although it may be late, she has realized that their priorities differ. For Karthik, his mother holds the utmost importance, and he will always be in her shadow. This could create challenges in our marriage if her presence looms over us constantly. However, Karthik insists on not comparing his mother to anyone else, as she is his love, just like I am. But I cannot ignore our differences – you love me but disagree with my mindset, and we lead very different lives. Your customs and traditions hold significance to you, but they do not have the same weight for me.

I have always been like this, Karthik says. Why can’t you accept me today? We are different, but we love each other. I don’t care about you being modern. Sanjana asks who said anything to you? Karthik asks who provoked you? Who made you question our love? She says there was never any love. I don’t want to say anything. I had to make the right decision.

As Gayatri says, you can’t even stand next to my son. I said yes to someone like you because it is for his happiness. A girl like you who keeps changing her decision can’t be with my son. Prema says don’t say hat. You know why Jiya changed her mind. Karthik asks maa? Is there something? Prem says no one told you anything? Your Kusum mausi started this fire. Karthik is shocked. Prema says she set it up.

Prema says you don’t know anything. She says your Kusum mausi humiliated us so much. She insulted Jiya so much. Karthik says Mausi can’t do that. Prema tells you to ask your mom. She knew everything. We told her everything, so she agreed to do the engagement today. We decided not to tell you anything, so your mom didn’t come. She knew what your sister did. Prema said your mom agreed to do the engagement because she knew what her sister did.

Sanjana reminds Prema that she could have been truthful with Karthik but intended to protect her sister. Prema explains that she was unaware of how deeply Jjiya was affected by her words and believed that Jjiya dismissed them. However, Karthik interrupts and addresses Jjiya, who confidently declares that no one can hurt her. She reflects on whether she could spend her entire life with Karthik, and decides against it. A shocked Karthik pleads for her to listen to him, insisting he does not know the situation. But Jiya is firm in her decision and requests for him to let go of her hand. With tears in his eyes, Karthik sits down in defeat.

He asks Gayatri if she knew Mausi had gone there. Gayatri says yes. Mangal worries about Kusum, saying I’ve never seen her like this. They’ve always been together. Kusum won’t even eat. My heart is shattered. I cannot imagine ever cutting you off again. Lakshmi says we will always be together. Mausi says I tried to talk to Gayatri. Both of them are hurt.

Kartik sits silently, looking at his pictures with Jiya. He tries to call her, but she doesn’t pick up. Gayatri looks at him. She asks where he is going. He says to meet Jiya. Gayatri says she won’t. Karthik hugs her and cries. Lakshmi says, “Save their relationship.” Mangal says we will pray in the temple for a resolution.

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