Mangal Lakshmi 19th June 2024 Written Update: Mangal’s National Bravery Award and Family Drama

Mangal Lakshmi 19th June 2024 Written Episode Update on

When the police arrive at Mangal’s house, Adit asks if she has done anything. She responds that she has set an excellent example for all women of Delhi. Mangal comes and meets them. They give her a letter. Adit reads it. She is nominated for a national bravery award. She helped women and led by example. Mangal is delighted.

Jiya meets Gayatri. Jiya says if you come here like this, someone will see. Jiya says I got you a special gift. Gayatri opens it. There are divorce papers. Jiya says he knows you’re busy, so he got them ready. Gayatri says this isn’t the right time, so I will change it. Jiya agrees. Just get his divorce done as soon as possible. He needs to hear from me now.

Kusum gives everyone sweets. Somaiya says I’m so happy for you, Mangal. She hugs her. Mangal says thanks. Adit says you must be so proud of your brave wife. People will see you and say, “See Mangal’s husband, Adit.” She will be so famous. Kusum says it’s not a race. Somaiya disagrees.

Because you have given Mangal this confidence, she is so brave. You have trained her so well. Mangal says her mother is always there for me. Adit says, “Don’t kids go to school tomorrow, or are we skipping tomorrow for your drama?” Somaiya says they are just celebrating. Adit says we need to get to work. Let’s go. Somaiya says, “I’ll get a taxi. Don’t worry.” She leaves. Mangal sees her off.

Gayatri looks over the papers and confirms their accuracy, pleased that everything is going according to plan. However, she then rips them up abruptly and expresses her determination to ensure that things will go as she desires. Just then, Lakshmi arrives, and Gayatri scolds her for not knocking before entering. Lakshmi defends herself, saying she did knock and came to invite Gayatri for a meal. Reluctantly, Gayatri agrees to join her later. Lakshmi’s eyes fall on the torn papers, and she inquires about them. Annoyed by her nosiness, Gayatri scolds her for invading her privacy without permission. She reveals that these papers were meant to change her name after the wedding, but there was an error.

Akshad says Mama will have to give a speech on stage. She rehearses. She says, “I can’t do it.” Akshad says, “Hold this mic.” Kusum says, “Just practice.” Mangal is scared. Adit asks what’s going on. Kusum trains her. Everyone claps for her. Adit thinks he can’t work here, and the drama never ends. In anger, he leaves.

In the morning, he sees Mangal’s posters all over his office. The peon says this is the face of woman empowerment. Somaiya says HR put these up to motivate women. Mangal made you so proud. People clap for Mangal. They say they are so proud that she is Adit’s wife. A guy says, “You’re so lucky, Adit. Your wife became a star. We will all take her autograph.” Adit is Mangal Saxena’s husband. Somaiya says yes Mr. Mangal Saxena. Adit is angry.

Karthik informs his manager that he will not engage in any contract or collaboration with Jiya, taking full responsibility for any loss incurred. In frustration, he throws his phone, which Lakshmi catches. Apologizing, Karthik asks if the phone hit her, and she jokingly suggests throwing clothes instead. He explains that he gets easily angered, to which Lakshmi responds by saying she tends to complain when angry but then calms down. She adds that it takes a year to save up for a new phone, while Karthik admires her value for things. Lakshmi also mentions that her sister gave her the first phone she owned.

Adit presents his plan. His boss says you always perform at the highest level. He says the person who helped me equally is Mrs. Mangal Saxena. We all know her. She is so brave, and we are sure she also supports Adit.

The client suggests going to a restaurant to try some Indian cuisine. However, Somaiya informed us that it may not be possible due to the need to book. They express their desire to have an authentic Indian food experience in India. As Mangal picks out her saree, she reaches out to Adit to ask about his outfit choice. Adit then mentions that he knows of a great place for Indian food and assures it will be excellent. When asked for the location, he reveals that it is his wife’s cooking, which Somaiya has enjoyed multiple times. Despite Somaiya’s busy schedule, Adit reassures them she loves cooking and invites everyone to join at 7 pm today, coinciding with Mangal’s event time.

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