Mangal Lakshmi 22nd April 2024 Written Episode Update: Kusum’s Confrontation & Adit’s Apology

Mangal Lakshmi

Mangal Lakshmi 22nd April 2024 Written Episode Update on

Kusum enters Somaiya’s house. Adit hides. Kusum asks why you are so shocked. You didn’t even ask me to come in? Didn’t even ask for water. Should I bring water? She says you don’t ask for it, just bring it. She says no one has taught you those manners. Your house is good. Can I check it out? Somaiya says let me get you some juice or food. Come sit down. She says no, I want to see the house. She comes in. Adit hides behind the door. He is worried. She sneaks out.

As Gayatri visits Karthik, she gives him coffee and says to him, “I promised you I’d find you a nice girl.” She does. He says you saw her, it’s fine. Gayatri says to see her once. He says if you like her, it’s fine with me. I chose the wrong one. She hurt me so much. I have lost faith in the process. The only thing that will happen now is good. Gayatri hugs Karthik and says only good things will happen.

I assumed you would be reckless like girls these days, Kusum says. However, you have a clean home. Thank you, says Somaiya. Come on, let’s sit outside. When she opens the closet, everything falls on top of her. Soomiya finds this shocking. According to Kusum, things aren’t always as they seem. Good things are hidden inside, and mess is put outside. Are you come to see how I maintain my garments, Somaiya asks? On the bed, Karthik notices his picture. He suggests that Somaiya concealed it. Let’s head outdoors to sit, Somaiya says. Kusum turns her head back.

As Mangal fixes the frame, Lakshmi says you fix everything. You keep your relationships as well. Lakshmi says relationships need to be kept together. Lakshmi says don’t they tie you down sometimes? It is her belief that relationships make us happy, but we also need to set some boundaries. It is impossible for us to let people walk over us.

Kusum sees Adit’s photo. She wonders why? Is my son’s photo in your bedroom? She says Adit is my sir. The boss is her guru. She says he inspires me and guides me, he is my guru. Kusum says the guru’s photo is in the temple, not the bedroom. Somaiya asks what do you mean? Kusum says you should understand what I mean. I feel like you came here for other reasons, Somaiya says.

I know girls who are just like you, Kusum says. You remain single long enough to be hitched. And as you age, you ensnare married, well-off men. What do you mean, asks Somaiya? How are you able to doubt my morality? To learn to listen to the truth, advises Kusum. You want to catch Adit because you know he comes from a respectable family, is stable, gets a solid wage, and looks good. Is your son a child, asks Somaiya? No one needs to be trapped by me. I am independent and have a good income. I don’t require money from anyone. You might need anything, Kusum says. You constantly meddle with his affairs and personal life. What would you want if you weren’t in need of money? What are you hoping to escape?

Somaiya is fed up. Making derogatory remarks about my son is not acceptable in my house. If you have any doubts, it’s best to address them directly with your own son. Kusum, on the other hand, trusts her son and does not feel the need to interrogate him. Somaiya insists that this conversation end now and advises Kusum not to waste her time. However, Kusum retorts that it is Somaiya who is wasting her own time. She reminds Somaiya not to have any ill intentions towards Adit and not to misunderstand his kindness for something else. She firmly tells Somaiya to stay away from Adit as he will never fall into her trap – he is nothing like her. Kusum then replaces Adit’s individual photo with a family photo, emphasizing that her son has a supportive family and is happily married with children and loving parents. With a final instruction for Somaiya to understand this, she departs while Somaiya breaks down in tears.

Mangal sets the frame and turns to Kusum. “Take a look at this photo frame,” she says. “I plan on displaying our new family picture here. Do you know when we can expect it?” Kusum responds, “The person responsible for getting it did so already.” Mangal asks, “Who was supposed to get it?” Kusum retorts, “Don’t you have any sense? Adit is correct. Your entire world revolves around the kitchen.” Both Mangal and Lakshmi are taken aback. Kusum continues, “You’re content living in your own little bubble, completely oblivious to what’s happening outside. You’re clueless.” Lakshmi inquires, “What’s going on? We were eagerly anticipating the photo. We even made this frame with that in mind. We thought you’d be delighted about it. What’s wrong with Didi wanting to do something for the family?” Kusum quietly sits down.

Somaiya scolds Adit, pleading for him to listen. She demands to be left alone and raises her voice. Adit questions why she is angry with him, but she continues to shout, asking about his mother’s unexpected visit and the insults hurled at her. Somaiya expresses how much your mother crossed the line today, despite being your own flesh and blood. Adit apologizes sincerely, but Somaiya only responds with a cold “sorry”. She then reminds Adit that if she had wanted to, she could have retaliated in a way that would leave a lasting impression on his mother’s mind. She was even accused of having questionable character, which no girl would tolerate. Somaiya adds that your pious son is the apple of his mother’s eye, but she could have easily shattered that image in an instant if she wanted to. Yet again emphasizing the gravity of the situation and what could have been if she didn’t exercise restraint.

Is there anything wrong with me? Kusum says no, but you can make mistakes. Things are very different these days. You think about everyone. But girls aren’t like that these days. I can’t always protect you, Mangal says. May God give you a long life. The world is very bad. I won’t always be there to protect you. It was you who became mad at Adit. Did he do anything wrong?

I’ll talk to Mom today, Adit says. Does she promise that you’ll talk now? Where were you when she broke my heart and destroyed our love? You were silent when she left. You kept standing there. You didn’t stop her. You’re a coward. Adit says Somaiya. She says shut up. Get out of my house. She drags him out. She says I apologize. I know I made a mistake. I should have stopped Mom. She drags him out and shuts the door.

Somaiya warns me not to think about her again. I should go to my beautiful Mangal and wonderful mother and never return to her home. Adit reassures Somaiya that he will not leave. He acknowledges her anger and emotions, but questions why she is reacting so strongly. He wonders if she intends to take out all of her anger on him. He could also make a fuss, but he remains quiet because it was their mother’s mistake. The incident should not have happened, but Somaiya could have clarified over the phone instead of assuming things. Adit reminds Somaiya that he did not yell or become angry with her. Ultimately, the mistake today was mainly made by her.

She was taken aback. He reminded me that I have repeatedly asked you not to call when I am at home. Anyone could have answered the phone. The current situation is a result of your actions. I am always cautious. You called and said things without double-checking. It would have been wise to confirm first. Would Amma have stayed quiet after hearing everything? Somaiya questions if it was acceptable for her to insult me without proof. She believes I am entrapping you, while you are her innocent, hardworking, and cultured son. And who am I? A girl with no morals? Despite enduring all of this, why? Will it always be like this? Will this be my forever position? Will you ever give me the opportunity that Mangal has achieved?

Kusum says Adit can’t do anything wrong. He has always done what I said. Never question my upbringing. Mangal says that’s not what I meant. She says what else did you mean? What would Adit do? Anyone can be wrong except Adit. he does everything on face. Gets angry. Adit never can be wrong. Mangal says I’m not saying he’s wrong. Kusum says never even think that.


Mangal learns that Amma has arranged Laxmi and Kartik’s wedding. Laxmi’s wedding must be stopped because Lipika’s mother cannot function without her.

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