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Mangal Lakshmi 31st August 2024 Written Episode Update Mangal Faces Accusations and Kusum’s Clever Move

Mangal Lakshmi

Mangal Lakshmi 31st August 2024 Written Episode Written Update on

Mangal is left stunned as Adit questions her about the medicine. He asks her, “Did you give this to Papa?” Kusum, puzzled, wonders how it ended up there. Saumya clarifies that if Sudesh had consumed that medicine, it could have been dangerous. However, Sudesh defends Mangal, insisting she always gives him the correct medicines. Mangal, confused, explains that she took it from the bowl but has no idea how it got mixed up.

Saumya suggests Mangal might have misplaced it. Adit, furious, calls her careless. Kusum, worried, scolds Mangal, saying, “What if something happened to him?” Adit thanks Saumya for noticing the mistake and leaves, calling Mangal illiterate and unreliable.

Meanwhile, Karthik returns home, and Lakshmi playfully teases him. However, he snaps at her for touching his belongings without permission, leaving Lakshmi confused. She wonders about the cards she found in his cupboard and suspects Gayatri. Determined, Gayatri mutters, “I won’t let you take my son away from me.”

Mangal apologizes to Kusum for her mistake. Kusum reassures her, admitting she overreacted due to fear for Sudesh’s health. Mangal, emotional, embraces Kusum.

Later, Adit shares an intimate moment with Saumya, but she feels neglected. He promises to meet her on the terrace, but Mangal unexpectedly walks in. Saumya, frustrated, vows to take everything from Mangal.

Elsewhere, Karthik tells Gayatri he wants to move on but struggles with his past. Gayatri consoles him, suggesting he give Lakshmi some space. She advises Lakshmi to sleep in the guest room, saying Karthik needs time alone. Lakshmi agrees, and Gayatri manipulates Karthik by saying, “Girls these days have big egos. They leave instead of apologizing.”

As the night progresses, Somiya sneaks out, and Adit attempts to do the same. However, Kusum outsmarts her—she ties Somiya’s leg with a rope. When Somiya tries to leave, she trips and screams. Kusum questions her, saying, “Where were you going?” and insists that the rope is a treatment for her sleepwalking, preventing her from entering married men’s rooms at night. Defeated, Somiya returns to bed.

On the terrace, Adit waits for Somiya, but when Mangal arrives instead, he mistakenly hugs her. Shocked, he quickly realizes his mistake. Somiya, witnessing this, frowns. Mangal, sensing something, asks Adit if he is okay. He admits feeling stressed and asks her to sit with him. He reassures her that he trusts her and knows she would never harm his father intentionally. Relieved, Mangal hugs him. However, when she sneezes due to her rose allergy, she notices rose petals on the floor, making her suspicious. Somiya, fuming, leaves the scene in anger.

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