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Meet 13th February 2023 Written Update

During havan, Meet walks towards Narendra’s wife. Narendra’s wife says Don’t let your husband marry someone else. Jasodha shouts everyone to come. Narendra’s wife hands Meet Gajra and leaves.

Jasodha walks up to Meet and shows her a box and says this is for you. In a rush, Meet wants to know if this is a saree for her. Jasodha says it is a hanky. It will come in handy when your husband gets married to Shagun and will help you wipe off those tears. As she blesses Meet, she says this is the first time she has given her a gift, and I will make good use of it. The Pandit is chanting. Manmeet sits near the Panditji. Shagun walks with Meet towards the mandap. Manmeet helps her sit down. Meet is looking at Shagun. Manmeet scolds her and asks her to tie a knot.

Meet stands behind them and acts as if she is drunk. Manmeet says I think my plan of getting her drunk has worked, now she won’t be able to stop my marriage. Meet stumbles and sits down. Jasodha says I think Meet is hurt because her husband is getting married.

Upon Jashodha’s request, Gunwanti and Mahendra are set to get married. Manmeet looks at her and says to Jashoda, she talks a lot about women empowerment but look at her now she’s knocked out and asks Shagun why don’t you speak up? Panditji asks Manmeet to get up for pehra after he has scolded him for not saying any mantra.

Manmeet tries hard to stand up but finds it impossible. Everyone makes fun of him and asks him to stand up. Meet remembers asking Panditji where the groom will sit so she can execute her plan, she sticks glue to the stool. Meet looks at Manmeet and says he is not standing, and I think he doesn’t want to marry. Manmeet tries to get up and tears his pants. Everyone laughs. Meet walks to Manmeet and asks what happened.

The man says that everything can be seen from behind. Manmeet sits down. She gives him a hanky and says, “Jasodha gave it to me today morning to wipe my tears, but now you can use it to save yourself from this insult.” He then ties the hanky around his neck and leaves.

After changing clothes, Manmeet tells Meet, “I’m getting married today and you won’t be able to stop me.” He asks Panditji to begin chanting. Inspector Bhati shouts that it’s illegal to have two marriages. Shagun remembers that Meet exchanged glasses and gave her alcohol mixed juice.

Meet says I swear I did nothing, I said yes for this marriage. Mahendra scolds Meet and says you called him. Inspector says we got a complaint from your house about this marriage.

Sarkar asks who would dare to do this. Bhati says we got a call from Shagun. Gunwanti cannot believe it and asks Shagun. She calls inspector Bhati and tells him she applied glue to Shagun’s lipstick and after doing so she won’t be able to answer anything. Inspector Bhati says it’s a felony to have a second marriage. Meet tells him I’m going to teach them a lesson.

She is shouted at by Manmeet and asked to speak. Inspector Bhati says everyone look at this girl. You have forced her to marry, you have given her alcohol and sealed her lips, all of these things are crimes. Constable walks to Shagun. Everyone wants her to speak. Inspector says you cannot force anyone to speak.

We are not forcing Mahendra or Gunwanti to do anything. Inspector asks female constable to pick her up. Meet whispers to Shagun and says you could have written it and shown Inspector, but you wasted all your money on makeup instead of using it on your brain. Female constable takes Shagun away.

When Meet walks up to Manmeet and tells him she doesn’t want to marry him, Manmeet gets mad at him and says you did wrong. Meet replies I swear I wanted you to marry her. As Manmeet twists her hand, he warns her that he will ruin her life if she doesn’t pack her bag and leave.

In response, Manmeet breaks her bangles and says you’re a window, and if you try to enter, I will crush your husband’s dream as well. I know very well why you’re here, you want documents, but I won’t provide them. You can call anyone, and he pushes her away. For my Meet Ahlawat, Meet thinks I’m ready to be insulted and remembers her husband’s dream of building a factory.

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