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Meet 25th May 2023 Written Update

Meet 25th May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Chiku is playing in front of us, so Manmeet asks Meet why he made him wear a watch with a chip installed. He says he knows he is around us, but they are watching him to get him away from us. He asks her how it works. Meet says his watch is connected to mine so I can track everything he does. Jasodha calls them. Meet takes him with her.

In the meantime, Gunwanti and Mahendra keep an eye on Chiku. Kanika calls Mahendra, telling him to hurry up. Mahendra hangs up the phone and asks Gunwanti to hurry up.

It’s time for a jungle story, says Meet after thanking everyone for attending the birthday party. Gunwanti tells Mahendra that it’s time to act. Manmeet tells everyone a story. Gunwanti wears lion costume. Mahendra tells her we are going to kidnap Chiku in this game. She runs towards the kid and they play with the lion. Everyone enjoys it. Manmeet is finished with the story.

Then Mahendra takes Chiku with him. Sumeet looks for Chiku and runs toward him to bring him home. Sumeet says, “Come back to the jungle, we’ll all be happy.”. Everyone joins in on the jungle dance. Gunwanti asks Mahendra why he didn’t bring him with him. Mahendra says Sumeet started calling him. Kanika calls Mahendra and says you won’t get the factory if you don’t get the child.

Mahendra says that our dream won’t come true if we don’t pick that kid now. Gunwanti walks back to the kids and starts dancing with Chiku. Meet explains Manmeet about the watch to the kids. The family also joins the dance. Mahendra gets worried and looks at his watch. He starts dancing with Gunwanti. Kanika calls Mahendra. If the kid isn’t here, then both your dream and my job will be gone. Kanika gives Mahendra 5 minutes.

When Mahendra sees Chiku walking away wearing a deer dress, he grabs him and runs away. Meet gets notified about Chiku’s location and tells Manmeet that he is leaving for another location. Her location stops, so she says he must have gone to the bathroom.

They see Ammaji talking on the phone, so they stop and Mahendra hides with Chiku. Mahendra and Gunwanti carry Chiku with them. Gunwanti takes off her costume when Amma sees her wearing a lion costume. Amma asks what she is doing. Gunwanti says she felt hot in her costume, so she came to take a breather.

When Amma hears a loud noise, she stops and asks, “What was it?” and starts looking for its source. Mahendra hides behind a wall. Amma looks. Masoom walks up to her and says “what are you doing?” Amma and Masoom walk away. After leaving his hiding spot, Mahendra gives Chiku to Kanika’s men before returning inside.

Everyone danced so well, Meet says, so there won’t be one winner because everyone won and everyone gets a gift for winning. A gift is given to everyone by Meet and Manmeet. Mahendra said to Gunwanti that our work had been completed and we would soon be earning a lot from the factory. Gunwanti gives Sumeet a gift. Sumeet doesn’t take the gift. Gunwanti asks why he isn’t taking the gift. Meet asks Sumeet to take it. Gunwanti removes the mask and finds Chiku.

Gunwanti and Mahendra are shocked after seeing him. Meet and Manmeet are confused. Gunwanti asks him how he got into this costume. Meet removes everyone’s mask to find Sumeet.

Sumeet asks the goons, “Are you searching for Chiku? I’m sorry, but I’m here instead of him.” Meanwhile, Kanika escapes, exclaiming that Mahendra is a fool because she had requested him to bring Chiku, but he ended up bringing Sumeet instead.

Assuming you are wearing Sumeet’s dress, Chiku asks where she is.

Sumeet asks Goon why did you bring me here to answer his question. Kanika says to herself that she is also a troublemaker, so I have been unable to catch Chiku because of her.

Meet and Manmeet are tense looking for Sumeet. Meet says he can’t find Sumeet while playing with everyone; I won’t leave anyone if something happens to Sumeet. Manmeet says nothing will happen to Sumeet. Meet asks everyone to look for Sumeet.

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