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Meet 5th May 2023 Written Update


Meet 5th May 2023, Written Update on

When Meet gets angry with Manmeet, he says, “I’ve been trying to tell you something since morning”. A few kids walk to Meet and cheer her up, dance around her, and take her to a room decorated with balloons and baby pictures. Manmeet says to sit down and give her a surprise. From outside the room, Jasodha, Meghna, Sapna, Narendra, and Gunwanti watch everything.

A Sonography video of the baby’s heartbeat is played by Manmeet and he says this baby will keep us closer together. When you understood everything, why did you act so much? In addition to telling you that I’m going to be a father, Manmeet asks his family to bless the couple. Everyone enters the room to bless the couple.

Mahendra sees everyone in the room. Mahendra asks Gunwanti what is going on. Gunwanti replies that Meet is pregnant. Sarkar and Mahendra are shocked.

Sarkar, Mahendra and Gunwanti in the room together. Gunwanti tells Sarkar to stop dreaming of throwing Meet out of this house because now she’s going to be the mother of Manmeet’s baby. When Sarkar gets angry, he throws the glass of water and says that is impossible and he won’t accept the baby or any changes brought on by Meet.

Sarkar declares, “I’ve never accepted defeat in my life; there must be a way to distinguish between Manmeet and Meet.” Mahendra responds, acknowledging Sarkar’s determination, but points out that they have been deceived by Manmeet, making the task of separating them quite challenging.

Everyone gathered for the Tula Daan ritual. Jasodha explains the ritual. Panditji asks everyone to keep more stuff on the weighing machine to balance it out. Gunwanti says you can keep anything but this daan is of no use because gifts are usually sent by daughter in law’s family, not from home. Jasodha says if her mother-in-law accepts her as a daughter, it becomes her home.

As Sunaina and Masoom walk in with gifts, Gunwanti taunts. She gets excited when she sees them and hugs Sunaina and Masoom. Gunwanti feels jealous.

Masoom and Sunaina are introduced to everyone by Meet. Sunaina reminds Meet that everyone loves him very much. Manmeet welcomes them. Masoom says we want to start Tula Daan again because we have a gift for Meet. Jasodha says that’s good, but let me tell you that Meet is my daughter, and I have already performed it.

According to Masoom, Tula Daan will be performed once more, as Meet is also our relative, and we have a rightful claim to the baby. Meet keeps the gift next to the weighing machine, and the servant keeps the rest of the gifts. Now that the weight is balanced, Meet says, we will give gifts from both sides of the family so that my baby receives love and blessings from them both.

Jasodha and Sunaina bless Meet. Sunaina says we are here to bring Meet back to our home because we want the baby to be born there. Jasodha emphasizes that although the custom is of great significance, what truly matters is that this is Meet’s first child in this house. She cannot bear to be apart from the baby, so Meet will be giving birth here. As Sunaina attempts to interject, Jasodha playfully puts a ladoo in her mouth and insists that they all stay here, allowing everyone to shower love upon the newborn.

Gunwanti and Nitin are in the market. Gunwanti complains that Meet is making her hold strong in Sarkar Mahal. Nitin says that he will surely get revenge on the family. He gives her poison and asks him to mix it in Meet’s food to miscarry her.

Meet offers snacks to Masoom and Sunaina. Sunaina tells Meet that Jasodha is quite cunning; they had come to take her with them, and it would be disheartening to leave empty-handed. Everyone back home would be sad for not being able to witness Meet’s first baby. As Meet recalls her past, Sunaina apologizes to her.

Sunaina hears Meet’s condition about losing her baby and says that she shouldn’t worry since she’s pregnant again. She says you’ll be lucky to have a special child with you now. Masoom apologizes to Meet for the mistake and says she will help her during her pregnancy one more time.

Everyone is busy with their work. Gunwanti walks to Sapna and Meghna, both of whom are making ladoo. Gunwanti cleverly mixes poison into ladoo batter and keeps it.

Then Meet walks to Manmeet and asks what happened. Manmeet tells Meet that our house is already at war, and now I have to listen a lot, and we are both trapped because this is between your family and mine.

Jasodha enters the room and inquires about the ladoo. She takes one from Sapna’s hand and attempts to offer it to Meet. Meet says he is already full and will have afterwards. Jasodha says he will slap you. You need one. Sunaina comes in between and says this ladoo isn’t good for her and gives her sweets from the box she brought for Meet.

Sunaina is prevented from giving ladoo by Jasodha, who said here we will give it and Meet will also eat it. Masoom steps in and intervenes, saying, “There’s no need to have this ladoo. You will be eating the ladoo brought by us.” Everyone starts fighting. Manmeet steps in and says give me ladoo too because he will be the father of the same baby. . Meet stops everyone.

As Jasodha says, Meet will decide which ladoo she wants. In response to Sunaina’s request, Meet says that if she eats the ladoo given by Jasodha, we will leave and never talk to her again. She mixes both ladoos together and eats them together. Nitin told Gunwanti about the plan when she saw Meet eating ladoo.

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