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Shiv Shakti 10th February 2024 Written Update: Shakti Takes a Stand Against Mandira

Shiv Shakti 10th February 2024 Written Episode Update on

Shiv looks at Shakti, giving her exams. She smiles at him. Shiv waits outside. He sees inside again. She comes out. She says you’re peeking in the room full of girls? Your wife is gorgeous. Shiv says what rubbish. She says you were looking inside. Who were you staring at? Shakti asks what you’re doing? Shiv says are you insane? He tells her to be quiet. He puts a hand on her mouth. Shakti’s classmates tease and laugh at her.

Shiv says stop shouting now. She asks who were you staring at? He says I was looking for you. She says you were staring at me? He says I was looking. She says you can stare now. So romantic. You can stop staring, too. He leaves. He laughs. She tells him she knows why you came here and that I won’t give up on my dream. Keertan comes over and says you are only mine, Shakti. I can’t see you with anyone else.

When Shakti asks Kartik how he studies so much, he says the exams are tough. She assists him with homework. He says doctors also have homework. Shakti says yes, there is lots of it. She sees the drawings he does. He hides them. Shakti asks why. Show me. She looks at the sketches and says, “You’re so talented. I’m a big fan of you.”

Kartik says the teacher scolds me because I waste time on it. Shakti says part-time isn’t a waste. I’ll give you a lot of drawing books, but you need to study as well. He says, “Will you hit me like a teacher?” Shakti says no, and if someone hits you, let me know. Shakti hugged him and said she’d find a solution.

She brings Shiv’s medicines and tells Shiv the schedule. Shakti says, “I know his medicine schedule.” Mandira’s angry. Pandma says to Mandira, “Shakti keeps defeating you. She keeps Shiv and Kartik safe from you.” Mandira is upset. She says all your plans are ruined. You said Shakti would leave the house the first night. She didn’t leave, and you got Rimjim as your DIL.

Shiv does everything Shakti says now. She is very clever. Mandira is angry. She says Shakti can’t do anything. She says my roots in this house are so strong that she cannot overcome me with these small things. The medicines she took from me will defeat her.

Shakti arrives and empties the medicines into the pot, followed by a splash of water. Padma and Mandira are taken aback. Mandira asks for an explanation. Shakti responds that she is training to become a doctor and is taught that if any medication worsens a patient’s condition, it should be discarded in this manner. Mandira inquires further, to which Shakti explains that, unfortunately, there are people in the world who intentionally give harmful medication to their loved ones. She adds that just as she does not trust Mandira, she also does not trust her medicines. She concludes by mentioning that obtaining fabricated medications for Shiv is not tricky.

As the CEO of a large pharmaceutical company, I assumed that Shiv had been using these medications for quite some time since his family also had significant involvement in the pharma industry. Despite having access to any doctor, I noticed that his condition wasn’t improving, so I decided to purchase the same medicines from the market. However, I also consulted with a doctor, who made some adjustments to the prescription. Hopefully, this will lead to a speedy recovery for Shiv. After saying this, she left. Padma then expressed concern that her actions may have ruined your plans and questioned whether she would soon be kicked out of the house. In anger, Mandira broke all the pots and stormed off inside. Padma noted that this situation could potentially drive Mandira to madness and let out a laugh.

Shakti reminds Shiv to take the specified medicines only on Wednesdays and Saturdays, while she suggests only taking one for anxiety. She questions his gaze, and he replies that he has not been diligent with his medication. Shakti emphasizes being mindful since others may have manipulated his intake. She expresses her unwillingness to live in a charred room and suggests renovating it together. Shiv hesitates, but Shakti insists that it is their joint responsibility. He proposes a condition to stop kissing each other, which Shakti refuses, claiming her right as well. Shiv proposes leaving the room as it is, and Shakti decides to fix it independently.

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