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Shiv Shakti Written Episode Update 20th February 2024 Race Against Time to Save Shiv

Shiv Shakti 20th February 2024 Written Episode Update on

Rimjhim shares with Manorama that she will no longer be maintaining their relationship. Currently, she only considers herself Keertan’s wife and Mandira’s daughter-in-law. Despite Shakti’s attempt to intervene, Manorama calmly accepts this decision. She explains that if Rimjhim chooses to end their relationship, Shakti is the only one she considers her daughter. No one should meddle in a mother-daughter bond, which is selfless and forms the foundation of all other relationships in life. A mother sets an example for all other relationships; however, you choose to curse your mother today. Therefore, I am also ending my relationship with you and placing a curse upon you.

The Lord made your relationship with her so you cannot break it. Rimjhim angrily leaves. Shakti tells her, “Don’t curse her; she is blind, but if you curse her, it won’t be good for her.” Manorama tells Mandira that you tried to interfere between a mother and a daughter, so I won’t spare you. Your daughter will experience all the pain that my daughters suffer, and your daughter will make you feel shame only. I curse you that.

She pleads with Gayatri to take care of her daughters as a mother. Gayatri reassures her, saying they are both her daughters and advises her not to take Rimjhim’s words seriously. She thanks the protagonist for giving them Shakti and hugs her before she sadly leaves. Mandira then warns Shakti that she won’t spare her this time as she has been hurt by Shakti and her people before. However, Shakti brushes off the threat, saying that Mandira always tries to intimidate her. Mandira explains that she had intended to save someone important to Shakti, but Chachi prevented her from doing so. She hopes that Shiv is now safe. Confused, Shakti asks what she means by this statement.

Mandira warned that Keertan was planning to attack Shiv. As I tried leaving to stop him, your Chachi intervened and physically assaulted me. Now, I am unsure of what is happening to Shiv. Shakti, shocked by this information, asks for clarification. Mandira responds that time is running out and urges Shakti to save Shiv if possible. Without hesitation, Shakti rushes off, but not before encountering a mishap – her phone breaks while she tries calling Shiv. Unable to reach him, she realizes she must inform him of his danger as quickly as possible. Determined, she speeds through the market until she spots someone familiar who can help her – a man she knows offers her his bike, saying, “I need it”.

He looks around for Shiv at the hospital when the hitman arrives. Keertan nods at him as he passes through the security checkpoint. He says he will be caught in the metal detector. As he approaches the guard, he starts taking the hitman inside. The guard stops him and says, “I’m a doctor here, so don’t worry.” He brings him inside and shows him Shiv’s office. The hitman is walking towards it.

On the other side, Shiv calls her, but she does not pick up. Shakti arrives at the hospital and runs towards Shiv’s office. A hitman stands in front of Shiv’s window and points a gun at him. Seeing Shakti running towards Shiv’s room, Keertan throws a trolley at her. Shakti falls and screams for Shiv. Shiv hears Shakti’s screams as the hitman prepares to kill him.

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