Dimple observes Anupama looking distressed and inquires if she is alright. Anupama inquires what had happened when Dimple was at the Shah house during Toshu’s episode. Dimple recalls the occurrence and pauses. Leela calls Anupama and expresses her desire to talk to her. Samar gives Vanraj medicine for his headache and enquires about Leela’s jewellery. Vanraj reveals it was given as assurance and he will get it back after paying the money. Dimple calls Samar and informs him about Leela’s visit to Anupama. Leela refuses to enter Anupama’s home and blames her for not standing with Toshu. Dimple ponders Leela’s behaviour, instead of scolding Toshu, she is blaming Anupama. Leela holds Anupama responsible for the issues in the Shah family and states she must have left the house with a curse, which is why nobody is content. Anupama cautions her to stop accusing her, why would she damn her own family. Leela claims she did. Anupama announces she will not talk to her if she keeps blaming her.

Anupama confronts Leela about her refusal to support Toshu, reminding her that enabling him to remain irresponsible and arrogant is not doing him any favours. Leela insists she is always wrong, to which Anupama counters that Toshu, Vanraj, Leela, and Pakhi all use the victim card to evade responsibility for their own mistakes. Anupama then reveals that she prays for the Shah family first and then her own, stating that Leela must be mistaken if she believes Anupama would ever wish ill on her own parents and children. Dimple then chimes in, defending Anupama and warning Leela to stop her nonsense. Leela shouts that she is not talking to Dimpy and storms off in an auto-rickshaw. Vanraj then enters the room, looks at Anupama, and silently leaves.

Anupama is feeling distraught at the thought of Leela’s curse, believing that she has done nothing wrong to anyone and that her family will be safe. Dimpy agrees, saying that Leela has gone mad for Anupama’s refusal to help Toshu. Anupama urges Dimpy not to tell Anuj about it, as he will be just as upset. She insists that nothing bad will happen and that they will all have a great Makar Sankranti. 

When Leela comes back home, she prays to God asking for forgiveness coz she had to resort to cursing Anupama, who was in the wrong today. Vanraj questions why this was necessary when they had decided to stay away from involving Anupama in their affairs. Leela explains that she had to speak her mind and that Anupama proved a proverb wrong; a mother can indeed harm her child. Vanraj questions why Anupama had to support Toshu, as he will continue to do wrong. Leela justifies that they will have to bear the consequences of his actions forever.

Leela continues to feel upset and repeats that nothing will happen. Vanraj comforts her and says that Anupama did a lot for them, and what if by chance her curse hits them back. Leela, in tears, cries that her happy family is cursed by Anupama. Vanraj makes her rest and  Leela assures him that everything will be alright, and that no matter the circumstances,  his mother will always support him. Anupama walks to Litle Anu’s room and notices Anuj making her sleep. Anuj notices her and asks when she arrived, to which Anupma replies that she has been there for 10 minutes. They both express their love for Litle Anu, and their plan to celebrate Makar Sankranti in a lavish way with Anupama. They continue to show their concern and immense love for Little Anu.

Precap: Vanraj is left seething with jealousy as he watches Mohit embrace Kavya. Meanwhile, Barkha sternly warns Ankush not to bring his illegitimate child to the Kapadia household. Anuj and Anupam are horrified at this revelation.

With tensions rising, what lies ahead for the Kapadia family?

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