Dabangii Written Update April 18, 2024: A Race Against Time to Save Aira

Dabangii Mulgi Ayee Re Ayee worldofentertainment.in

Dabangii Multi Ayee Re Ayee 18th April 2024 Written Episode Update on worldofentertainment.in

Yug calls Sandy and asks him to send him the CCTV footage. Sandy sends it. Yug says he doesn’t know but is sure he was here. Sandy says it’s impossible to locate him, so Arya prays. Satya receives a call. He leaves. Arya is kidnapped. Satya says no one should know. It’s morning.

He calls out Satya and Kasturi. He says Aira isn’t in her room. He shows the threatening note. He says he is the same person who killed Tanmay. Let Aira die. Satya asks what, we have lost Tanmay, who does she belong to us, let her die. Yug says Aira is innocent, and we must save her. Satya asks what do you know about her, okay, tell me. Yug says I will ask Tanmay’s murderer to leave Aira, and we’ll negotiate. Satya says fine, we’ll find out who is that clever man.

As Yug tells the media, Aira is missing. He says she is his love, his wife. I request you to leave her; I will cease the investigation. Ankush sees the news. He thinks Satya might be involved. Yug calls him. Satya learned you had killed Tanmay. He threatened me. He discovered Aira and my truth. He asked me to relay his message to you: You made a big mistake. Arya has been kidnapped. How can I save her? Ankush ends the call.

Arya awakens from her slumber only to be confronted by Yug, who confesses that his actions were all part of a ploy to trap Ankush. Naturally, Arya is not pleased with this and reprimands him for his manipulative ways. She accuses him of doing it all for medals and promotion, but he defends himself by claiming that he has always been driven by the memories of their childhood together. This leads to an argument before Ankush exits the scene. Fearing the arrival of their father, Arya expresses her hope that he doesn’t show up. However, Yug reassures her that their father will only come for her sake. During their conversation, Yug receives a call from their father, which he suspects is from their father, and apologizes before silencing Arya with his hand. He then instructs Ankush to surrender to see Arya again. Without hesitation, Ankush agrees to comply.

After Yug leaves, Satya is on call. He sees Kasturi crying for Tanmay. She talks about Tanmay. Satya says I got late saving Tanmay, so I’m finding Aira now. She curses Tanmay’s killer.


Satya and everyone are shocked when Yug and Arya bring Ankush home.

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