Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 10th June 2023 Written Update


Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 10th June 2023 Written Update on

As Satya feels thirsty, he calls Sai and Maddy for assistance. As he picks up a glass, he drops it. Sai rushes over to him and asks what happened. Satya says he has been calling her for quite some time. Sai replies, “She was preparing a smoothie for him.” Saavi walks in and tells Satya she is going to be his assistant from now on, and he can contact her whenever he needs help. Satya says okay and apologizes. Amba walks over worried and asks what happened to him.

Sai comforts Amba and says Satya is frustrated now, they need to handle him calmly and get his treatment patiently since he is frustrated now. Sai promises her that she will always be with Satya and make sure he is back on his feet again. Amba agrees that Sai is right; she will do anything for her son to be well.

Upon hearing the doorbell, Sai quickly opens the door to welcome in Vinu and Virat. Vinu introduces himself as Dr. Vinayak, there to treat Dr. Satya who is in need of assistance. Sai escorts them to Satya’s room where Virat enquires about his condition. Satya responds, playfully questioning how he could be doing after just returning from a jog. After examining him, Vinu assures Satya that he will recover with his treatment plan. However, he requests that as a fee, they spend an hour playing video games together every day. Satya happily agrees and suggests that they first go meet his sister Saavi before continuing their discussion. Excitedly, Vinu heads off to greet her.

Satya informs Sai of his need to use the washroom. Virat attempts to assist him, but Satya becomes agitated and questions if Virat is trying to display his own disability. He then angrily tells Virat to leave. In response, Virat decides to go with Vinu instead. Satya then asks Sai and Vinu to leave him alone. Sai approaches Virat and apologizes on Satya’s behalf. Understanding the situation, Virat reassures her that he can relate as he was in a similar position with Paakhi. He encourages her not to lose hope and leaves with Vinu. Sai is overcome with emotion as she realizes she cannot express her love for him and they may never have a chance at reconciliation again.

Amba walks to Sai and asks her to inform Virat not to come here again. Sai says it’s not Virat’s fault. If Satya feels degraded if Virat visits frequently, Sai should understand this and stay away from Virat, Amba asks if she can see Satya’s condition, and Sai should support Satya as a doctor and try to make him feel positive. After returning home, Ashwini serves him tea and asks about Satya. Virat replies he does not know.

Bhavani yells why Ashwini cares about Satya, as if Virat’s life would improve if Satya got well. Ashwini thinks how to explain that if Satya gets well, Virat’s life will really improve. Sai is busy taking care of Satya, so Virat will take him to the hospital. Vinu walks to Virat and tells him he needs to visit the hospital and prepare a report for a school project. Sai is busy taking care of Satya, so Virat takes him there.

Ninad notices Ashwini lost in thought while cooking and prompts her to explain. She confesses that she had pressured Sai into marrying Satya, believing it would bring happiness to Virat. Ninad questions her actions as a mother. Ashwini justifies herself by stating that she foresaw trouble for Virat if he were to separate from Sai. However, Ninad presses her for the true reason behind her actions. Ashwini reveals that she is afraid Sai will fulfill her duties and leave Virat behind, uncertain of when they will prioritize their own happiness over their responsibilities. With a grave tone, Ninad emphasizes that there is no chance of reconciliation between Virat and Sai.

It is Sai’s understanding that Virat was under Paakhi’s pressure that she is feeling the same way with Satya now that she understands Virat’s frustrations earlier. In the morning, Sai helps Satya work out. Satya apologizes for being rude yesterday. Sai tells him to forget about it and concentrate on his medicines and exercise. Satya says he will if she stays with him.


The video call ends with Satya telling Virat that he has realized Virat and Sai are destined to be together, so it is time for him to leave. Virat says Sai didn’t agree when he proposed, so she won’t now either. Sai tells Virat that it is more important to be in love than to be responsible.

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