Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 13th December 2023 Written Episode Update: Savi’s Birthday Surprise for Isha

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 13th December 2023 Written Episode Update on

Ishan reminds Savi of her grandfather’s desire for her to become an IAS officer and ride in a red light car. Therefore, studying diligently is crucial. Savi agrees with a nod. The wardboy informs Ishan that the doctor wants to see him. Ishan leaves to meet the doctor. Bhavani inquires about the boy, and Savi clarifies that he is Professor Ishan, known for being helpful to everyone. He assisted Savi with her hostel placement and provided study material for the IAS exam. He aided Harini’s singing career and even contributed to Shukla’s mother’s surgery. Bhavani expresses skepticism about a boy helping a girl, but Savi explains that Ishan is Isha’s son, with whom she had problems earlier. Ashwini supports Savi’s statement by mentioning how Ishan and their friends celebrated Savi’s birthday together.

Bhavani plans to show her gratitude to both Ishan and Savi, prioritizing Savi for her dedication to their family. She reflects on when she questioned her parenting skills after Savi ran away from her marriage. However, she now takes pride in her upbringing, as Savi’s actions have proven otherwise. Bhavani’s grandson also showed her the error of her gender bias and made her realize the valuable contribution daughters can make to a family. The group then heads to the hospital canteen to grab a bite to eat. At that moment, Vinayak feels remorseful for his self-centered behavior and apologizes to Savi. She forgives him and encourages everyone to focus on the present and find happiness within their family unit.

She walks to Savi with Shantanu. Savi hugs Isha, saying she learned about her grandfather through Navya, who came to meet her, and asks why she didn’t tell her about her problem when she called her. Ashwini tells Bhavani that Savi respects Isha and hugs her whenever she meets her. Savi says she called her but didn’t answer and got busy in the hospital.

She apologizes to Ishan for her earlier misbehavior, praises Ishan’s good upbringing, and says she gave Ishan very good sanskars. Bhavani greets Isha and says her son Ishan immensely helped them during Ninad’s surgery. Ishan’s return mistakes Bhavani, as he is thankful to his akka saheb for the care he has received, so there would be no confusion about whether someone else bought him up. He walks away and says it was nice to meet them.

According to Bhavani, Ishan resembles Virat, Ashwini’s son. She cared for him; he always held her in high regard and confided in her about his joys. However, despite this bond, he would turn to Ashwini whenever he was hurt or hungry. Bhavani emphasizes the importance of a mother in a child’s life, as well as the role of elders in shaping a child’s values in a joint family. Isha becomes upset and leaves the room. Concerned, Bhavani asks her what happened. Savi responds that there is a lengthy story behind Isha’s behavior and promises to explain it later. Meanwhile, the ward boy informs them that their grandfather is being moved to his hospital bed. They all rush to attend to him.

When Savi visits Isha for her birthday, Shantanu says Isha feels low today and asks her not to get disappointed if she can’t make Isha smile. Savi walks to Isha and wishes her a happy birthday. Isha sits upset. Shantanu tells her to forget an old issue and celebrate her birthday. Isha claims she failed to care for her son and is a lousy mother. Shantanu is unable to calm her down.


Ishan is questioned by reporters, who learned through Savi that the differences between him and Isha are due to Surekha. Ishan gets angry at Savi. Surekha collapses. Isha tells Savi she shouldn’t have taken her and Ishan’s issue in public, so now Ishan will never forgive her. He angrily pushes her away. Savi tells Ishan that whatever she did was for both of them.

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