Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 15th June 2023 Written Episode Update on
Savi informs Virat about Bheema and his team plotting to attack him to free their boss, Ramakanth. Worried for Virat’s safety, she expresses her concerns. However, Virat reassures her that he will be fine and inquires about the truck in question. Savi describes it as having a brick colour and being occupied by 7 “bad uncles.” Taking action, Virat calls Kadam and directs him to intercept any truck matching that description with 7 passengers. He then instructs Savi to go home with Sai. Sai adds that the “bad uncles” were discussing a backup plan and even recited a poem about a bird breaking out of its cage.
Virat wonders about the meaning behind the hint, prompting Sai to question what is going on. He assures her that he will explain later and asks her to bring Savi home. Upon arriving, Sai is greeted by Satya who expresses his concern for Savi. Savi explains that she missed Sai and wanted to come back, but no one responded to her request so she left on her own. She tearfully asks if she can’t stay with both baba and aayi, causing Sai and Satya to become emotional as well. Satya realizes that he cannot let Savi long for her baba like he has done since childhood and vows to reunite Virat and Sai.
Virat leads Ramakanth out of his cell and towards a waiting van. As they approach, Ramakanth sings the popular song “Musafir Hoon Yaaron..” before asking where they are headed. Virat calmly responds that they are going to his in-laws’ house, much to Ramakanth’s displeasure. Without hesitation, he gets into the van. The rogue inspector Mohite, wearing a sly grin, accompanies them to the vehicle. Virat invites him to ride in his jeep instead, but Mohite insists on sitting with Ramakanth due to his dangerous reputation. After receiving permission from Virat, Mohite sends a message to Bheema informing him that their target is en route. Bheema prepares for their arrival by setting up a landmine and patiently waiting with his group.
Ramakanth tries to contact Bheema once more, but the mobile network is still unavailable. Suddenly, a loud explosion from a jeep catches their attention. Bheem and his accomplices start firing at the van, assuming that all the police officers inside are dead. They open the van door and attempt to retrieve Ramakanth, but most of them are taken down by the police’s gunfire. Amid chaos, Bheema realizes that he has been deceived by Virat and manages to escape with a few of his followers. Meanwhile, Mohite realizes that the jeep is heading in a different direction than expected. When they finally reach their destination, Virat celebrates by singing a song and mocking Ramakanth for being trapped with no means of escape. He then arrests Mohite for betraying Ramakanth as an informant.
Virat’s family watches news about Virat’s successful covet operation. Virat describes how he could have failed the terrorist attack after his 7-year-old daughter Savi Chavan overheard about the plan and informed him. In order to prevent unwanted incidents, he encourages citizens to be responsible like Satya and report any critical information to the police. Satya’s family praises Savi’s brave act. Virat returns home. Sai tries to speak to him.
Virat states that he has no objection to her taking Savi to Germany for 2 months, even though he will miss her greatly. Sai is overjoyed. Bhavani becomes upset and starts berating both Savi and Sai. Ashwini urges Bhavani to allow Virat and Sai to make their own choices and live their lives as they please. After some time, Virat returns to the police station. Satya comes to visit him and commends his team’s bravery before expressing concern about dividing their children between them and making siblings live separately. She questions if it is right for them to do so, suggesting they should reunite the two children instead. Virat is taken aback by this statement.
Satya tells Virat that he already proposed to Sai openly, but she declined then and won’t accept now either. Sai says she learned from Virat that love doesn’t take precedence over responsibility.

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