Written Episode of Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 21st June 2023 on WorldofEntertainment.in.
As the hostages plead with hijackers to let them go first, Bheema fires bullets into the air. They hide. Sai tells them not to be selfish and let the kids go first. Bhavani asks Ashwini to take children out of their hideout if they are going to go first. Various reasons are given by the hostages and they plead with hijackers to allow them to go first. Bheema warns the hijackers to sit down and ask 10 kids to come forward, and Ashwini rescues Vinu and Savi from the hideout.
A hijacker notices that and shoots Ashwini on the hand. The hijackers force them to sit. An unconscious mother’s baby starts crying. Bheema asks whose baby this is. Karishma picks it up and says it’s her baby. Bheema asks her to keep quiet and lets her leave. Bhavani claims Karishma turned out to be a traitor.
Since they cannot risk the lives of passengers, Virat orders his team to let no one else enter the plane except him. After giving his gun to Kadam, he walks away with his money bag. A group of 9 kids are sent out by Bheema, and Savi and Vinu are stopped. He asks whose kids they are, since only one of them can be sent. Sai says her kids and pleads that both go. Bheema says the government will think we are weak if he sends both.
Seeing Vinu is the heir to the Chavan family, Bhavani asks Sai to send him out. Ashwini says Sai cannot choose between her two children. Vinu leaves Bhavani happy after Savi asks Vinu to leave. The lady praises Savi’s upbringing and criticizes Vinu’s selfish nature. When a mother whose baby Karishma took away regains consciousness and panics, she informs her that another woman has taken her baby away. Hijackers warn her to stop talking.
As Virat and the police team arrive at the airport, a group of children step out of the plane. Vinu urgently approaches Virat and informs him that Savi, Sai, and their entire family are still on the plane, and Ashwini has been shot in the shoulder by a terrorist. He implores Virat to go and rescue them. As he scans the scene, Virat spots Karishma holding a baby and asks her about the child’s identity. However, before she can answer, Karishma quickly flees. Meanwhile, Savi bravely confronts the hijackers, revealing that her father is none other than ACP Virat Chavan who had recently apprehended their leader Ramakanth. Despite Sai’s attempts to quiet her down, Savi continues to speak out. Curious about who Virat’s father is, Bheema asks for more information. Proudly, Savi announces that it is none other than ACP Virat Chavan himself. In disbelief, Bheema laughs and comments on how fortunate it is that fate brought Virat’s family here at this exact moment. He kindly asks them to move away from the commotion as they all walk to a quieter area together
Virat advises Bheema not to harm any passenger or else he will not spare Ramakanth. Sai hopes Virat won’t enter the plane. Virat walks into the plane and looks at his family. The title track of the serial plays in the background. Sai asks why he came when she warned him about the risks.
When Bheema gives Sai the gun, she asks her to choose between her current husband and her ex-husband.