Kavya 18th March 2024 Written Episode: Adi’s Strategy, Legal Battles, and Emotional Turmoil


Kavya 18th March 2024 Written Episode Update on worldofentertainment.in

Kavya says I have to break the fast with Adi. She asks Adi to feed her the food. Adi sees the reporters. Giriraj signs him. Adi feeds the food to Kavya. Kavya says she will leave now, then reassures Adi that she will finish the food. She leaves. The reporter asks about his party agenda. Adi says he will do everything he can to improve the country. Badi Amma and Malini ask Adi why he fed Kavya.

Ask Dad. He signaled me that it was politics. Adi tells Kavya you’re so clever, amazing, she says. Kavya says you’re unfair. I saved you, but you won’t even thank me. You should get an award for sending fake reporters after me. He says you think you can win my heart this way? Kavya smiles. She says no. I’m just looking for justice, and you’ll need me in elections.

In the car, she hugs Anjali and tells her I’ll make onion pakodas. Anjali asks how you and Adi are. Kavya asks her to help her. Anjali asks what happened. She hugs Kavya and asks her to stay strong. When he looks at me with hatred, Kavya says my courage breaks. Anjali says you don’t get disheartened. I’m with you, so don’t go there if you don’t want to. Kavya tells her everything.

In response, Sanjeev arrives with a lawyer. He asks Anjana not to thank him. He introduces the lawyer, Amit Sen. Amit, and explains the case to Kavya. Adi asks the lawyer to arrest Kavya for murder and theft. According to the lawyer, Kavya claims a car hit her car, and the vehicle fell into the cliff. The lawyer says she’ll say whatever she wants, but the judge won’t believe her. The lawyer says the court wants the evidence. Giriraj says we have proof. Amit says Omi was with you at the end.

Giriraj informs Adi that Kavya needs to be punished for Omi’s death. Anurag agrees with him, while Badi Amma supports their decision, stating that Kavya must pay for taking away their loved one. Adi assures them that Kavya won’t get bail, and Amit advises everyone not to give any statement that could be used against them. Kavya then requests an extension of her bail, to which Adi promises to try his best. As Kavya prepares to leave, Sanjeev reminds her to take care of herself, and she thanks him before Rajeev arrives home. Rajeev embraces Kavya and praises her resilience in the face of adversity. She replies that he is her role model and assures him not to worry about the case before saying goodbye and hugging Anjali on her way out.

She says you have hidden it from Kavya. Giriraj says I’ve transferred Rajeev to a distant city; I’ll trouble him a lot; she’ll admit it. Rajeev says he will talk to my senior, don’t tell Kavya, she’s already worried. Anjali agrees. Seeing Adi, Kavya says you cannot stay away from me. Adi says yes, I have missed you, this bed and room.

She asks if you will sleep with him. He says yes. She says you hate me. She coughs. He puts water on the bed. He says you sleep on the ground, you won’t get a mattress in jail. He says you sleep on the ground. She lies on the bed. He gets angry. He lowers the AC temperature. She says no way. Kavya says I’m innocent until the crime is proven so that I won’t get any proof against me. She lies on the bed. She doesn’t feel cold.

She jokes and shivers from the cold. He holds her close and reminds her that she could get sick. She reassures him, recounting when he saved her from being trapped in a cold storage unit. Then, she asks for his advice on breaking through a wall of hatred. Adi embraces her, and she envisions this moment happening. The following day, Adi wakes up to find Kavya wearing his coat. He questions her actions, and she explains that she felt cold and didn’t want to ruin his wedding sherwani by getting sick. She suggests saving it for their anniversary instead. As she leaves, Adi becomes angry about the situation.

Adi asks Amit to do as he tells her. This confession will prove her crime. I have sent money to you. Kavya arrives there and meets Amita. Amit shows the notice. She asks what it is. He says I’m thinking the same. Check that. Can you read it out loud? She reads it. He lies to her. She asks if she trusts her, saying it’s her job to defend her. She leaves. Getting the recording to Giriraj. Giriraj praises Adi. Adi says I have some important work. He goes to see Kavya come home and sees her go.

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