Mangal Lakshmi 1st March 2024 Written Episode Update: Family Turmoil & Aditya’s Apology

Mangal Lakshmi

Mangal Lakshmi 1st March 2024 Written Episode Update on

Lakshmi asks did you speak to Jeju? Mangal gets teary. Lakshmi asks is all okay? She says he’s busy with his meetings. She shows her outside. Lakshmi asks did you eat? Mangal says yes. Lakshmi says did you prepare the menu for the event? She thinks I’ll make it today. Lakshmi says we should consider Jeju’s opinion. He’s likely to become angry again. Lakshmi says I’ll send you fresh masalas. Mangal says I’ll begin the event soon. Adi shouldn’t complain.

When Lippika tells Shanti she will wear this dress to Mangal’s event, Shanti says we can’t afford it with the money Lakshmi gave. I am sure she keeps most of the profits. She is very clever. Lippika asks where does she hide the money. Chacha says let me show you. He shows a money box for Lippika’s education. He shows another for Chachi Chacha treatment, Mangal didi gift and emergency. He says there isn’t one money box for us. She is our go-to.

Shanti breaks the money box. She says we will use these pennies to get Mangal’s gift. Lakshmi comes. She picks up the money. Shanti says I don’t need your pennies. Lakshmi says I was going to give today’s profit. The sarees were sold. We made 5k. Chacha says this is how she is. Shanti says it’s just 5k, not 50k. As we pay so many bills, she becomes our burden, and her mother should have left her in an orphanage. Chacha shouts. Lakshmi leaves.

Adi arrives at his office and receives a call from his boss. He quickly apologizes for being late, citing a personal issue. In response, the boss reminds him that Nitin Bharadwaj is a competitor and a close friend and urges Adi not to let his problems affect their business. Adi’s wife insulted Nitin somehow, which Adi claims to be unaware of and expresses regret. However, the boss warns that Nitin may cause harm to their business if Adi is not more cautious. Frustrated, Adi receives another call from Mangal but promptly cuts it short with an apology and a declaration that having her in his life will lead nowhere. He then ends the call.

As Lakshmi sits on the road and sheds tears, she reflects on Mangal’s teachings of using paper to convey her thoughts to her mother. Engaging in this practice, she creates a paper plane. Meanwhile, Karthik and Jia are together in his car. Karthik adores their situation, and Jia eagerly desires to meet his mother. They both agree that this is the perfect time for their families to meet. As fate would have it, the paper plane lands in their car. However, Jia dismisses it as litter, while Karthik notices some writing. Curious, he reads the poem and is moved by its beauty. He steps out of the car to try and find the author but is quickly surrounded by fans. As this unfolds, Lakshmi passes by, and Jia suggests they leave before anything else distracts them from their plans.

Kusum says it’s my serial time. Mangal makes tea. Mangal massages Kusum’s head. Papa says to have your tea first. She says women don’t get time for themselves. Mangal is like me. Adit is sad about her sister. Papa says Adit ought to have investigated who the guy was. Mangal is innocent. Adit comes in; he’s angry. Kusum says to have tea. He throws the keys. Kusum asks what happened.

When Adit opens the door, he finds a plumber. He asks Madam Ji if she’s home. I got home. Can I check now? Adit shouts can’t you see me? I’m home. Come in. Mangal says listen… he stops her. Adit takes the plumber to the washroom. He says it’s choking. He says, but I fixed it a few days ago. Adit shouts, “Do you even know what you’re doing?” Turning it on, he says it’s working. He says he fixed it two days ago. I called him to see the kitchen sink. The plumber says sir, madam knows her house better than you do.

Adi storms out of the room, clearly upset. Mangal offers him a cup of coffee to ease his mood and reminds him that it might get cold. As she notices his night suit lying on the chair, she informs him about it. Meanwhile, Kusum calls for Mangal’s help fixing a leaking tap downstairs. Mangal suggests that Adit should go and check while she tends to the task at hand. Before leaving, Adit grabs Mangal’s hand angrily and asks her how many more things she has to take care of. He adds that everyone always comes to her for everything, making her tired. To soothe her, he offers to massage her feet and tells her to sit down next to him. However, Mangal protests and tells him to stop, saying that he shouldn’t have to serve her like a slave. Adit insists and says that he is happy doing whatever she wants. Ultimately, Mangal apologizes if anything she did bothered him and suggests that he wear the night suit laid out for him.

Please forgive me if I made a mistake. He says no, you can never make a mistake. You look like a madam now. What’s my fault? He says you’re in a company. You’ll get a huge salary. You’re so qualified. You’d earn a lot. Kusum says Mangal, come here. Can’t you listen? Adit says no, sit here, and I’ll come to you. Your servant. Mangal says Adi ji, please.

Then Adit comes down and asks why you’re calling madam. Kusum notices Mangal in a coat. She asks why. Adit says you can’t question madam. See her status, and tell me what to do. Knead the floor? Mangal says what are you doing? He kneads the flour in anger. He says I will do it, splashes it on her face. Next, he thinks I should do the dishes. Mangal says I can’t question madam.

Mangal pleads with Adit to reconsider his actions, apologizing for any mistakes he may have made. Papa questions Adit’s behaviour, and he says he does the dishes. Mangal begs him to stop and apologizes again if she upset him earlier. However, in a fit of anger, he accidentally breaks a glass, causing Mangal to become fearful. She apologizes once more, but Adit tells her to be quiet. Kusum intervenes and asks them both to calm down. She questions what is happening, and Adit replies that she should ask “madam.” Papa then asks why Adit is speaking disrespectfully about someone, to which Adit becomes defensive and accuses everyone of criticizing him for not investigating the proposal brought by “madam.” He scoffs at the idea that a wealthy man would marry Mangal’s sister, who only has a 10th-grade education.

Papa says you should have investigated. She found a good family, but they decided. She’s innocent. Your job was to examine more. He asks why I should be involved in such domestic manners. Should I also clean the house? Madam will earn money and pay rent and fees, so I don’t need to clean the house either. Papa says I don’t want to say that. He says no one can see that I don’t get any time. I’m always stressed out so I can earn enough for this house.

Mangal is overwhelmed with emotion as he speaks. He questions why, despite his wife being at home all day, she still cannot find time to take care of their responsibilities. He apologizes to Adit Ji for the inconvenience caused and suggests that perhaps he should stay at home while his wife goes out to earn money. However, he quickly dismisses this idea, stating that she can also earn. Kusum offers her opinion that Lakshmi is a good girl who is hardworking and respectful, and they want Adit ji to help them find a suitable husband for her as he knows many people through work. Adit Ji scoffs at the idea, jokingly suggesting that he should marry off his sister-in-law and ruin someone else’s life like his own has been ruined. The mention of his troubled life shocks Mangal.


Mangal apologizes to Aditya for his behaviour.

4 thoughts on “Mangal Lakshmi 1st March 2024 Written Episode Update: Family Turmoil & Aditya’s Apology

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