Megha Barsenge 30th September 2024 Written Episode Update on
The Episode begins with Megha praying and reflecting on Talwar’s words. He assures her that the unfounded accusations against her have been dropped, allowing her to return to work. The news overjoys Ranjeeta. Talwar then reveals his knowledge of what happened to Megha’s daughter and commends Arjun for his dedication and sacrifice in protecting Megha. Despite feeling uncomfortable, he asks Megha for a favor as he is obligated to do so – an investigation is taking place regarding Arjun, and he needs to provide answers.
If he says yes to marrying you, he will be saved. I trust my son always to tell the truth, even if it means losing his job. If you feel he has assisted you, please talk to him. He asks Megha to do what she believes is best. Megha is concerned. Talwar departs. Kripal advises Megha not to assist anyone. Surinder notes that wealthy individuals become ill while poor people are left helpless; we are powerless in this situation, so don’t get involved. The memory of Arjun saving her comes back to Megha.
Megha looked at the documents as Ranjeeta inquired whether she had gathered all the necessary evidence. Megha assured her she had, and Surinder immediately declared their plans to take legal action against Manoj. However, Megha interjected, stating that she needed to attend to something else, and advised them to proceed to the police station without her. She then phoned Sonam for assistance. Talwar reminded Arjun that he was responsible for speaking on behalf of the family during the inquiry, expressing his confidence in Arjun’s ability to make well-informed decisions. As the officer questioned Arjun about his understanding of the consequences of misusing immunity, he nodded in agreement.
Arjun explains that he used his immunity to assist a girl, but the officer accuses him of misuse. Arjun defends himself, saying he only used it to help an Indian girl and did not misuse it. The officer then asks if he admits to the charges while Talwar waits outside. Arjun thinks about his father’s advice before confessing that he helped Megha, who was falsely implicated in a drug case by her abusive husband in Georgia. He rationalizes his actions by stating that he works for the women’s welfare department and thought he was aiding a needy woman. Ultimately, he accepts the charges and admits to lying in Georgia to bring Megha back safely to India.
Upon hearing the officer’s accusation of guilt, Arjun arrives at Talwar. Along with Megha and a group of women, they advocate for Arjun. Despite being asked to leave by the officers, Talwar insists on letting Megha speak. She apologizes for their actions and introduces herself as Megha Khurana, explaining that Arjun saved her from Georgia and brought her to this situation by deceiving her. The officer reminds them that he is paying the consequences for his actions and advises them to make an appointment if they wish to discuss further. However, Megha persists and asks if the commission has summoned her or if any investigation has been conducted on Arjun’s case. The officer dismisses her questions, stating it is an internal affair. Nonetheless, Megha continues to argue with them in defense of Arjun.
She says the inquiry cannot be finalized unless the subject is known. The officer confirms that Arjun has admitted to deceiving and protecting you from Georgia. Megha ponders what would happen if she revealed that she and Arjun are married and that he is being coerced into lying. This revelation shocks Arjun, but before he can respond, Talwar intervenes. The officer then inquires if Megha is indeed married to Arjun. She dismisses his questioning and urges him to cease involvement with the women’s welfare office. However, the officer persistently asks for a clear answer from Megha regarding her marriage to Arjun.
According to Megha, I am married to Manoj Kohli. Sonam also had plans to marry Rajveer. Unfortunately, many women fell victim to deceit. As a result, society labels us as abandoned women because the men we trust have left and disappeared. In an attempt to seek justice, I raised my voice, but instead of being heard, I was subjected to torture, physical abuse, and false accusations. It was only thanks to Arjun’s bravery that our plight was finally brought to light. He fought for us tirelessly, and as a result, the perpetrators are now behind bars. We can only hope that others who have wronged women like us will also be held accountable – all thanks to one man named Arjun Talwar.
According to Megha, Arjun is actively pursuing the fraud and has assured us. The officer states that rules have been violated and alternative approaches may exist. Megha wonders if attaining justice will take 5-10 years, but what about the impact on her life? Many people turn to the courts for justice, but at least she could return home thanks to Arjun’s efforts. The officer reminds us that relying on emotional speeches would lead to chaos and breaking law and order.
Arjun tells Megha that this approach will not be beneficial and urges her to leave. However, Megha reminds him that she had previously advised him the same, but he did not listen. She emphasizes that if he believes she is just lecturing or telling stories, she has evidence to show him. She reveals the torture marks on her body.