Mehndi Wala Ghar 3rd July 2024 Written Episode Update: Rati’s Deception and Rahul’s Divorce Drama

Mehndi Wala Ghar

Mehndi Wala Ghar 3rd July 2024 Written Episode Update on

It begins with Rahul confronting Rati about hiding the marriage certificate. She starts acting and tears. She says friends don’t doubt one another, so I had hidden it so that nobody else got it. Mauli says that it is needed for the annulment of marriage. He fools them. He says fine, come with me. He calls the lawyers home. She says I can’t handle it anymore.

In response to Vijay’s question, Mr. Sharma says he came to get a divorce for me. He asks Rati to sign the divorce papers, and Vijay scolds him. In Rahul’s opinion, Rati changed her mind and does not want to give me the divorce, which Mauli told me, and I trust her a lot. Janki and Vijay oppose him. He says he’s sorry, but this marriage will break, right Rati?

Rahul and Vijay engage in a heated argument while the rest of the group watches on. Jyoti then requests Rati to sign the divorce papers for Rahul. Meanwhile, Rahul himself also asks Rati to sign them. Rati, determined not to give in, proceeds towards the table but trips and falls. Both Rahul and Tanvi rush to her aid. Wincing in pain, Rati asks Mauli to take a look at her hand. However, Mauli sees through her act and declares that she is not actually injured but simply pretending to avoid signing the papers and helping Rahul. Defending herself, Rati claims that she is indeed willing to sign the documents but was only trying to maintain her friendship with Rahul.

Janki intervenes and reprimands Mauli for her actions. Mauli insists that Rati did not intend to harm anyone and has no plans to end her marriage with Rahul. However, Rati speaks up and demands an end to the discussion. Tanvi chimes in, urging Mauli to stop causing unnecessary trouble. Janki then calls for the presence of lawyers. Tanvi turns to Rahul and suggests taking Rati to see a doctor. The situation escalates as Vijay and Manoj get into a heated argument, prompting Rahul to intervene and ask them to calm down. He turns to Mauli and questions whether she is particular about Rati’s intentions. Mauli affirms her stance, but Rahul stands by his wife’s side, stating that if she believes Rati is wrong, she must be. He reminds everyone of Mauli’s contributions to the family, such as saving their house by obtaining the development office map and even going to jail. This revelation leaves everyone speechless.

But we didn’t know that, Manoj says. Rahul says she didn’t want to worry you, so she saved the house, and Rati took credit for it. Mauli is the best, but I married you and gave you divorce, I didn’t think of my future at all. She argues with him and cries. He says stop this drama, sign the annulment papers. She threatens to jump down the stairs, but they all try to stop her.

Rauli thinks he should catch Rati. Rati says Rahul didn’t trust him, so I should die. Rahul tells Rati to stop. She says I’m going to die, you don’t need a divorce, live with Mauli. Trying to stop Rati, Mauli catches her. Rahul and Manoj get Rati behind. She asks why did you save me, Mauli, and what do you want? Janki slaps Rati and scolds her. Rati asks what she can do since Rahul dislikes or trusts her. Everyone leaves. Rahul hugs Mauli.

Jyoti says to give Rati an injection and take her out of Rahul’s life. Manoj says don’t do anything wrong. Vijay says Rati was going to commit suicide because of you, Rahul. Tanvi asks what would we tell her parents. Rahul is said to take the juice for Rati by Mauli. She insists, and Rahul goes to Rati.

Upon seeing Rahul, Rati bursts into tears. He inquires about the unnecessary act she committed and then quickly apologizes for wrongly accusing her. He offers her a glass of juice and checks where she may be injured while holding her hand. He urges her to promise that she won’t repeat such actions. As she signs some documents with her thumbprint, she accidentally drops the glass and questions him about it. He reassures her that he did not deceive her, but rather fulfilled her promise and tells her to rest. She disagrees, stating that what he did was wrong. In response, he firmly reminds her that he is willing to do whatever it takes to obtain their divorce.


Janki’s house is visited by NGO ladies who ask about Rahul and Rati’s marriage.

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