Pandya Store 19th June 2023 Written Episode Update on
The episode starts with Dhara asking Chiku to listen. He runs out and hides behind Shweta. Dhara asks him to come out. Chiku says I hate you. Dhara complains about him. She says he calls me a bad mother, so I’ll become a bad mum to reform him. Shweta says give him some time. She recalls her words to Malti saying Natasha isn’t doing such things, but he thinks I’m a bad mother, so I can tolerate his hatred to reform him.
Shistia and Raavi support Dhara. Shweta asks Chiku to apologize to Dhara. Dhara says he doesn’t want to apologize, he should reform, explain him. He cries. She comes to meet Malti. Malti says you here… Dhara says yes, a daughter has come to apologize to her mother. Malti says you don’t need to apologize, you have never been wrong.
Suman tells a story to the kids. The kids hug her. Suman says Dhara is teaching you life lessons, don’t worry. Malti hugs her and cries.
According to Malti, your dad had different qualities as a father and husband. He often mistreated me and resorted to violence if I dared to speak with anyone. Thankfully, Gautam’s dad would step in to protect me. Your dad also connected me with him, and I grew to see Gautam’s dad as a brother figure. However, I reached my breaking point and craved for respect and love, which your dad failed to provide. In my desperation, I saw a glimmer of hope and left my children behind to flee with Arushi’s dad who had a young son. Initially, everything was smooth sailing until tragedy struck and his son kicked out Arushi and myself from the house. As a result, I returned here filled with remorse, but unfortunately, my presence has only added more complications for you. Please forgive me for this burden I have caused you.
Malti and Dhara cry as Dhara kisses her hand, saying I have always craved your love. The bahus discuss the aliens. Someone knocks on the door. They become scared. Rishita checks out the door. She sees a man. Her brother delivers the icecream and says four people have fainted and died. Everyone is tense. She doesn’t say anything. Shweta says Chiku’s mood was bad, so I ordered icecream for kids.
They can eat it after dinner, Rishita says. She asks Chiku to have icecream. Dhara says dinner is coming up, so eat first. He refuses. Rishita says he has become stubborn. Dhara asks who is going to eat the food. Chiku says throw the food. She asks Shweta to support him more. Dhara says we cannot spoil the kids by listening to them. It falls. He picks it up and eats it. Dhara says dirty ice cream.
Rishita claims he was once naive, but now he has become obstinate and often runs away. Suman advises against chasing him, assuring that he will eventually improve. Dhara becomes exasperated by Shweta’s influence on Chiku and Suman intervenes. She reminds Dhara of her decision and urges her to stick to it, accusing her of being envious of Shweta’s closeness with Chiku. Dhara denies this and points out that she is a mother figure to Dev, Shiva, and Krish as well. Suman explains that this is because she allowed it and encourages Dhara to also allow Chiku into her life as a second mother figure.
Rishita and Gautam search for Dhara and the kids who have gone missing.