Pandya Store 27th August 2023 Written Episode Update on
The Episode begins with Shesh mentioning the nearby alcohol suppliers along the highway before disconnecting. Natasha then captures a video of the stocked alcohol, which unfortunately led to her being caught by a goon who takes her phone. This catches Amba’s attention and Dhawal shares some good news about the party’s alcohol supplier being someone within his reach. Amba recalls Shesh’s call that she missed earlier and Pranali tries to comfort Hetal. Meanwhile, Dhawal tips off the inspector about an alcohol godown on the highway. Amrish decides they should go there but the inspector assures him that he can return home as they will handle it. As Natasha fights off the goons, she passes Sticks to Suman and Mittu who also join in defending themselves. Observing this, Shesh joins in as well. Eventually, a goon manages to capture Natasha, causing them all to worry.
Amba requests Chabeli to take the blame for the incident. She promises to compensate her generously, but Chabeli refuses and threatens to quit her job. Amba insists that she follow her instructions, as she is worried about what the Pandyas might have discovered. Just then, Dhawal arrives at the godown and discovers that the Pandyas are being held captive by some thugs. He courageously fights and defeats them while the police arrive at the scene. The thugs manage to escape but are later apprehended by the police. The inspector expresses his gratitude towards Natasha and Dhawal before apologizing for what Amrish had to go through. Natasha urges him to find out who brought alcohol into their house, and one of the men reveals that they were instructed by a woman in pantsuit whose face he did not see. The inspector assures them that he will do his best to find those responsible for this situation.
She says relations matter to me, so we did what we could, but no longer. She leaves with her family. Dhawal says she never leaves a chance to scold. Hetal says Amrish is coming. Amba thinks and gets an idea. Once Natasha loses the Pandya store to Chiku, this marriage will end. Chabeli says let her in, she will wake up in 4 days. Amba says no, we shouldn’t get a cunning opponent.
Natasha sobs, “Dhawal doesn’t see that I risked my family’s life to save his brother. I can never marry him.” Amrish arrives home and Amba embraces him warmly. Hetal performs the aarti. Amrish declares, “Let’s begin preparations for the wedding tomorrow. We will speak to Suman. This marriage will take place.” He turns to Dhawal and says, “For my sake, apologize to Natasha when she comes here. She will adjust to our family.” Pranali points out, “But she humiliated you. Do we really need her as our daughter-in-law? Can’t we find another way to acquire the store?” He curtly tells her to keep quiet.
In an angry tone, he scolds her. He says I will handle this house. He asks Bhaven to control his wife. Paresh watches as Amrish scolds him. He says ask your daughter to stay within limits. Amrish gets angry at Pranali. He says Natasha Pandya is more important to me than anything else. Pranali believes I will observe how this marriage works and what you do with this store.
As Pranali says, I’ll see how this marriage turns out, Amrish will pay a price for insulting my dad, I’ll tell Natasha the truth, and Amrish won’t get the store.