Anupama 14th September 2023 Written Update

Anupama written update

Anupama 14th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Paakhi calls out for help and with a reassuring gesture, Guru Maa extends her hand to assist her. Anuj quickly contacts the police, urging them to search for Paakhi. Emotions run high as Anupama anxiously waits by the door, tears streaming down her face. Anuj inquires about her fixation with the outside world, only to realize there is no one there. However, Anupama insists that Paakhi is on her way. Barkha interjects, stating that she is not outside. Disregarding their doubts, Anupama continues to gaze towards the door while Ankush looks on disapprovingly at Romil. But their worries are soon lifted as Malti Devi/Guru Maa appears with Paakhi, bringing smiles to everyone’s faces. In a hurried frenzy, they all surround Paakhi as she embraces them warmly while a sentimental song plays in the background. As they attend to Paakhi’s needs, Anuj glances at Guru Maa who informs them of finding the unconscious girl at dhobi ghat before falling unconscious herself. Without hesitation, Anuj takes charge and instructs Anupama and Adhik to take Paakhi inside

Samar apologizes to Papa for their failed search for Paakhi. Toshu reports that they spoke with individuals who have criminal records, but were unable to locate her. Shortly after, Vanraj receives a call from Anuj and asks if Paakhi has been found. Upon ending the call, he informs everyone that Anuj has invited them back home where Paakhi has been found. They are all overjoyed and rush to leave. Anupama tends to Paakhi and expresses her relief that she has returned and brought happiness with her. Paakhi calls out “Mummy?” Anupama responds by explaining that it is due to the medication and that they can talk later, urging her to rest. In another room, Anuj speaks with Guru Maa and expresses disbelief at Malti Devi’s current state.

When Adhik comes to Anupama, he folds his hands, asking her to let him stay with Paakhi for a while. Anupama leaves. Paakhi looks at Adhik. He keeps his head on Paakhi’s tummy, asking her not to leave him again next time, since he was very scared. When Romil is sitting in his room, he cries and thanks his aunty for finding Paakhi. He says that Anuj uncle will not forgive me, and he does not know what punishment he will impose.

Adhik sheds tears and apologizes to Paakhi for his actions. In response, she reassures him that he does not need to cry, as she believes he is not at fault. Adhik acknowledges the harm he has caused her through his words and physical actions, as well as emotional manipulation. With remorse in his voice, he expresses regret for not valuing her love and going against her and his family’s wishes. He admits that it was only when she was absent from his life that he realized the depth of his feelings for her. He promises to never cause her pain or treat her poorly again, vowing to become the loving husband she deserves.

As Anupama comes to Anuj, he gives medicine to Guru Maa. Anuj says he has kept it just as she said. He asks if you are fine now. Anupama says yes, now I am fine. Anuj says he is sorry I didn’t believe you.

Adhik inquires if anything has happened while they were gone. Paakhi reassures him that she was treated well and given my favorite food at regular intervals. She adds that the kidnapper appeared to be a decent person. However, she speculates that they may have given her medicine because she was shouting. Despite feeling drugged, she managed to escape when she saw an opportunity but soon became drowsy due to the effects of the medication. Adhik reveals that Malti Devi brought her back home and it was Romil’s act of revenge against them. This news shocks Paakhi. Vanraj and other family members join them and Vanraj expresses his joy at seeing her safe return.

Baa predicts that Romil will improve upon his behaviour once he is incarcerated, so Vanraj vows to stand by her side. Ankush defends Romil, stating that it was not done with ill intent. Vanraj reiterates that jail time will only make him a better person. Samar reminds everyone of Paakhi’s belief in brotherhood and questions Romil’s actions. Vanraj labels it as a grave crime, while Romil tries to downplay it as a prank gone wrong. As Vanraj asks him to accompany him to the police station, Ankush intervenes and urges him to reconsider. Vanraj reflects on the turmoil he has been through in the past two days and Ankush apologizes for his friend’s mistake. Concluding that punishment is necessary, Vanraj speaks up while Ankush agrees with him.

Vanraj asks him to hit him and questions his actions. He expresses how a father’s heart is deeply troubled by the situation and comments that if criminals could improve at home, there would be no need for jails. Ankush apologizes and assures that Romil will not make the same mistake again. Romil also apologizes to Vanraj and Anupama, clarifying that he never intended to hurt Paakhi. Adhik states that Romil deserves to go to jail, and Anuj agrees, asking Adhik if he should also face the same punishment for his wrongdoings. He reminds Adhik that just because he did not kidnap Paakhi does not make him a good person, urging him to stay out of it. Anupama points out that while Romil cannot be forgiven, Adhik is also not absolved of his guilt. Malti Devi arrives and inquires about the location of the missing girl. Anupama goes to her and reveals her identity as Anupama.


In order to complete the festival, Paakhi ties Rakhi to her brothers and Babu, then to Anuj and Romil. If the doctor says we should shift Malti Devi to any hospital or centre, then we will do that, I don’t want her to stay with you, and says the final decision will be yours. Anupama looks at her.


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