Anupama 23rd June 2023 Written Update

Anupama written update

Anupama 23rd June 2023 Written Episode on

Prior to beginning their dance competition, Anuj and Anupama receive the blessings of their Gurumaa Malti Devi. Gurumaa believes anyone would have felt bad if they were in Nakul’s position, so she let him compete and find out if Anupama is a good choice for her successor, and competitions are sometimes necessary for people to improve their abilities. Vanraj says let Kinjal speak, while Leela asks Kinjal not to tell that she also wants to leave Shah house.

Anupama has only 5 days left before she leaves for America, so Kinjal says she deserves a grand farewell since her life revolves around her and she is so dear to them. Leela says she will prepare Anupama’s favorite laddus and make her feel so special that she will drop her idea of going to America. Vanraj says they should let Anupama go and not hinder her development.

As Anupama and Nakul’s competition commences, Gurumaa observes their performances. She believes that Anupama is dancing for herself, while Nakul is dancing to prove a point and defeat her. Despite her bias towards Nakul, Gurumaa praises Anupama’s talents. However, this only fuels Nakul’s jealousy and resentment towards his fellow dancer. Suddenly, the lights flicker and in a fit of anger, Nakul pushes another performer causing them to drop a vase of flowers. Unfortunately, in the chaos, Anupama steps on hidden glass pieces and falls to the ground in agony. Concerned for her well-being, Gurumaa rushes to her side.

Gurumaa rushes to Anupama. Nakul acts and asks someone to call a doctor. Anupama hesitates to let Gurumaa touch her feet. A guru cannot see his or her student’s pain, so Guruma removes the glass from Anupama’s foot and bandages it. She apologizes and asks her not to worry about her injury since she will manage it and keep her promise. She will utilize herbal paste to heal her injuries, etc.

Her question is, why the accident happened, who kept a vase near the dancing area, and how did glass pieces get in it. Gurmaa says she knows Anupama will dance despite injured feet, but she wants to know how the accident happened. To find out who made this mistake, she asks Nakul to get the CCTV footage. Nakul becomes tense. Anupama sees his face and says she kept the vase there. Gurumaa thinks it wasn’t her mistake, but she shouldn’t be suffering so badly.

During Kavya’s sonography appointment at the hospital, she happens to run into Vanraj. Apparently, he overheard her telling Kinjal about the visit and decided to come along. Kavya insists that he didn’t need to join her. Vanraj explains that he wanted to be there for both her and the baby, and make up for the joy he missed out on during his other children’s childhoods while working to secure their future. He then asks Kavya to come back home with him, and she agrees. As they walk together, Nakul humbly apologizes to Anupama for his jealous behavior. She kindly requests him not to touch her feet, but Nakul confesses that she already knew it was him who spread rumors about her pregnancy. Despite this, Anupama chooses to forgive and forget, keeping it between them. Nakul can’t help but shower her with praise, which catches Gurumaa’s attention as she observes their conversation from afar.


The bump causes Anupama to slip. Anuj holds her and notices the injury. Kinjal informs family that Paakhi will also have a farewell party for Anupama. Leela asks Paakhi why she called Anupama where mentally insane Maaya is. Maaya looks frustrated. Anuj lifts Anupama and walks while flowers shower on them.

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