Anupama 29th May 2023 Written Update

Anupama written update

Anupama 29th May 2023 Written Episode, Written Update

As Anupama and Anuj stroll down the street, memories of their past joys flood back to them. The familiar tune of “Jaage Hain Der Tak, Hamen Kuchh Der Sone Do…” fills the air. Anuj arrives at his car and reflects on a poem he wrote about holding hands after 26 years, but now that hand has disappeared from his life as he never expected Anupama to enter his world. Meanwhile, Anupama is amazed that she, a grandmother, has found love with Anuj, who has become an integral part of her being; yet today, a piece of her heart feels lost. Vanraj paces the hallway, and when Toshu wonders if he can’t sleep because he’s worried about their mother, Vanraj confesses that in a few days’ time Anupama will depart from their home. It’s bizarre to think that once upon a time it was him waiting for her return but now the tables have turned; all he wants is for her to be happy. He reflects on how last time he held her back from going to America but this time he will ensure she reaches there without any hindrances.

Feeling panicked, Maaya assumes Anuj is with Anupama and rushes to Shah house. Barkha attempts to intervene, but Maaya’s emotions get the better of her and she storms off. Barkha realizes that it’s a challenge to manage this woman. Meanwhile, Anuj pulls up in front of Anupama and offers to give her a ride home since she won’t be able to find an auto at this hour. However, Anupama declines and insists on going alone. Just then, Maaya arrives at Shah house and inquires about Anuj’s whereabouts. Leela jokes that she has locked him in the kitchen and scolds her playfully. Unable to contain her anger, Maaya yells out that both Anuj and Anupama are missing, leading her to believe they are together.

During her speech, Anupama discusses how Anuj married her after waiting 26 years, how they became soul mates, and how they have become true friends. He says he wants to drop her home as a friend at least. Maaya continues her drama and insists she call Anupama, but Kinjal tells her to calm down, saying Anupama is in a gurukul. Vanraj says he even called gurukul and confirmed. Maaya continues to shout. Hasmukh tells her to calm down since Anuj has gone on some work and will return soon.

Maaya and Kinjal both have warnings for each other. Maaya asserts that Anupama is with Anuj, who she believes wants to take him away from her. Vanraj interrupts, stating that Anupama is leaving for America instead and Maaya should leave his house to find Anuj elsewhere. Meanwhile, Anuj persuades Anupama to get into the car and smiles at her while driving.


Anuj and Anupama openly declare their affection for one another and share a warm embrace. They remain entwined in each other’s arms throughout the entire night. When morning arrives, Vanraj remarks that they still haven’t come back home. Finally, they make their way home and affirm that they have indeed arrived.

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