Anupama 8th September 2023 Written Update

Anupama written update

Anupama 8th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

After his conversation with the DCP, Anuj reassures Anupama that there will be no negligence in handling their current situation. Anupama questions if someone has kidnapped her. In response, Anuj urges her not to think negatively. She reminisces about how when Pakhi was younger, she would always find a way to comfort her whenever she cried. Anupama wonders why Pakhi isn’t doing the same now. However, Anuj reminds her that no words will fully calm her worries and encourages her to trust in their faith as Kanha ji will guide them in the right direction and never bring harm upon them.

Adhik approaches Romil and inquires about Pakhi’s whereabouts. He urges him to disclose the information. Romil responds, stating that he has always perceived Adhik as foolish or malicious, and points out that no one will believe him as he is not a victim but rather a criminal. Adhik threatens to inform the police about Romil’s actions. Romil retaliates by warning that if he reveals the truth of how Adhik used to mistreat her, he will ensure that Adhik gets arrested and punished. This angers Adhik, but before things escalate further, Vanraj arrives and grabs hold of Adhik’s kurta. He demands an explanation for what happened to his daughter, while Toshu and Samar have also joined them.

When Barkha arrives, she pleads with Vanraj to spare her brother and reminds him that her brother is innocent. Threateningly, Vanraj warns that if anything happens to his daughter, he will take revenge on Barkha’s brother. Trying to reason with them, Barkha explains that she went to their house but couldn’t reach them. Samar believes it was a planned scheme while Toshu threatens to banish him somewhere beyond God’s reach. Despite their anger, Barkha asks if they can’t see his distress and assures them that he is also worried about Pakhi’s disappearance. Taking accountability, Samar confesses that he believes Pakhi left because of him.

Vanraj inquires about the whereabouts of his daughter, to which Adhik, swearing on God, speculates that Pakhi may have been upset with her mother and left. He reveals that Pakhi had warned her mother against interfering in their marriage and was troubled because of her. However, before they can continue their conversation, an inspector arrives and informs Adhik that he is being arrested as they suspect his involvement in Pakhi’s disappearance. Despite the inspector’s orders, Adhik refuses to leave. Barkha then asks who filed the complaint against him.

As Anupama arrives with Anuj, she says she has filed the complaint. She tells Adhik that she tried every means, but he did not tell her. In response, she requests that he tell her where her daughter is, Barkha asks seriously, you want to jail your son-in-law without any evidence, and says my brother is an educated person. According to Anupama, educated people do not raise their hands on their wives.

Barkha mentions that Adhik is aware that if anything were to happen to Pakhi, her husband would be the first to doubt. She reassures that he would never do such a thing and pleads with Anupama to withdraw her complaint. However, Anupama remains firm and declares that she wants Pakhi back. Barkha turns to Ankush and Anuj for support and reminds them that they have known Adhik since childhood, believing he is innocent. The inspector intervenes and informs Adhik that he must accompany him. Despite Barkha’s attempts to stop him, Adhik follows the inspector. Anupama reflects on Pakhi’s words and regrets not taking action sooner by involving the police.

In front of everyone, she apologizes for keeping silent due to Pakhi and says this mother made a mistake, because of me, my daughter is missing. She faints. Anuj holds her.

Toshu, Samar and Vanraj went to Anupama’s house. Kinjal says Samar texted that they would come. Vanraj recalls Adhik’s words that Pakhi had warned Mummy last night. When Anupama gains consciousness, she takes Pakhi’s name. Anuj says Sweety is returning and asks her for water. Inquiring where did my daughter go and why, Anupama asks Anuj.

Vanraj suggests that your actions may have played a role in the current situation. Even though Pakhi warned you, you continued to interfere between Adhik and her. Anuj believes it is justified to address domestic violence and points out that this is also an opportunity to handle Anupama and find Pakhi. Vanraj adds that if Anupama had not pushed her, Pakhi would not have taken such a drastic step. Anupama questions what he means by push and asks if teaching someone to fight for their self-respect is considered pushing, or if she should have taught her to endure suffering in silence.

As Vanraj says, even a mother can make mistakes. As well, Anupama says she made a mistake, and says it was my big mistake not to take this step sooner. She says I raised my voice too late, and that we get late punishing our husbands and sons. She says we give them a chance, and later punish them. She asks if the mother will think 1000 times, and then asks her daughter to give him a chance.

Vanraj acknowledges that he too became upset, but given Pakhi’s desire to be with Adhik, there isn’t much we can do. Anupama questions whether we should simply wait for her to lose her patience. Vanraj points out that it’s Pakhi’s life after all, and reminds Anupama that she didn’t listen even when Pakhi warned her. Anupama wonders why Vanraj didn’t take any action, and asks if he spoke to either Pakhi or Adhik. She also mentions how he had asked her to handle Pakhi instead. She confesses how distressing it was for her to witness Pakhi’s irrational behavior every day, and now she feels compelled to confront Pakhi herself. She then questions Vanraj about whether Adhik really blamed her for causing Pakhi to leave home without even asking for her side of the story.

Anupama asks if you handled her in the past, and Vanraj says you used to run away when she got injected, and you scolded her brothers when she used to fight with them. She says it was good that you were breaking Adhik’s face, but when I showed his face to Pakhi, it was wrong. Vanraj said you had done too much.

Anupama claims that Adhik is manipulating Pakhi’s emotions, and she is unaware that he does not truly love her, but only pretends to. She had previously tried to explain this to Pakhi, hoping she would agree with her, but instead Vanraj interjects by comparing it to how long it took Anupama to understand. He accuses her of thinking love can be simply turned on and off like a switch. Anupama responds by saying that when a man treats a woman roughly, her feelings towards him switch off as well. She then asks him what he has done to contribute to the situation in question.

According to her, you invited only Pakhi for Raksha Bandhan and did not invite Adhik. She mentions that once you found out Pakhi would not come without him, why didn’t you call her and ask her to bring Adhik along? She questions why you did not give them both 26 days, and if Pakhi acted childish, it was not her fault. As a mother, she would never intentionally cause trouble or force her daughter to leave. It hurts her to see Pakhi in pain, so she cannot understand why you accuse her of causing it. She insists she has never had any ill intentions towards Pakhi, so she does not understand your accusations. She asks why anyone would think she is a bad mother and clarifies that she would never purposely do anything to harm her daughter. Anuj and Samar attempt to calm her down.


Inspector tells Anuj and Anupama that the girl had a car accident in the morning, and her description matches your daughter’s. Vanraj gets up shocked. Anupama hugs Baa and says sweetie, everyone cries. Vanraj sits stunned.

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