Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai 8th April 2024 Written Episode: Naren’s Wedding Rituals Begin | Written Update

Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai

Kuch Reet Jagat Ki Aisi Hai 8th April 2024 Written Episode Update on worldofentertainment.in

The episode starts with Naren greeting the guest and taking the blessings of Anousya Baa; Kinjil asks him to come here. Naren also praises his mother, Heta, and Samta kaki and asks why Kinjil doesn’t have the Mehandi on her hands. She says she can’t get the turn, so Naren asks the woman to apply the Mehandi so that he won’t be married.

When Baa tells Sukhi to apply nice mehandi, Visakha gets down the stairs, praises Nandini, then suggests Sukhi secretly write the N in the Mehandi when Nandini says she has already done so, so Visakha should find it, but Visakha says she doesn’t need to. In Naren’s search for something in the Mehandi of Heta, she says she might have kept it hidden, but Heta replies that whoever is not in the heart will not be seen in the hand. Dhawal stares.

Nandini suggests starting the Mehandi ceremony by applying it on Visakha’s hands. However, this angers Visakha, and she chases after Nandini. To lighten the mood, Mitesh intervenes and suggests that they all start dancing. Manri joins in but becomes emotional and has to sit down. Taking advantage of the moment, Mitesh takes some photos of her. Nandini comes over and embraces Manri before they both get emotional. Meanwhile, Ishwar is busy in another room when he receives a phone call, which he goes to answer.

Ishwar calls Nandini to come as there is Naren’s phone. Nandini wonders how she can answer it since he heads back inside, so she keeps teasing Manri before taking her to dance once again. Mitesh teases her by asking what he can do for her. She says he should pick up the phone and, after answering it, turn it towards her while closing his ears. Mitesh says it can’t happen, but Nandini demands he hold it steady.

Nandini also demands to see Naren’s mehandi when Naren says he saw her mehandi. When Naren says he saw the N, he also asks her to look for it but reveals that it is just the first letter after Nandini suggests he should show how much is happening in the background. Naren says he has something to say, but Nandini stops him, saying that Mitesh is listening. He says Naren should say it as nothing is hidden, and Nandini ends the call.

Kinjil suggests they wait for a bit, mentioning she’s hungry. Roupa mentions that they can’t eat until their Mehandi is dry. Naren then interjects with a solution, noting how the wives have constantly fed their husbands before eating themselves. He proposes a change in tradition, where the husbands will now feed their wives with love and care. Naren asks if everyone agrees to this new idea, and they all do. Samta points out that this isn’t a typical scenario, but Virel reassures her that they should let it happen and take advantage of the opportunity. Jigar turns to Ronaq for his opinion, but Ronaq angrily tries to leave. Hemraj intervenes and stops him from leaving.

Baa approaches Parvati, inquiring about Nandini’s whereabouts. Parvati responds negatively, causing Baa to become concerned about Nandini’s well-being and whether she has had anything to eat. Turning to Visakha for answers, Baa is met with no helpful information. She then turns to Manri, who speculates that Nandini may be inside the house. Seeking further confirmation from Ishwar, he gestures towards the corner where Surbhi and Nandini sit. Ishwar questions why Nandini is alone, and she expresses her fear of being separated from her loved ones and getting married in just three days. She worries about losing their love and even her beloved scooter.

Manri reminds Nandini not to consider leaving them, declaring that they will remain together for the rest of their lives. However, she acknowledges that their physical surroundings may change. Visakha and Surbhi agree with Manri, citing Surbhi’s own experience of leaving after her marriage but eventually returning. Heta Baa then interrupts to remind everyone to feed Nandini. Ishwar takes the Thali and asks Nandini if she wants to eat from his hands as her uncle. Tears well up in Nandini’s eyes as he feeds her a bite, and she embraces Ishwar tightly. Even Visakha is moved by this display of emotion.

Hemraj said he said no one is going away, and all the women agreed to the idea, so they must now go and serve the food for their wives while also feeding them. He asks the worker to prepare the Thali for everyone, and all the Ratansi men leave. Hemraj orders Ronaq to take the thali. He stops at first and leaves when Hemraj gets furious, and all the women are standing quietly,

Hemraj moves past the woman towards Chanchal, signaling for her to follow. Naren embraces Anousya Baa, who is equally surprised. Hemraj then sits with a smile on his face, having seen Anousya Baa. Naren draws attention to all the men carrying Thalis. Hemraj gestures for Dhawal to feed Heta while Virel and Jigar share a smile. As he notices Ronaq’s presence, Hemraj straightens up in anger but quickly calms down when Ronaq joins him with his wife.

Meanwhile, Heta glares at Dhawal. Heta Baa instructs the girls to step aside so she can feed Nandini and also invites Visakha to join them as it would make her happy. Visakha insists on personally feeding Nandini as she has always cared for her.

Mehul walks into the room where a visibly tense Ishwar is seated. He calls out to him but receives no response. Mehul then approaches him and gently taps his shoulder to get his attention. Ishwar informs Mehul that he has some work for him. In turn, Mehul shares that he has brought in the scanned papers, which Ishwar should hold onto. However, Ishwar insists that Mehul keep the documents with himself and wait. He opens the wardrobe and instructs Mehul to secure the other papers. When Mehul protests, Ishwar reminds him of what others may think if they were found with the documents. He clarifies that these belong to Hemraj and will be signed whenever necessary.

Ishwar urges Mehul to join him as there is still much unfinished work. As they open the door, Ishwar reminds Mehul to leave without trouble. However, Ishwar almost loses his footing but is quickly assisted by Mehul before he departs. Nandini tries to stop him, but Baa reminds her to focus on her meal. Nandini then requests water, and Visakha offers to fetch it. Heta Baa asserts that she is strong enough to bring it herself and walks past the room, where she notices an injured Ishwar on the ground. Alarmed, she calls for everyone’s attention as if something has happened to him.

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