Mangal Lakshmi 11th August 2024 Written Episode Update: Mangal Goes Missing on Adit’s Birthday, Family in Panic

Mangal Lakshmi

Mangal Lakshmi 11th August 2024 Written Episode Update on

Kusum questions Adit, “Why didn’t you decline her invitation? And why is nobody else present?” Their colleagues suddenly arrive and wish Adit a happy birthday. They even bring gifts and flowers. Somiya points out, “Look, everyone is here now. Let’s cut the cake.” Kusum insists that Adit’s wife must be present for the celebration. However, she is currently injured. Kusum adds that she is willing to endure any pain for Adit’s sake. Adit then asks about his wife’s whereabouts. Upon hearing this, Kusum reminds him that he also has a daughter crying earlier due to a stomach ache. Consequently, Mangla had to leave and prepare home-cooked food for her. But don’t worry, Karthik will bring her here soon.

Lakshmi adjusts her necklace as Karthik compliments her appearance. He then inquires about her gift and whether she made the eyes. As Lakshmi ponders what transpired, she arranges for Ishana’s food to be delivered. Shortly after, a man comes to spray outside the house, causing Mangal to cough. Somiya wonders how long it will take for Mangal to recover, while Kusum informs her that Karthik and Lakshmi are with her. However, while transporting Mangal, she accidentally falls into a nearby box. The workers quickly retrieve her and place her onto the truck.

Lakshmi and Karthik search for Mangal, but she is nowhere to be found. Eventually, they discover her unconscious in a box. Lakshmi then contacts Kusum to inquire about Mangal’s whereabouts. However, Kusum reports that she is not at home and expresses concern for her well-being. Adit chimes in, noting that everyone eagerly awaits her at the gathering. Somiya reminds them of their belief that Mangal would overcome any obstacle to attend her husband’s birthday celebration. Yet, without a storm outside, it is uncertain if she will arrive. Adit requests his friends to remain patient as they wait for her arrival.

Somiya pretends to receive an urgent call and announces that the boss is furious. Therefore, our project must be turned in immediately. Unfortunately, Mangal is not present. I suggest we all gather at the office. The cake can be sliced once Mangal arrives. However, Adit disagrees and proposes cutting the cake now. He jokes about Mangal’s usual tardiness and reluctance to keep everyone waiting. Somiya agrees with Adit’s suggestion and invites him to join her at the cake-cutting ceremony. Kusum questions the absence of Mangal while Karthik and Lakshmi join the group.

As Mangal regains consciousness, she realizes she is now inside the box. Lakshmi inquires about Didi’s whereabouts and expresses concern for her absence and injuries. Meanwhile, Somiya suggests cutting the cake, but Lakshmi questions their lack of empathy towards Didi’s well-being. Akshar sheds tears while Somiya insists on cutting the cake and dismissing everyone.

As Adit prepares to slice the cake, Akshar suddenly slips and lands on Somiya. Shocked, she exclaims, “What the hell?” while Adit questions, “What is this?” Lakshmi explains that it was unintentional, and Adit apologizes. Everyone reassures him, and they all go their separate ways. Confused by the chaos, Kusum asks, “What’s going on?” Somiya complains that Mangal always stirs up trouble no matter where she is.

Mangal cries, “Get me out!” and pleads for help. Somiya questions the importance of her presence, while Lakshmi reassures, “We care.” Kusum reminds everyone that they are a family and Mangal is an outsider. She asks why they should bother searching when they have office obligations to attend to. However, Lakshmi and Karthik head out to find Mangal. Adit feels torn, stating he has to go to the office. Kusum suggests asking their father for a day off so they can continue the search. Meanwhile, Somiya agrees to handle things at the office as she leaves with Adit.

Mangal is struggling. She pleads for assistance. Adit comments that she always has to cause a stir. Kusum suggests searching the premises. Mangal breaks open the box and emerges, wondering how she ended up in this vehicle. It dawns on her that it’s the school tempo from Ishana’s school. Kusum reports that she asked around, but no one has seen Mangal. She proposes checkingin at Ishana’s hostel. In the meantime, Mangal cries out for help as she continues to feel suffocated. She realizes that everyone must be anxious about her whereabouts. Exhausted, she collapses and loses consciousness.

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