Mangal Lakshmi 13th March 2024 Written Episode Update: Adit’s Accident Reveals Surprising Truths

Mangal Lakshmi

Mangal Lakshmi 13th March 2024 Written Episode Update on

The receptionist asked Mangal where Adit Saxena was going. Lakshmi replied that he had an office meeting. Karthik said outside Delhi? His car was found on the expressway. Had he been heading toward Agra? A ward boy comes and says the accident case. Karthik says, “Please tell us where he is.” Your constant neglect of us has been frustrating. She throws her phone away and says, “Please answer us.”

Kusum and Mali go with him. She says you can’t go in like that. She asks Lakshmi who the woman who went in is. She says Adit’s wife. She asks who was with him when he met the accident. Lakshmi and Karthik are shocked. Karthik says there must be a misunderstanding. I will find out. Lakshmi, go to Mangal. Lakshmi says wait to talk to Mangal.

Kusum weeps and utters my Adit’s name before fainting. Mangal tends to her while Lakshmi enters the room. Kusum wonders why they won’t let her see her son and begs God to protect him. Karthik reassures her that he will be fine and hands them some water. However, the nurse informs them that seeing the child is not possible. Lakshmi embraces Mangal as he sobs, taking on all the blame himself for leaving Adit alone and stressed. In distress, Kusum faints again, prompting Mangal to ask Lakshmi to get some juice for her. As Lakshmi struggles with how to inform them that Adit isn’t alone but with a woman, sadness overwhelms everyone in the room.

When Lakshmi came out, she saw Somaiya getting her wounds dressed. She asked the doctor if Adit was okay. The doctor said the MRI would take place soon. She told Somaiya to rest. Lakshmi asked Somaiya if she was with Adit at the meeting. He said he was going alone. How did you get there with him?

In response to Mangal’s question, the doctor informed him he was getting an MRI. The MRI will be done soon. His wife brought him here on time. Otherwise, it would have been severe. They are shocked. Kusum says wife? He says she’s his wife. She didn’t get too many bruises. Mangal says Adit’s wife? What does he mean? He wasn’t alone when he came.

Lakshmi says you were going to Agra for the meeting. Where did the accident happen on the highway? Somaiya says I go with him to all the meetings. Lakshmi says in these dresses. Somaiya says what nonsense. Lakshmi says I want to know the truth. What’s going on? Mangal also arrives. She is shocked to see Somaiya. Kusum and Karthik also appear. Mangal asks Somaiya if she was with Adit when the accident happened. She says yes. Mangal says I know what you did. She embraces Somaiya. Everyone is in shock.

Thank you for saving my Adit. Thanks to you, you saved his life. You were there at the right time. Mangal hugs her and cries. The doctor said he is safe because you brought him here on time. The nurse says the doctor called you. Somaiya asks me, Mangal says no me. Kusum tells Somaiya that what happened shouldn’t have happened. Somaiya asks why. Kusum says such late meetings. Do not set such work principles. Next time, be careful.

Kusum and Mangal cry. The doctor says there may be some internal injuries, and he’ll need long treatment. Karthik says we should be thankful his life isn’t in danger. The doctor says one of you can go with me. Mangal goes with the doctor. Kusum cries outside. Lakshmi prays for Adit. Karthik gives her juice. She says no. He says you must be there for Mangal and Kusum.

When the doctor asks Adit his name, he doesn’t answer. Mangal holds his hand and asks if he remembers her. He doesn’t answer. The doctor asks are you okay? Mangal says Adit ji, I am you. Do you remember me? The doctor says we don’t know for sure. Mangal thinks about Adit. Adit says, Mangal. She turns back in shock. Mangal asks if you’re okay. The doctor says he knew you. He says amma. Mangal says Mom is outside. She worries for you and wants to meet him. She says yes.

She hugs Adit. She says thank God you’re okay. I was so worried. Adit asks if Mangal recognises her. She says no. Mangal tells Kusum he recognises her. Kusum says he was concerned. Mangal says we can meet him, but the doctor asked us not to talk too much. Somaiya says they saw me and spoke to me as well. Adit says there will be so much drama now. Mangal and his family are coming.

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