Mangal Lakshmi 29th June 2024 Written Update: Tensions Rise as Mangal Becomes Cooking Judge

Mangal Lakshmi

Mangal Lakshmi 29th June 2024 Written Episode Update on

Mangal expressed her concern to Lakshmi, but Lakshmi reassured her to taste the food and make a judgement. Despite her worries, Mangal considered declining and even mentioned the rain. However, Kusum had brought a raincoat and insisted they go regardless. After getting ready to leave, Mangal informed Lakshmi of her departure. Meanwhile, Gayatri was angry at Indu for not cooking the right food for Karthik. Sanjana advised her to stop worrying about him since he now has different preferences and only apologizes if his wife asks. This angered Gayatri, who told Sanjana to be quiet. But Sanjana reminded her that she could not change the truth and that Gayatri had always thought Karthik and Lakshmi would remain under her control, but Lakshmi proved more brilliant. Adit then yelled at the manager for forgetting the flowers for the judge, but Somiya apologized and told him to focus on the competition.

Kusum and Mangal arrived at the office, where Adit and Somiya were waiting with flowers. As Mangal removes her raincoat, Adit excitedly announces the arrival of their chief guests. Curiosity sparks in Adit as he wonders who it could be. Eventually, Mangal enters, and her presence takes Adit back. Somiya questions why she is there, causing Adit to label her as an idiot for trying to embarrass him. However, Ruchika intervenes and reveals that Mangal will be serving as the judge for their cooking competition today. This comes as a shock to Adit, who begrudgingly welcomes his wife and presents her with the flowers. Despite his anger, Ruchika thanks Mangal for accepting her invitation to join them. This gesture leaves Somiya feeling upset, and she departs from the scene. Meanwhile, Ruchika again thanks Mangal for attending the event as their special guest of honour.

Gayatri kicks Sanjana out and says, “You get out. “Gayatri says you will pay for what you did. Your son will be taken from you by his wife. Ramesh asks, “What is happening here? “She says this woman has to leave my house. Sanjana says, “I am telling the truth. You can’t accept Lakshmi. Yu brought her here for control. Sanjana says, “You get out. “

Sanjana says Mangal comes everywhere. She will shame me in front of everyone. Nidhi asks papa to stop Sanjana. Sanjana says he’s her slave. Omesh tells me to stop it. We all know what you do. Karthik asks what the problem is. Lakshmi has never harmed anyone. Sanjana says Gayatri is afraid of her past sins, of what she did to my mom. Gayatri asks me whether I should remind you of your great past. Should I tell you what happened?

Stop this drama, Sanjana says. She leaves the house. It’s not fair. You’re our family. Don’t make any decisions in anger. Everyone is under intense pressure right now. Karthik says maa, let go of the past. Gayatri says tell Sanjana to stay away from me and my kids. She’s brainwashing my daughter as well. Somiya does Mangal’s aarti. Mangal stops her. She says you’re doing it wrong.

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