Mangal Lakshmi 6th May 2024 Written Episode Update: Adit’s Accusations and Karthik’s Dilemma

Mangal Lakshmi

Mangal Lakshmi 6th May 2024 Written Episode Update on

Adit confronts Mangal about the stolen money, stating that stealing in their own house is shameful. He demands that his money be returned. This revelation shocks Mangal, causing Kusum to inquire about the commotion. Adit explains that he refuses to pay for Lakshmi’s wedding as she has been stealing from him. He reveals that she has taken a large sum of 3 lacs, causing Mangal to tear up. Adit expresses his desire for Jiya to be the bride in this house rather than Lakshmi. However, when Gayatri asks where he is going, he states that he has some errands and an upcoming interview with a media company.

She questions his professionalism, asking him what the urgency is. He suggests conducting an interview first. She agrees to handle the arrangements. Sanjana inquires about the situation. Karthik explains, and she requests for the letter, offering to deliver it herself. She assures him that he can trust her. Gayatri enters, questioning the commotion, and takes the letter from him. Sanjana insists on giving it personally as she intended to courier it anyway. Karthik assures everyone there is no need for concern and continues with their original plan.

Kusum says Mangal you stole? Why did you do it? Mangal says did you think I would steal? Kusum says Adit I know Mangal, she can’t steal. You must have put them somewhere. Adit says I kept them in this bag only. Kusum says she’s trustworthy. She’s unable to steal, and she might have left them somewhere. Adit can’t be irresponsible. Mangal says I didn’t pick any bags.

I have often asked you to be careful with money and important things, but you always put things here and there, so Kusum urges Adit if he is lying about bringing the bag and money. Go and look for it. You always put things wherever you like. Mangal says I didn’t even see the bag. Kusum says you took the bag from him when he returned from the office. Look everywhere. Someone is knocking at the door.

Lakshmi asks Sanjana to come in. She says I have to leave. She says Karthik sent you this letter. She asks Sanjana if this letter is for me. She says yes. This letter is written with all his heart. It will tell you what he wants and how he feels about you. It will be up to you to decide. Lipika takes the letter from Lakshmi and runs away. She says yes to what he wants.

Adit’s house receives a visitor, and Papa greets him at the door. The visitor informs them that Adit had left his bag at their shop the previous day, and he wanted to return it. Papa opens the bag and discovers some money inside. He calls out to Adit, who immediately asks about his missing bag. Adit is surprised and asks where the visitor found it. Papa clarifies that it was not Mangal who had kept it somewhere, as she is usually cautious, but a shopkeeper came to deliver it. Adit had left it at an electronics shop and was the one who was being irresponsible. Luckily, the vendor was honest and returned everything intact; otherwise, they would have lost the money.

Thank God we found it, Kusum says. You accused Mangal of stealing. Papa asks Adit to count the money. Adit counts it. He says there are still good people out there who fear theft. You call Mangal careless, Papa says. Kusum says he made a mistake. He works all day, he has so much, and Mangal stays home all day.

Still, she is careless. I asked her why she hadn’t noticed Adit wasn’t carrying the bag and if Adit had given it to her. Adit got so stressed, poor he. He said things in anger. Mangal thinks he should have been careful. He says sorry, amma, I’ll be cautious. She says Adit, why would you steal from your own house? I never keep money without asking. Trust me. Adit leaves.

Lipika wrote it for me, she says. Lipika gave it to me. He said we are still your family. Rich guys like him only spend time with girls like you. Lakshmi says don’t mention that about him. He’s very nice. Shanti says, and we can’t read your letter? Lipika is about to read it. He says to have some shame. Bhushan gives it to Lakshmi and says read it in peace. Stop bothering her. Shanti says to do the dishes first.

It was my private letter. You did wrong. Sanjana tells Karthik, I don’t want you to make a mistake this time, so I wrote a few other things in the letter. Karthik says what? It was my private letter. You did wrong. She says that I gave Lakshmi a great offer. Adit says what? She says this will cause Lakshmi to end our relationship, and you will get Jiya. Karthik thinks you shouldn’t have done that.

Lakshmi is ecstatic as she shares that someone has written her a letter for the first time. It almost feels like a dream as she reads the letter and takes a photo to send to Mangal. Sanjana suggests taking advantage of this opportunity to make Jiya jealous and become closer to him. After all, pretending to be happy and participating in wedding shopping would provoke Jealousy in Jiya. Sanjana explains that this is typical behavior for girls, but Karthik questions why Lakshmi would bother doing such a thing. Sanjana replied with a sly smile that money could make anyone do anything, especially since she offered Lakshmi a large sum. However, Karthik interrupts, stating that Lakshmi cannot be swayed by material possessions.

When Mangal cooks, Lakshmi calls. Can I call you a letter? Sanjana gives me his letter. Mangal says love letter. Lakshmi asks if you are crying. She says these are happy tears. You’re blushing as he’s so sweet. I sent it to you. You read it first. Lakshmi says I’ll read it once you’ve read it. Mangal says that’s not right. He wrote it for you. That’s not right. Don’t tell anyone your things.

Kartik is everything to you. Lakshmi says you are my family. Mangal says I had to bring you to your destiny. You have to live with your husband now. It’s your world now. They will come first and then us. Read the letter carefully. Please do not share it with anyone. Try to understand his feelings.

Karthik says this is so wrong. We can’t fool two families. I won’t let this happen. Mangal and Kusum will be upset. Shanti says she’s poor and she will get some money. Karthik thinks she’ll never do that. I’ll be disgusting to her. She says she knows how business is done. Karthik says enough. Stay out of this. I have to talk to Lakshmi. Lakshmi reads the letter. She is shocked.


During a conversation between Mangal and Shanti, Shanti tells her that the jewelry Taiji left for Laxmi is not with her and is only with her. Amma tells Mangal that the jewelry she brought with her was Laxmi’s, and she did not know it. She tells her that she feels cheated. After Laxmi calls him to meet with her, Kartik worries.

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