Shiv Shakti 24th February 2024 Written Episode Update – Shakti’s Brave Rescue and Mandira’s Scheme

Shiv Shakti 24th September 2024 Written Episode Update on

She protects Kartik, but the cement falls on her. Mandira smirks, but Keertan worries. In her opinion, Shakti will die today, and his crazy love for her will die with her. She tells Keertan they must put themselves first if Shakti is to survive. I am your mother, so I want the best for you. Shakti is trying to free Kartik. Mandira says she won’t give up but she has to die today, Kartik will die with her.

Shiv quickly scans his surroundings for Kartik and soon spots Shakti and Kartik trapped in the cement. Without hesitation, he rushes to their aid. Meanwhile, a shocked Mandira questions how Shiv managed to find them, as she had instructed Koyal to prevent him from doing so. In an attempt to free Kartik, Shakti futilely pushes him out of the cement. Shiv arrives just in time and jumps into action, trying to rescue Shakti from her grim fate. However, Mandira pipes up with a declaration that Shakti is doomed to die today, no matter what. But Shiv refuses to give up, and after inspecting the cement truck, he stops its flow by closing off the valve. With determination, he goes back to help pull Shakti out of the thick substance that has engulfed her.

Shiva pulls Shakti out and asks her to wake up. She says she must be dead by now. Mandira asks the Lord to listen to her today. Shiv sees Shakti not breathing and tries to revive her. Mandira says if I am heard, I will build his biggest mandir. Shiv cries and tells Shakti to wake up and fight with him. Kartik says Shakti maasi went to Gauri Maa. Shiv screams no… she needs to wake up. He starts doing CPR, but she doesn’t.

Shakti reminisces about Mandira’s threat to harm Shiv, causing her to awaken. With a sense of relief, Shiv remarks that he is deeply concerned for her. Shakti playfully comments on how charming he looks when worried for her. Attempting to change the subject, Shiv embraces Shakti tightly. Meanwhile, Mandira fumes with fury at the sight of them together. In jest, Shiv notes that even if it is covered in cement, Shakti still looks beautiful as they leave the area. In a rage, Mandira proclaims that she will not let Shakti live another day. Keertan taunts her incompetence after yet another failed attempt, and Mandira vows to reveal everything to Shiv now that he saved Shakti from danger.

All rush to Shakti’s home; Dadi asks what happened to her. Padma says it must have been her new drama, and Shiv says it was enough. She saved Kartik after he got stuck in cement, getting all the cement on herself, but she wasn’t breathing, and I had to give her CPR. Shiv says he won’t hear anything against Shakti now, and no one will misbehave with her anymore. Padma says I didn’t know that.

She says to Keertan, “I am sure that Mandira is the one behind all of this.” Mandira comes and tells him that he will listen to everything she says now and believe her if he doesn’t hear any words against Shakti. Keertan says we are gone if Shakti exposes us. Shiv tells Shakti she is fine. Shiv says, “You need to rest.” Shakti says, “But Kartik.” Shiv says he is fine; Gayatri will take care of him.

Rimjhim comes there and screams Shakti. She hugs her and asks if she is okay. Mandira says they still love each other. Shakti tells Rimjhim she is fine and says Rimjhim was worried about her. Shiv says, “I have to take Shakti for a bath.” He takes her from there. She is weak, so Shiv lifts Shakti and takes her from there.

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