Shiv Shakti (Zee) 12th October 2023 Written Update

Shiv Shakti

Shiv Shakti 12th October 2023 Written Episode Update on

Chacha informs Ranjan’s family that he will reach out to Shakti to offer an apology, but his brother-in-law expresses that an apology is not enough. He requests a payment of 20 lacs. This demand takes everyone aback. Chacha asks for clarification, and his brother-in-law clarifies that it is not dowry but compensation for their offended pride. Chacha questions how they will arrange for such a large sum of money. His brother-in-law responds by saying that there is no rush and they can take the time to gather the amount. He also mentions that due to previous instances where their trust was broken, they now require a safety net of 20 lacs. Chacha asks for some time to think about it while the rest of the family leaves. Shakti follows them outside.

What will we get 20 lacs from? Manorama asks Chacha where he will get it. Chacha brings out property papers and says it can be used for debt. Shakti comes there and says they are blackmailing us; don’t do it. We did no wrong. Manorama says we trusted you, which is all a result of your actions. The 20 lacs will be given to them if Rimjhim does not get married now.

Chacha hands the property papers to Ranjan’s family and assures them that they can use them to pay off their debt without any issues. Excitedly, Ranjan confides in him that he can bring Rimjhim and Shakti into their new home. But his joy is cut short when Mandira expresses her frustration, stating that she had hoped to break up Shiv and Shakti but has not been successful. She is determined to do whatever it takes to drive a wedge between them.

In the middle of the night, Shiv recalls everything. When he wakes up, he screams for Shakti. Nandu calms him down and tells him everything. Shiv says Shakti saved his life, so he needs to go there. Nandu says you can’t go there, and he tells him everything. Shiv says I promised to protect her but couldn’t, so I have to go there, or no one will trust her. Nandu says nobody thinks you two are friends, so don’t go there now. Shiv says fine, Nandu leaves. He says it’s about Rimjhim as well.

Shakti pleads to the Lord for Rimjhim’s well-being, expressing her readiness to make sacrifices to protect her. While speaking with Shiv on the phone, she asks about his safety, and he thanks her for saving his life. He admits that he was not there for her when she needed him but assures her that no one will harm her again. When Shakti inquires how he plans to do this, Shiv reveals that the recent accident has made him realize the truth about Ragunath’s deception. He remembers Ranjan, who previously worked at his factory and had harassed a girl. Shiv had punished him for it, but Ragunath had concealed the incident to avoid getting involved. Now, they must obtain the factory’s evidence to expose Ranjan’s misdeeds. Shakti expresses concern about leaving the house per Chacha’s instructions, but Shiv reminds her that Chacha had only forbidden her from crossing the gate and not jumping off the balcony. Shakti smiles at the idea of sneaking out with Shiv’s help.

Keertan calls Rimjhim and asks her not to go ahead with the wedding. Rimjhim says it’s too late. Keertan thinks he can’t live without you and will be with me this time. I will make you run away from your home, and we’ll find acceptance from your family once we get married. He ends the call. She smirks and says, “Now I know why you used my phone.” She says Rimjhim will run from the wedding, and then we’ll take revenge on Shakti, and I will snatch everything from her. Keertan leaves.

Mandira says I’m not using my son either, and sometimes I must go against him. Once Shakti marries you, no one can unite Shiv and Shakti. Ranjan smirks.

Shiv advises Shakti to prepare herself as he will be arriving soon. Concerned, Shakti expresses her disapproval of the situation and its potential effects on their family, urging Shiv to rest as well. Suddenly, she panics when someone approaches her, but it turns out to be Rimjhim. In tears, Rimjhim confides in Shakti that she does not want to marry Ranjan. Shakti consoles her with a hug. Rimjhim shares that she strongly dislikes Ranjan and pleads for a solution that would not hurt her parents’ feelings. She worries about taking drastic measures that would strain their relationship irreparably.

Shakti asks, “What are you saying?” Keertan told Rimjhim he would run away with her tomorrow. Rimjhim says he will kill himself if this wedding isn’t stopped. Shiv and Shakti are shocked to hear that. Shakti says you won’t do anything like that; you can’t be weak like this; you must be vital for all of us. I always promised to protect you and not let you down. Rimjhim asks Shakti what will you do? Shakti says the Lord will guide us.

Shiv requests for the call to be put on speaker and then reassures Rimjhim that he will not let her marriage to Ranjan occur. He promises to take action against Ranjan and asks if she will support them in their plan. Upon receiving her confirmation, Shiv advises Rimjhim to rest and then turns to Shakti. He reminds her of her promise to Rimjhim and urges her to join him in their mission. Despite recalling Chacha’s promise, Shakti agrees to accompany Shiv.


When Shakti tries to leave the house, she stumbles onto a stool. Her aunt asks where she is going. Shiv is driving his motorcycle. He gets flashbacks and dodges a car. Shakti tries to burn her hand with an iron.

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