Shiv Shakti (Zee) for 19th July 2023 Written Update on
Upon seeing Shakti, Mandira realizes she is much more intelligent than she had initially thought. She remembers rejecting her before Shiv gave her the signal. The minister reminds Mandira of his importance. To cover all possibilities, Mandira questions the manager about Shakti’s absence for the interview. He responds by saying that in that case, the other candidate will be considered. Mandira reassures the minister that Nidhi will be the only one chosen for the scholarship. The manager then informs them that Shakti has arrived. Without hesitation, Mandira states that she will not allow Shakti to take part in the interview under any circumstances.
He smiles and starts to leave, but Shakti says sorry. Shiv apologizes for misbehaving with you and thanks for signing my form. Shiv says if you can save a child before you become a doctor, then you will become such a good doctor, best of luck. He offers his hand, Shakti stares at him and shakes his hand. She asks if she will be able to pass the interview? Shiv says it is your dream and you are very talented, so you should become a doctor and you will.
She gets motivated and says that if I get selected, I will give you tea. Shiv says no thanks, I need something else from you. He looks at his chain and says you need this more for now. As Shakti prepares for her interview, Mandira arrives and says these two are becoming a problem for me. I have to crush this before it becomes a problem. This Shiv needs to be controlled.
Her eyes wander to Mandira as she waits for her interview, and she looks away from her. I apologize for ignoring you, I never was nice to you. I can’t change what I did, but I apologize. Shakti says don’t apologize, I should apologize for misbehaving with you. Mandira says I realized I did wrong because we need people like you, so I asked Shiv to sign your form. Shakti says really?
You deserve this, Mandira says. Shakti says I was so wrong about you, I want to touch your feet. She touches her feet and Mandira blesses her to become a good doctor. Thank you for giving me this chance, Shakti says. I already thanked Shiv and apologized. Mandira says you are already talking like Shiv? he is so nice, people follow him. Let’s go to Shiv for interview advice. She says yes, and goes along with her. I think I am stealing her dreams from her.
He tells Nandu he’s sure Shakti will pass her interview, but she gets angry so quickly. Nandu asks since when did you become worried?
Rimjhim is fixated on Keertan, claiming he must have feelings for her because he visited her home. According to Rimjhim, they will make a perfect couple on social media. However, Manorama overhears and questions what is happening with Rimjhim. She wonders why she is daydreaming about something pointless. When Manorama asks Rimjhim why she’s smiling to herself, Rimjhim denies any romantic thoughts and insists it’s no one important. But Manorama doesn’t believe her and points out the flower she was holding. Despite Rimjhim’s denial, Manorama continues to investigate and asks who the mystery man is. Growing frustrated, Rimjhim tells Manorama to stop prying before storming off. Exasperated, Manorama comments that girls like them give her headaches.
Mandira is going with Shakti. Shiv is in his office and Shakti is about to go there, but Mandira says he is in the research room, so let’s go. She takes her from there, but Shiv comes out of his room. Shiv does not see them and they leave. Shiv says why did I feel like she was here? He looks around but does not see her.
Mandira tells Shakti what’s in the research room. Shiv works there, so he can talk to you. Shakti says doctors usually go there to learn, and Shiv is a good doctor because he never stops learning. Mandira smirks and thinks I’m a fool for telling her this. Shakti takes her into a room and says she wants to help her, she will make sure she becomes a doctor. She says he hasn’t said anything about the tips when I met him, but he hasn’t mentioned it to me.
As Mandira says, he doesn’t want others to think he is favoring you. Shakti thinks she’s lying. Mandira pushes her into the room and locks it. Shakti is shocked and says, “What are you doing?” I’m suffocating here. I have claustrophobia. If you dream big, you will be locked in this room.
There’s a nurse there, and she says she didn’t see anything. Mandira says you’re going to stay outside and make sure no one brings her outside. She leaves. Shakti calls Rimjhim, but she doesn’t pick up. Dharam is dreaming about Koyal, so he doesn’t pick up. Manorama asks him to pick up, and he does. The call cuts off when he picks up.
Trying to find Shakti, Shiv asks the receptionist where she is. The receptionist says she didn’t come to the interview room yet. Shiv asks where she went. Otherside, Shakti is banging on the door.
Mandira says I have played my turn. Shakti stumbles into a rack and a few chemicals fall down and make poisonous mustard gas. She calls Shiv for help and falls to the ground. Dr. Shiv is looking for her.
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