Agnisakshi 20th April 2023 Written Update

Agnisakshi 20th April 2023 Written Episode Update on

The Episode starts with Manohar telling Pallavi that Jeevika likes children so much, what do you mean? Sukanya says Pallavi wants to say that…Pallavi says who decides to have children quickly, and says they enjoy for 2-3 years before finally deciding to have them. She says I said this, I don’t know what you thought. Satvik comes to Narayan and wishes him good morning. He says we all missed you here.

He thanks Narayan and says he is sure you will take Savitri silks to new heights. Satvik thanks him. Shlok tells Aadhya that he chatted with a girl on the APP and wants to meet her. Satvik says I came to give you blessings and that when you crack the deal with Vohras, I’ll be proud of you. In the call, Shlok argues with Aadhya. Swara gets upset and ends the call.

Vohra arrived at Savitri Silks office and was escorted to the conference room by Rao. However, he behaved inappropriately with an employee, causing his father to reprimand him. Meanwhile, Jeevika and Pradeep were on their way to Satvik’s office in an auto. Rajnandini informed them that their deal was finalized, but Satvik still needed to meet them for formality. Rohit Vohit and Rajnandini attempted to manipulate Satvik into signing the deal. Pradeep expressed disbelief that any girl would marry someone like Vohra, but Jeevika assured him that she knows his true character. She emphasized that they have a strong understanding and genuine concern for each other.

Pradeep claims he has no feelings for you and is interested in someone else. Jeevika expresses contentment with her current situation. Satvik inquires about how Mr. Vohra obtained our confidential information. Rajnandini suggests considering the terms of this deal carefully. Satvik reiterates that they cannot afford to lose out on this deal. Rajnandini explains that rejecting the deal could result in damaging our reputation and causing significant financial losses. Satvik reminds them that they are already losing out on potential profits. Rajnandini adds that if Papa or Udkarsh were here, they would have signed the deal immediately.

Rephrased: After stepping out of the auto, Jeevika accidentally falls into a puddle. Pradeep lends a helping hand and suggests they head home, to which Jeevika declines and proposes going inside instead. However, their plans are halted by the watchman who questions their appointment with Satvik. Fortunately, Rao emerges and confirms Jeevika’s identity as Satvik’s wife, allowing them access inside. Jeevika then requests that Rao deliver a tiffin to Satvik, but he encourages her to do so herself as it would make him happy. As they enter, Jeevika inquires about the location of the washroom and is pointed in the right direction by Rao. Meanwhile, Rohit Vohra observes her curiously. Eventually, Satvik successfully seals a deal and presents it to Rohit’s father while Rajnandini looks on with a smile. Feeling remorseful for his son’s lack of understanding in business ethics, Mr. Vohra apologizes to Satvik.

He asks him not to feel sorry and says that just as you are helpless because of your son, I am doing this for my father, or else I wouldn’t have signed this deal. If Rajnandini makes a profit of crores, Satvik makes a loss, and Papa gets angry with him, she thinks.

Sukanya scolds Pallavi for divulging the information. She explains that Satvik may be upset about Jeevika’s presence and suggests he may end things with her. Sukanya reassures her that Satvik loves Jeevika deeply and will not abandon her. At that moment, Jeevika emerges from the washroom and Rohit bumps into her. After apologizing, Jeevika tries to leave but Rohit suggests they make another mistake. He adds that there are no cameras present, so no one, not even God, will know about their actions. He holds onto Jeevika’s pallu and declares that he won’t let go of someone he likes.

As Jeevika slaps him, Rajnandini speaks up, addressing him as Satvik and acknowledging his actions were for their father. Upon noticing Pradeep’s presence, Satvik asks why he is there. Pradeep responds that their mother has sent food, though it may be outdated, it is still good. Satvik shares how he finds his mother’s cooking to be comforting and becomes emotional. Suddenly, they hear Jeevika screaming for help and the three of them rush over to her. Rohit Vohra claims that the girl had slapped him but Jeevika explains that she was coming out of the washroom when… However, Rohit cuts her off and makes accusations against her character, insinuating she is trying to trap a wealthy man. Rajnandini suggests discussing this later but Rohit insists on defending himself by explaining that he had only grabbed her saree pallu and nothing else. In anger, Satvik grabs Rohit’s collar and defends Jeevika as his wife. Overwhelmed with emotions, Jeevika looks on.

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