Anupama 14th April 2023 Written Update

Anupama written update

Anupama 14th April 2023, written update on

Maaya thinks it feels good to see all three of them together after Little Anu returns home from the picnic. Anuj lifts her happily and says she missed him a lot. Little Anu describes where she visited. Anuj asks if he finished shopping. He says his baby roamed a lot. When she asks where mummy’s sari is, Anuj lies and says he bought it, but he sent it to Anupama via Dheeraj. Little Anu says she will go now, and they will call Mummy later. Maaya tells Anuj that they need to pamper Little Anu a lot as parents in order to prevent her from remembering Anupama. Anuj nods yes and leaves. Maaya believes she and Barkha will manage.

Leela says Anupama gave shelter to Dimpy and Dimpy removed her from her academy. Pakhi says that mummy’s favourite son Samar silently listened to Dimpy and proved that a girlfriend’s love is more important than a mother’s. He was wondering why Pakhi didn’t open her mouth last night, because she wanted to spice up the drama the next day. She says whatever happened there has been described wrongly. Samar says when dirt fills her mind, she will speak dirt. Pakhi says his girlfriend is a speck of dirt. Samar warns her to control her tongue. Vanraj overhears their conversation.

Toshu says Mummy risked her and her family’s lives for Dimpy, but Dimpy hurt Mummy instead. Leela says Pakhi didn’t say anything wrong, she didn’t like Dimpy from the beginning. If Pakhi can’t be loyal to her parent, how can she be loyal to anyone else? Then Samar warns them not to mudsling Dimpy. Leela says she heard love was blind, but she didn’t know it was also dumb and foolish. Vanraj feels pity for Anupama.

Seeing the rangoli painting made by Kanta and Bhavesh, Anupama thanks them. Kanta says she would have done more if she could. Anupama says enough is enough. She stands on top of the painting and says, “This is my place.”.

She describes how there is a talent hidden in every person which they need to wake up, and she did not realize their hobby would become their career. Bhavesh says they have become businessmen now. Anupama says that sometimes a person stumbles, but sometimes he or she even moves 2 steps forward.

Dimpy is Pakhi’s girlfriend, but that doesn’t mean she’s right, Pakhi continues to confront Samar. Dimpy says she didn’t do anything wrong, as it was her decision to leave the dance academy. Pakhi says Samar always supported his mother, but today he neglected her just for a girlfriend.

Samar shouts at her to shut up. Toshu says the truth is bitter. Pakhi prays God should give everyone a mother like Anupam, but not a life like Anupama’s who got betrayed by her husband and children. When Vanraj shouts to stop and asks Samar how he could let his mother go, Samar was the one who stood by Anupama when her own academy was against her.

Because the dance academy is in his mother’s name, Dimpy told Samar that the academy was getting fewer students, so they should change its name; Samar agreed with Dimpy and hurt Mummy. Toshu asks how mummy could stay there. Vanraj says that the dance academy is Anupama’s identity, and he never thought about his mother. Hasmukh asks Samar how he could do such a mistake, he is Anupama’s pride and he disrespected her. Leela replies Samar would have avoided Dimpy’s trap if he had so much sense.

Barkha notices Dimpy crying and asks why. Dimpy explains what happened yesterday at the dance academy. Barkha is shocked to learn that Anupama quit the dance academy. Dimpy says Samar stopped talking to her after that. Adhik hears their conversation and rushes to talk to Pakhi.

Barkha tells Dimpy that she should have informed her about it yesterday itself, Shahs are selfish, but Anupama shouldn’t have walked out. Dimpy hopes that there won’t be any problems between her and Samar because of all this. Barkha says she did right, but Shahs will try to make her feel guilty; she should be strong and hold Samar as Shahs will try to separate her from Samar like they separated Anupama from Anuj; she shouldn’t let them win. Anupama gets a call from a relative who wants to send her granddaughter to Anupama’s dance classes. She asks her to send even her neighbour’s children and feels excited.

As Hasmukh tells Samar, Anupama must have been hurt by his silence for sure. Leela says she heard about the wife’s servants but not the girlfriend’s servants, he’s so useless that he went against his own mother. In Vanraj’s words, Samar should apologize to Anupama and return to her academy right away. After so much has happened, Kinjal says Mummy won’t return. Leela asks Samar if he couldn’t go behind Anupama. Pakhi asks how he would handle Dimpy’s final date. Toshu asks if Samar couldn’t see the pain in mummy’s eyes.

Kinjal asks them to stop dragging this issue. Pakhi says they were dancing happily in front of us and must have already planned their wedding venue and dates. Toshu says their future is set now. Leela tells Samar she will rather die than accept Dimpy. While Pakhi and others villainized Dimpy, Samar is not wrong; Dimpy did not force mummy to leave the dance academy; he does not care what anyone thinks. Vanraj warns him against them.

A lady watches Anupama carefully as she distributes her dance academy’s pamphlets with Kanta and Bhavesh, urging people to bring their children to the show. Kinjal tells Samar that marriage is a big decision, she never said anything about Dimpy, but she feels strange seeing her recent behaviour. Despite being against her marriage with Toshu, Samar says she considered her family’s likes and dislikes at the time. Toshu warns him not to compare Kinjal with Dimpy. Samar says Kinjal should not be judgemental about Dimpy. Leela says Dimpy has manipulated Samar.

Vanraj warns Leela to behave. He says Leela has problems with every Daughter In Law, mummy and Kavya before now Dimpy. Samar asks why he can’t have a love marriage when others have had one; Pakhi stays at her parents’ house even after marriage, why don’t they ask her to return to her husband?

Then Adhik enters the room, hears that, and asks why his and Pakhi’s marriage is being discussed now. In this house, there are always old issues that come up when there is a fight. Samar says Dimpy has been villainized and hasn’t been given a chance to prove herself. Leela says Dimpy kicked Anupama out of her own dance academy, and does he want Dimpy to kick them out of their house as well?

The same is being prepared, Samar says. Kinjal explains they want his well-being. They do not oppose Dimpy’s marriage, but they want him to understand Dimpy better first. Hasmukh says such an issue has never occurred in their house. Pakhi asks if he stays in the same house because nothing but arguments and fights take place there. Toshu says Samar forgot his manners with Dimpy’s entry into this world. Samar warns him to recall his past misdeeds first. Pakhi says that’s why he wants Dimpy in this house.

Dimple walks in. Leela yells at her that she burned relationships and should burn their house now. Dimple shouts at Leela enough. Taking Kanta on a drive and promoting her academy, Anupama enjoys soda with Kanta and Bhavesh.

Barkha sends Anupama’s bags and says Anuj sent them. Samar tells the family that everyone has spoken; now it’s his turn. Vanraj asks Samar to speak. Samar says if they don’t take responsibility, he’ll leave.

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