Anupama 16th September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on
Guru Maa touches Anuj’s cheek and says, “I haven’t seen you in many days, my eyes were longing for you,” where had you been?” Anuj is surprised and asks her to take her foot back. She does. Anupama arrives and asks what happened? Anuj says nothing. Anupama says, “Let’s go home.” Guru Maa asks whose house? Anupama replies, “ours.” She asks Barkha not to stare at him and say what she wants to.
Barkha explains that she does not wish to say anything further, as Ankush is well aware of his son’s actions. Ankush responds by saying he predicted she would react this way and questions her intentions. She asserts that Romil has made a mistake and suggests that he always blinds himself to Adhik’s faults. On the other hand, Ankush points out that he is at least admitting Romil’s wrongdoing unlike Barkha who constantly defends Adhik. Barkha stands by her brother and states confidently that he is not capable of making any mistakes. She also reminds them all that they have given Romil a second chance, but if he repeats his mistake again, she will not hesitate to kick him out.
Baa expresses gratitude to God for Paakhi’s safe return. Kinjal shares her mannat for Paakhi with Baa. Dimpy reveals that she too made a mannat, despite being a flawed individual as a daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, and woman. Toshu questions why Paakhi has changed since being with Mummy and forgiving Romil. Kinjal defends Paakhi’s actions as doing what she believed was the right thing. Toshu believes Adhik and Romil should be punished, while Kinjal believes they can improve through guilt and love. Toshu argues it is foolish to trust them, but Kinjal points out that we trust strangers like doctors and pilots every day.
According to Toshu, Romil is someone who is known for breaking trust. Kinjal points out that even he has been guilty of this in the past. However, he admits to his mistake and is currently making amends. Toshu also conveys his concern for Paakhi, stating that he cannot help but worry about her. On the other hand, Kinjal believes that Paakhi has every right to make her own decisions and lead her life as she sees fit. Toshu then makes a profound statement, saying that those who are not willing to forgive others should not expect forgiveness themselves. Kavya also adds that she understands the weight of her mistake and regrets it deeply. She acknowledges that Romil too has made a mistake, possibly due to not receiving enough love from his family in the past.
In her view, he didn’t get the value, and she is sure Romil will improve. She says that I have changed since coming here. Vanraj says you are mature, but what will happen if Romil commits a crime due to his immaturity. He says Paakhi has made a mistake by forgiving Romil. Babu ji says everything is fine now, why are you arguing. Baa says nothing is fine and tells that Guru Maa has returned, so she doubts that she is acting and feigning to take revenge like Maya.
In exchange for the cold coffee, Adhik gives Paakhi a message. Barkha suggests they go on a date, says so much has happened at home, and says they should always be happy. Adhik says he was thinking of going on a movie or dinner date. Paakhi asks Barkha to come with them. Barkha refuses. Adhik says in fact we will all go. Paakhi says Mummy and Buddy will not be able to attend due to Malti Devi. Adhik says we shall take Jiju and Choti along. Paakhi sees Romil and asks him to come to see them.
It is not possible for Romil to come, as he has a project. Paakhi says we are running late for the move, so she will help him with his project until then. Romil asks really and goes to get his stuff. Barkha and Adhik warn Paakhi not to trust him. Romil will mend his ways, Paakhi says. As I was mannerless and arrogant when I was at his age, even though I had family, he now has family for the first time, and I am confident he will be able to recover.
Kavya brings tea for Vanraj and expresses her belief that love makes it difficult to let go of someone. She also mentions how Paakhi is doing the same by giving Adhik a chance and considers him fortunate. Despite Baa and Vanraj’s disapproval, she insists on staying as she loves him. Kavya believes that love overrides logic and reasoning, allowing the heart to take control. While she knows Vanraj may not accept the baby now, she hopes that he will eventually come around, which is why she remains by his side.
Anuj explains to Anupama that he is aware Malti Devi is on her own and that they are not considered her family. Anupama questions why he is refusing now. Anuj clarifies that he wanted to discuss this matter with her privately, away from the presence of the doctor and Malti Devi. Anupama acknowledges Malti Devi’s age and health, wondering if she should be treated like their mother or Nakul’s mother by placing her in a nursing home. She also brings up the fact that Nakul mentioned Guru Maa has a son, but they are not familiar with him. Despite these predicaments, Anupama insists on taking care of Paakhi until she fully recovers before sending her elsewhere. However, she cannot help but question what lies behind Anuj’s behavior – whether it stems from his anger or something else entirely.
Adhik and Paakhi arrive at the location. She inquires about Guru Maa’s health from Anupama, who mentions that the doctor assured a speedy recovery. Prompted by Anupama’s mention of a celebration, Paakhi suggests throwing a birthday party for Anuj upon his return. Accepting this idea, Anuj agrees and Paakhi takes charge of planning it out. Meanwhile, they hear a noise and step outside to investigate. Finding Guru Maa there, she denies having caused any trouble. To reassure her, Anupama reassures her, while Malti Devi rushes to embrace Anuj stating it was an accident.
Anuj is taken aback and reassures everyone that it’s alright. The group is taken aback. Guru Maa then requests to be taken to Anuj’s residence, expressing her wish to not stay there any longer and for Anuj’s mother to accompany them. Anuj then asks Anu to look after her. Barkha explains that they often bring people they encounter on the street back home. Paakhi questions why she is behaving in such a manner. Ankush acknowledges that mental health can be complex. Anupama clarifies to Malti Devi that this was still Anuj’s house. Without another word, Anuj leaves the room with Anupama following closely behind. He expresses his discomfort with Malti Devi constantly calling him “son” and behaving in this manner, apologizing and stating his dislike towards it.
She goes to Malti Devi’s house and asks the servant to get her stuff. Babu ji finds Baa unconscious and shouts Leela. Anupama finds the birth certificate and thinks who her son is.