Anupama 25th April 2023 Written Update

Anupama written update

Anupama 25th April 2023, Written Update on

It’s fate’s signal that he and Anupama are living together, so Anuj shouldn’t lose it, Akush says to Anuj. As Barkha walks to Anupama, Anupama recalls her last drama and greets her. Barkha says she’s late. Anupama says she’s not that late, Anuj must have arrived just a few minutes earlier.

As Barkha is busy, she asks Anuj to sign the documents immediately. Ankush insists Anuj go out and meet Anupama, but Anuj continues to be panicked. Barkha continues to insist Anupama sign the documents now. Anupama says she forgot who is the boss and signing authority, and one should not order the boss, but request. Barkha asks what she means.

Barkha says she is misbehaving now. Anupama says a watchman should behave with the boss. Anupama asks who started it first, she left everything with her wish and can return any time. Barka repeats. Anupama says very good and checks the documents. Ankush insists Anuj visit Anupama.

Aakhi and Kinjal ask god to reunite Anuj and Anupama and make things right. Toshu says nothing will be good, Anuj cannot leave mummy whenever he wants to and return whenever he wants to, mummy doesn’t care about her feelings, mummy shouldn’t forgive him as he can leave her again and she can’t live in fear; Anuj won’t come to mummy if he still has a bit of shame.

In response to Paakhi’s question, Toshu asks Kinjal what the problem is if Anuj apologizes and mummy forgives him. Kinjal says Toshu cheated on her and it wasn’t a simple mistake. When Paakhi apologized to Adhik for her mistake, he forgave her; she told her mother to forgive Anuj and speak to him. Toshu asks if she is mad to suggest such a thing, Anuj will meet mummy if he wants to, and if he does not, mummy will be hurt. Paakhi says even Anuj wants to meet Mummy.

Angry Barkha asks Anupama what she is doing. Anupama replies that if she does not know, one should read the documents carefully before signing them. Barkha replies that she can trust her because she won’t steal anything. Even if she wanted to, Anupama says she couldn’t because none of it belongs to them and only to Anuj. Barkha says if she is waiting for Anuj, he came and signed the documents and left immediately; she can speak with Ankush later as he is busy.

She feels emotional seeing Anuj’s signature and thinks, if he is hesitant, she will make a move. She feels emotional seeing Anuj’s signature and thinks that he is here, but he is not coming forward; she will make a move if he is unwilling.

Ankush offers Anuj water and asks him to get together with Anupama instead of wasting time. Anuj asks how he can face her after insulting her so much. Ankush says Anupama is kind-hearted and will apologize to him. Anuj says Anupama will, but he can’t face herself. Ankush asks if he’s repenting for his mistake and wants Anupama back in his life. Anuj says he’s living for Anupama and Little Anu alone. Ankush pushes him towards the door.

Maaya believes Barkha promised not to let Anuj and Anupama meet at any cost, so she recites a poem in her mind. Anupama also recites a poem. Ankush continues to insist.

As Akush walks to Anupama and holds her hand, he asks her to enter Anuj’s cabin and meet him there. Anupama recites a poem and shyly enters the cabin. Ankush asks the staff if he saw Anuj. The staff says he just left via another door. Barkha feels happy. Ankush asks the staff if he saw Anuj and finds him there.

Anukush asks everyone to search for Anuj. Anupama believes Anuj left without seeing her, while Anuj believes staying away is his repentance and he doesn’t deserve her. Though Anupama and Anuj did not meet today, they will meet soon; her love brought him to her house, and soon it will bring him to her door. Although Anuj may not go in front of Anupama, he will continue to love her intensely. Anupama thinks her love will soon overcome his guilt and he will meet her.


Anupama needs documents so that she can open a new account for her dance school. Paakhi says she is in Mumbai at Anuj’s place and he is in front of her and the phone’s speaker is on.

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