Dabangii 13th December 2023 Written Episode Update: Arya’s Ghostly Prank on Tanmay

Dabangii Mulgi Ayee Re Ayee worldofentertainment.in

Dabangii Multi Ayee Re Ayee 13th December 2023 Written Episode Update on worldofentertainment.in

The episode begins with Arya watching Ankush sleep. Determined to teach Tanmay a lesson, she disguises herself as a ghost and sneaks out. She frightens Tanmay, making him shout, “Ghost!” She commands him to do as she says. When he apologizes, she orders him to walk like a dog. Confused, he asks why, but she tells him to be quiet and obey. Tanmay starts barking. Satya wakes up, puzzled by the barking that sounds like Tanmay. Kasturi also wakes up and hurries to check. She turns on the lights. Arya warns Tanmay not to tell anyone, threatening to “eat him” if he does and then runs to hide. Satya, confused, asks what’s going on as everyone gathers.

Satya asks what you are doing. Tanmay says I’m a dog. He barks. Satya tells him to sell him in junk tomorrow. He leaves. Kasturi asks Tanmay if he has a sense or not. Tanmay shows Arya. Kasturi says I’ll see her come along. As she knocks at the door, Baba and Ankush wake up. She tells them to call Arya outside. Ankush asks what happened. She says she scared him. He replies she’s sleeping inside. Arya appears. She acts.

I saw you coming here. Kasturi says you scared Tanmay like a ghost. Arya says I was sleeping, so she asks why she is so angry. Tanmay says she has become a ghost. Arya asks if she saw a dream. Baba says Ankush and I have seen it, Arya was sleeping, leave now. Kasturi gets angry. Tanmay coughs. Arya says come, I’ll give you water. She says ghosts don’t exist, and if you mess with me, I will not leave you.

Tanmay daydreams while Arya confidently proclaims her lack of fear. Hearing this, Kasturi assumes that Arya was responsible for the previous events and decides to return home. Frustrated, she remarks that Tanmay constantly witnesses the chaos but remains silent. Satya then directs Tanmay to open up about his fears. However, he soon scolds him and praises Arya’s courage, calling her the true embodiment of their family’s strength. Kasturi suggests raising Tanmay under Satya’s guidance so he can also become a fierce individual like his father. She instructs Tanmay to leave, and Satya mumbles in agreement. Kasturi declares her plan to seek revenge against Arya for her arrogant behavior towards her parents and seeks assistance from the listener.

He says yes. Arya says I was sleeping. Baba says Ankush, she’s sleepy. Kasturi wants an excuse to scold her. He asks Arya to sleep. Ankush shows Baba the white sheet. Arya says I got saved today.

According to Ankush, despite Kasturi and Tanmay’s denial, Arya has turned Tanmay into a dog and tricked them all. Baba finds her actions bold and attributes it to her father’s influence. He notes that Satya was also skilled at manipulating the truth. Ankush agrees, stating that Arya has inherited her father’s fearless and mischievous nature. This worries him because she spends a lot of time with Satya, and he fears that if he discovers her true identity, it could have serious consequences. He feels responsible for protecting Arya from becoming like Satya. However, Baba reminds him that she is just a young girl who is naturally playful, and he is there to prevent her from being influenced by Satya’s ways.

He asks how he will win Zai and Arya’s trust. Ankush says I’ll do whatever it takes. In the morning, Kasturi praises Satya. She says Arya’s pride will be broken, and Ankush’s game will end. He asks what plans are in place. She says I’ve done all the planning, so you must do the work and make Ankush fall under Bela’s wing.

Aai asked how the party program had happened here. Satya says a lot happens suddenly in life. He goes. Kasturi says it is politics, not kitchen fights. She goes. Aai laughs and says don’t know what she’s teaching my son. Zai gets Bela there and says it’s good decoration. Ankush hears them.

She says I won’t be going anywhere. He asks Baba to keep an eye on Arya. Bela leaves. Ankush thinks she can leave again. He stops her. He tells him to keep an eye on Arya. Baba says I don’t like to see you working for Satya. I know you are doing this for Bela and Zai, and I’m proud of you. Ankush says don’t worry, I’ll speak to Bela.

It seems my plan failed, so I’ll bring Bela back. Arya says we’ll have cake today. Baba says it’s not someone’s birthday, so why didn’t they invite us? Baba says they invited us, I’m sick, let’s go if you want. She says we’ll play a game together. He asks her to attend.

Kasturi patiently waits for Arya while Zai expresses her desire to sit in the first seat. However, Bela reminds her that it is reserved for VIPs. Zai insists that they are also VIPs. Meanwhile, Ankush checks on Bela’s well-being, and Aai explains that she has been worried because she has not eaten. Uninterested in the game of mimicry, Baba laughs and comments that Arya should follow Ankush’s footsteps instead.


Arya comes to have laddoos. Kasturi smiles. Arya says I’ll play the game and win laddoos. Kasturi says she won’t be saved anymore.

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