Mishri 9th July 2024 Written Episode Update: Tensions Rise as Mishri Seeks to Meet Raghav Before Marriage

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Mishri 9th July 2024 Written Episode Update on worldofentertainment.in

Mishri assures Grandma of her commitment to care for her, even after marriage. She wishes to meet Raghav before the wedding, and Grandma assures her that it will be arranged. Shakti is upset and shares with Bela that Mishri wants to meet another man despite their upcoming marriage. He firmly states that it will not happen. Bela reminds them that Raghav’s family has already shown interest in Mishri based on her photo, so meeting him now may cause misunderstandings. Grandma reassures Bela that Mishri has agreed to the marriage, and Bela offers advice to Mishri accordingly.

In the meantime, Raghav’s family is delighted when Kalpana’s car arrives. Parvati feels out of place and tells Raghav she needs to rest because of her wheezing problem. He assists her to her room. Shakti, wearing a modern shirt, tries to impress Mishri in the kitchen by asking if he looks handsome. Mishri says he does, but Babli wonders what’s going on.

Grandma discreetly aids Mishri by writing down the groom’s details on the back of a photo, for which Mishri expresses gratitude. Shortly after, Kalpana and her spouse arrive, and Sulekha performs an arathi. As Kalpana takes in her surroundings, she is introduced to Ridhi, who impresses her with her courteous demeanor. Bela also compliments Shakti’s appearance. To distract everyone, Mishri unleashes a rat into the room. However, while trying to retrieve the horoscope, Bela snatches it away and hands Mishri a newspaper instead. After resolving the rat situation, Bela criticizes Mishri’s cleaning skills and threatens to harm her hand.

Parvati asks Raghav to meet Kalpana, but he insists on staying with her until she convinces him otherwise. Raghav scolds her for not sleeping properly. He reminds her to always keep her inhaler. Sulekha asks Kalpana about Vani and the same state of the house. Kalpana lies and says Vani is busy with work, so Sulekha requests a video call with Vani.

Giri tells Mishri they can’t find the groom’s name and address, but Mishri has memorized it. Grandma suggests she write it down behind Raghav’s photo, calling him her king. She can’t wait to meet him. When Kalpana shows Vani everyone, Vani refuses to attend.

Sulekha praises Raghav, and they celebrate their wedding anniversary. Raghav imagines Vani there until she calls him, saying her car has a flat tyre. He rushes to help her, and Mishri joins him.

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