Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 5th June 2024 Written Episode Update: Sagar Confronts Koyal, Vedika’s Job Interview

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Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 5th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on worldofentertainment.in

In the pooja, Saraswathi, Vedika, and Koyal are performing when the pandit Ji requests the dupatta for them both. When Koyal sees him signaling her, he goes to grab the dupatta, while Vedika also takes the dupatta while standing alongside Saraswathi. According to Koyal, Pandit Ji is making them afraid for no reason. She believes that if she finds one wealthy individual, all of her troubles will be over, but she needs Bhagwan’s support for this.

Sagar, standing below the stairs, notices Koyal and thinks she is the same girl, so he assumes she is the one who took her wallet. After vowing not to leave her, he runs from the back of the Mandir, but he gets caught in the crowd. Koyal, however, turns back when she sees Sagar amongst the crowds. She wonders what he is doing here and runs out of the Mandir.

As Saraswathi stands with Vedika when the Diya is presented to her she takes it to Bhagwan, then Vedika takes one as well, but Sagar coming from behind just sees her dupatta, and he forcefully pulls her out when she asks how she could touch him when they are all watching.

As Sagar says that he won’t listen to her excuses today since she first caused a scene about the accident then stole his wallet, Koyal thinks she’s safe from a distance. As Saraswathi searches for the girls, Pandit Ji asks if they ran away, revealing the girls are the same; Saraswathi replies that no one should stop anyone from achieving their goals. While talking with each other, the constable pulls a criminal out of jail and says that his case is from twenty years ago and it was a hit-and-run that hasn’t been resolved, the same driver that hit Gautham’s vehicle.

In a fit of rage, Sagar tugged at Vedika’s hand and stumbled on the stairs, causing them both to fall. He took one look at her and remarked that she seemed different. Vedika quickly got up, accusing Sagar of purposely provoking her. He tried to clarify that it was all a misunderstanding, but she retorted with the fact that he had brought her from the temple but now claimed he wasn’t teasing her. As Sagar attempted to explain himself, Vedika pointed out that he was still gripping her hand. Onlookers questioned why Sagar was harassing the girl, to which he attempted to explain that his wallet had been stolen.

Vedika inquires if he believes she is a thief, to which Koyal interjects with a suggestion that he learn a lesson. She points out that Sagar’s inappropriate behavior in broad daylight, right in front of the temple, deserves repercussions. Handing a stick to someone nearby, she urges them to strike Sagar, although he explains that he just saw her dupatta. Despite this explanation, the crowd still moves forward to attack him. However, he manages to stop them. Suddenly, one of the boys threatens to confront Sagar but ends up attempting to hit him instead. In response, Sagar throws another punch.

Upon Vedika’s response that he could potentially be charged under section 353, Sagar assures her that he is fully aware of the possible legal consequences. The surrounding crowd seems to be confused by their exchange. Sagar then brings up a past instance where a judge dismissed similar accusations as mere harassment tactics. Vedika adds that even the supreme court had been involved in reviewing the ruling. In response, Sagar reveals his plan to take legal action against her, prompting her to inquire about the specific section under which he would be filing the case.

She should be charged with IPC 352, Sagar says, and Vedika replies Sagar also should be charged for slapping the person, Sagar says it is not a crime to save oneself, the crowd asks what IPC is, both reply Indian Penal Court, then the crowd starts making fun of them, Sagar says she blamed him and even instigated the crowd to hit him, Vedika replies that no one has time to listen to his foolish talk, she gets a call then replies she is coming in half an hour,

He does not understand when Vedika replies that she has to go for an interview because she was not born into a wealthy family, so he runs away when he sees Koyal. While standing by her scooter, Vedika asks Koyal why she left before the Arthi, Koyal replies she was followed by a stranger when Vedika asks Koyal if there is a cafe here where she can give an interview. Koyal says the scent of fresh tea is unlike any other, and Vedika looks at the balloon and recalls her childhood.

Koyal inquires about her interview and Vedika responds, expressing her love for balloons. Koyal then reveals her preference for tea and invites Vedika to sit on the bench while she goes to fetch some. Meanwhile, Vedika sends a voice text to her mother detailing her visit to the mandir and how, despite her parents’ warnings, she believes she has found someone trustworthy in the world. However, she also mentions that she is feeling anxious about an upcoming online job interview that she must pass in order to secure a job.

Saraswathi emerges from the Pandit’s presence and assures him that she has completed the Varth with a simple prayer. Sagar, her friend, acknowledges that her timely arrival was crucial for the successful completion of the ceremony. Curious about how everything went, he inquires if things went smoothly. Saraswathi wonders where he was all this time, to which he responds with a strange incident that occurred while driving his car. He recounts how a woman and her daughter stole his wallet while pretending to tie his shoe lace. Saraswathi chuckles at the thought of encountering such people in the world. She then shares her own experience of encountering two girls who saved her from falling earlier in the day.

A tensed Vedika asks Koyal what happened, Koyal reassures her that Vedika will surely get the job, so Vedika asks if she is so certain. Vedika replies the interview went well and she is just praying she gets the job. Sagar tells Saraswathi that her prayers will be answered this time, Saraswathi asks when she can meet her daughters, Koyal says Vedika will get the job.

The driver is in the police van when the constable says he hit the chairman of the Masala company and is just getting the dates of the court, as he remembers that Digvijay promised that he would be free, but he did not keep his word. He states that he received the verdict the same day, so he has been separated from his family, and he simply wants to meet up with the lady whose family he has destroyed for so long.

As the driver has not responded to Sagar’s call, Saraswathi praises Sagar because he helped her complete the Varth. Sagar says that he will settle the score after they meet Jhanvi. Vedika gives the money to the Vendor, Koyal asks why she gave the money, so she starts cleaning her nose, and Koyal recalls that Jhanvi would also do the same, so she is concerned.

There is still some time in the court, so the constable suggests they drink tea. He asks the driver to park the car next to the Mandir and then tells him to pray to Bhagwan for his meeting. The driver believes that he wants to meet the person he lied to in order to feel calm. Outside the Mandir, Saraswathi can be seen by the driver.


As Digvijay says they have only two days, Vedika replies that bowing before evil is a mistake, entering the mansion, she threatens Digvijay to see him in court.

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