Anupama 28th January 2024 Written Episode Update : Anupama Faces New Challenges

Anupama written update

Anupama 28th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anupama is shocked by Toshu’s misbehaviour. Kinjal tearfully apologizes, saying, “I’m sorry, Mummy.” Anupama responds, “I should have corrected him in his childhood instead of letting it slide. If I were the old Anupama, I would have cried. But nothing can break me now.” Yashdeep comments that a mother like Anupama can withstand the pain of her children’s ignorance. Beeji asks if Anu has someone special in her life, reminding her that she used to talk about joining the army. She adds that Anupama misses her daughters-in-law and grandchildren despite all her accomplishments. Yashdeep dismisses the topic, saying he needs to rest for tomorrow’s meeting with the event organizer for their stall. As Beeji worries about Anupama’s well-being, Yashdeep reassures her by calling her a tigress.

Kinjal is advised to stand up for her self-respect and not get rammed under the husband’s feet by Anupama; being silent is not always patience but weakness, and what you are teaching your daughter is to endure the torture silently. Beeji tells Yashdeep about some customers, Shruti and someone coming to meet Anupama, who is calling her Joshi Ben. Yashdeep says they may be lacking food made by her.

As Vanraj enters the house, he can hear the children playing and Ishani and Mahi accusing Ansh of cheating. Pakhi urges him to discuss the tower with Babu ji, reminding him she also has a share in it. He goes to Babu ji, who presents him with sweets. Suddenly, Ansh throws a ball at Vanraj and blames Mahi for it. She quickly apologizes and explains that Ansh did it by accident, calling Vanraj “Papa” in the process. However, Vanraj angrily corrects her by saying he is not her father. Just then, Kavya arrives and questions his behaviour towards Mahi. Vanraj demands that Kavya tell the truth about their relationship. However, Kavya denies any involvement or knowledge of what is going on.

Upon entering the kitchen, Anupama tidies up the disarray and offers a prayer to Maa Annapurna. After preparing breakfast, Kinjal joins her and expresses gratitude for her presence, stating how it brings joy and warmth to their home. She apologizes for the mess in the kitchen, but Anupama reassures her there is no need for apologies and invites her to sit down. As she serves Kinjal tea and poha, she encourages her to enjoy the meal. This thoughtful gesture touches Kinjal as it is the first time someone has prepared breakfast for her. She thanks Anupama for creating such a peaceful morning and relishes her cup of tea while asking about the comfort of her mattress. Anupama shares that she had to sleep on the street when she first arrived, but now she is grateful for shelter and a comfortable bed. She thanked Kanha Ji before settling down for a well-deserved rest.

Kinjal apologizes for her mistake and receives a call from her employer, explaining that she had a family emergency. Anupama inquires about the situation, and Kinjal admits to forgetting to submit the project on time. She expresses concern about losing her job and how she will manage her financial responsibilities. Kinjal contemplates how to communicate with her boss. Anupama advises her to stay calm, go to the office, and talk to her boss directly. She reminds Kinjal that she has a meeting and can’t jeopardize her job. Anupama decides to make a list of things needed in the meantime.

Anuj invites Shruti to meet him later, explaining that he has to make arrangements for their meeting. While doing so, he notices a pamphlet proclaiming it a lucky day. Just then, Pari enters and embraces Anupama. She inquires about her whereabouts, and Anumapa replies that she has stepped out. Pari then asks if she can have some poha, to which Anupama agrees. Meanwhile, Toshu arrives with a headache and requests Kinjal to make him some coffee. As he glances at Anupama, he recalls their earlier conversation, where he disapproves of her presence in the morning. A flashback shows him speaking to Kinjal about not wanting the woman around in the morning.

She says I will not meet or speak to her, but you will have to work, take care of Pari and take care of the home. She asks him to bring the Nanny, as I cannot. He tells her that servants are paid per hour in America. She asks him to do work then. Mummy will take care of Pari if she stays here, and she says we need her, and she needs us. She says you do not agree to return to India. Facebook ends.

She tells Pari to brush her teeth, and I’ll make your breakfast. Toshu apologizes for being rude to her by touching her feet. Anupama says she cannot forgive him. Kanha can forgive him. She asks him to respect his wife and not come drunk in front of Pari. Toshu leaves home. Anupama says he went. She says she has to go to a meeting and calls Kinjal, but she doesn’t answer. She sends Yashdeep to send the address.

Anuj arrives for the meeting and notices the shop board with Anuja’s name. This reminds him of Anupama, and a sentimental song begins to play in his head. Meanwhile, Kinjal returns home, only to find that Anupama has left. She resolves to bring her back. As Anuj looks around, he realizes that Joshi Ben is not present. On the other hand, Anupama firmly believes everyone is responsible for their relationships as she is now focused on her work.

Yashdeep says his team will be coming here and apologizes for making him wait. Anupama asks the taxi driver to drive fast. Anuj asks if we will meet alone. Anuj says he arrived early. Yashdeep says even I, a retired army man, came early. Yashdeep is impressed. They mingle well. Anupama asks the driver to stop on the way because they are stuck in traffic. He asks for 50 dollars. Anupama pays him and walks.

Anuj is known for speaking about his love poetically. As Anupama approaches, she glances at the shop board and notices the name Anuj. A song starts playing… Her attention then shifts to the name Anuja. Anuj proclaims that she is his everything – his life, identity, and the dream he longs to see come true. Hearing this, Anupama agrees to join him. As he finishes his poetry, Yashdeep expresses his desire to experience such intense love. Anuj assures him that no one is like her. He inquires if Yashdeep has fallen in love yet, to which he responds negatively. Anuj believes their love resides within Yashdeep’s heart and is reflected in his eyes. He suggests they shift their focus back to work.

According to Yashdeep, the chef can come there. The chef is coming there. Anupama looks at Anuj’s back and recalls Devika’s words. She tries to see his face. A thing falls. Anuj bends down to pick it up, and his heart beats faster. When he realizes she is there, he turns and sees Anupama. She recalls all the moments with him. Yashdeep wonders if they are friends. Anupama tears. Anuj also gets emotional.


When Anupama is about to fall, he holds her hand and asks why she hasn’t come in front of him for so many years. Anupama asks God why he brought her a storm that was stagnant water. Anuj says love is like a ship that sails the ocean. I am Anupama’s past; don’t let him come in front of me.

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