Meet 12th June 2023 Written Update

Meet 12th June 2023 Written Episode and Written Update on

Meet and Shagun are on the street when Meet strongly encourages Shagun to focus on her own life, giving her the ticket she needs to return to America. Suddenly, Shagun receives a call from her son asking her to come home soon. She tells him to finish his online class and Meet suggests that it would be for the best if Shagun simply lets go of any revenge-oriented plans and finds happiness with her family. Playfully teasing Shagun, Meet puts on her sunglasses before getting on Sumeet’s scooter. As they move along, a man falls in front of them; Meet immediately jumps off to see if he’s okay. The stranger mocks the female Sarkar, provoking a loud shout from Shagun who threatens revenge.

Sumeet voices his disapproval as a group of men stand in his mother’s way, jeering at her status as the Sarkar. Meet calmly gets off her scooter and takes off her helmet, then proceeds to pick up a rod and walk towards them. The men relax at the sight of her composed stance, inadvertently finding themselves entwined in some sarees which were left hanging nearby. She asserts that there is no gender bias for one to become the Sarkar, evoking chuckles from everyone. All the ladies applaud her courage, with Sumeet adding a humorous comment about their situation in the sarees.

Gunwanti intentionally sets herself alight, and when Jasodha moves to help her, she refuses. Deeming this suspicious, the bystanders are soon ensnared in a web of drama fuelled by Gunwanti’s false accusations. By the time Meet and Manmeet have arrived on the scene, she has collapsed. Quickly thereafter she is taken to hospital for treatment.

The inspector interrogates the villagers about their experience. They discuss Gunwanti’s burning and her accusations that Jasodha was to blame for it. Manmeet requests that they stop talking and informs the inspector about how Jasodha couldn’t commit such a crime, suggesting his hands were burned while rescuing Gunwanti. Nevertheless, despite this, Jasodha still gets arrested, leaving both Manmeet and Meet disheartened. On seeing Sarkar’s health getting worse, Manmeet is taken aback. He is told by Meet that he should take care of Sarkar while she talks with Mahendra. Eventually she does speak to him, trying to comprehend why Gunwanti falsely charged Jasodha and why he was arrested in spite of her explanation.

Meet begs Mahendra to put their differences aside and come to Jasodha’s aid, who is his mother, but he refuses. Meet then steps into the ward and happens to be taken aback by the sight of Gunwanti with her burnt face. Gunwanti questions if Meet wanted her demise, but Meet calms her down by assuring that Jasodha would never do anything like this and that there must be some kind of misunderstanding. Not long after, Shagun appears and tells Meet that it was time for her to go away, not allowing any form of escape for Meet.


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