Pandya Store 19th January 2023 Written Update

Pandya Store

After Krish finishes his work, he is seen in Canada. He gets a call and says I’m coming, Dad. Chiku says we’ll fly all the kites. Gautam ties the strings together. Chiku’s friends arrive.

Chiku scares a boy with a lizard and scolds him for laughing at his dad. Gautam laughs. Dhara looks at him. He makes the kids leave. Chiku is hugged by Gautam and Dhara. Dev and Rishita are in Allahabad. She praises her son Shesh to the principal. Shesh does mischief. Dev sees their family picture and stays sad. It is Uttarayan today, we lost our daughter on this day, and you are talking about boarding Shesh.

As both of us are working, you spoilt him, he deserves to be in a boarding school. He says explain him with love, I’ll handle him. She says fine, resigns, we’ll go back to Somnath, we can’t afford this lifestyle on my salary alone, Shesh is going to boarding school. She gets sad. Gautam is drunk. He goes upstairs with Chiku. Dhara gets upset. Shiva is in Vadodara. He writes Pandya Store on the wall. Raavi comes and wipes the name.

She feeds him the laddoo. Afterwards, he asks why didn’t Dhara make it. She says you have tired me, this isn’t Somnath or Pandya’s home. Dhara tries to fly the kite. Gautam helps her fly the kite. Raavi says we don’t stay at Pandya’s house anymore. He says everyone stays here. Come, let’s fly a kite.

He says no, I won’t eat it, I have to go. She says sit here else.. I will give you bitter medicines without sugar. Shiva says you cheat on me. She says I will get your food and then you have the medicines. Their son comes and wishes them a happy Uttarayan. Shesh asks Dev to give money. Shesh argues with Rishita. He takes the money. Raavi and Shiva smile. They wish Mittu and hug each other.

I asked him to get three kites, our family consists of just three people, you, me, and Mittu. Shiva says I stay busy at the store, don’t you take care of her, she talks nonsense. Then Shiva asks him to fly kites with his uncles. Raavi says not to go upstairs, there is no one, and kids will beat you. I will take you when there is someone. I will go and see how this happened, I will see what happened. She says rest, we will meet later. Rishita scolds Shesh.

Dev hugs Shesh. He says I will buy kites for you. Suman feels uneasy. Gautam and Dhara fly the kites. Abhi mujhme kahin…plays… She cries. Gautam dances on udi udi jaaye and flies the kite. Dhara holds him. Suman calls out Dhara. Gautam loses the kite and cries.


Dhara goes to see Suman. She sees him falling down. Chiku gets the kites and says I got all the uncles back. Suman shouts Dhara. Dhara heads to see Suman. She sees him lying on the ground.

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