Shiv Shakti 30th July 2023 Written Episode Update on
People taunt Shakti for being a gold-digger when she comes out of the house. Shiv is going to her and prays for her strength. He asks the driver to drive fast since he cannot drive. He says I can’t let anything happen to Shakti. On the other side, people taunt Shakti for her shamelessness.
Mandira says only you can solve our problems, and Gayatri says that girl Shakti. Mandira says just tell me what to do. She says that girl Shakti. She asked me to sign the scholarship form when she came home that day, and I sent her to you. Gayatri says she just wanted to get signature on the form, but everyone is taunting Shiv and Shakti now. Mandira says oh really..
You love Shiv right, so don’t be mad at him for going against you. You know I was ready to sign her form, but she already went to Shiv’s room. She said it wasn’t at all, and you know I was ready to sign it. She said that girls in her class can do anything to get what they want, but Gayatri says Shakti’s isn’t the same. We shouldn’t talk here, Mandira says. You go to your room and I’ll follow suit.
Shiv asks for Shakti’s address in the market, but no one tells him. Others taunt him from the news. Shiv stays calm and looks around. Shakti is in the market, and guys are taunting her.
Padma tells Mandira that if Shakti reveals that you asked her to beg for the scholarship, it could lead to trouble for you. To address this issue, Mandira confidently states that she knows how to handle such situations and it’s time to clean the house from any unwanted behaviors. While she didn’t have a problem with Gayatri’s silence in the house, her mistake of sending Shakti to Shiv’s room resulted in him going against Mandira and giving the scholarship to Shakti. As a consequence, Mandira believes that Gayatri should be punished. Padma questions who will take action, to which Mandira responds by saying fear will do the job. Padma expresses her disapproval towards Mandira’s intentions, calling her evil. Undeterred by Padma’s comment, Mandira proceeds towards Gayatri’s room, confident that Padma knows what needs to be done in her absence as she exits the area.
When Shakti arrives at the pharmacy, people taunt her. When she asks for an inhaler from the pharmacist, he asks if she wants anything in return. He gives her the inhaler and she gives him the money, but he says you can give me your time. When Shakti asks for a change, he gives it to her. She falls and a woman taunts her for stooking low.
Mandira comes to Gayatri’s room and Gayatri says Shiv and Shakti are not wrong. In order to get the sign, I asked her to go to Shiv’s room. Mandira says that that girl is cheap, but you know Shiv’s condition. Gayatri says no, that girl seemed like a blessing to me. Shiv spoke indirectly to me for the first time in 6 years after she entered the house. I do not think Shakti can do anything wrong, since he acknowledged me as a mother.
Together with Padma, Ragunath arrives and declares that he has had enough. He accuses the person in front of him for repeatedly putting Shiv in danger, leading to the dishonor of their family. He continues to state that this individual has also brought devastation upon their happiness and has caused them immense loss. Expressing his anger towards this person, he charges forward but is stopped by Mandira who steps in the way. In response, she smirks and exits. Ragunath then shuts the door behind him and pulls out his belt. Outside, Mandira and Padma overhear sounds of Ragunath physically punishing Gayatri. Despite her reluctance, Mandira believes she must resort to such measures for the sake of her son’s well-being.
As Shakti leaves the market, she sees some goons approaching.
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